


Jedi? nah

I want to be Han Solo so I can have my wicked way with Carrie Fisher :D


Re: Jedi? nah

Originally posted by PJS
I want to be Han Solo so I can have my wicked way with Carrie Fisher :D

since its a computer game it will be more like Hand Solo .. if you know what i mean ;)


I'm really looking forward to the skill systems. DAoC's levelling system left me totally cold. Just the depth of not having a character purely built for fighting or healing in fights, (or someone button bashing in crafting to get items to use to help in fights or protect in fights). Damnit, some days I don't want to fight, I'd like to herd some cats, or bake a cake, or leave story books over the land with clues for a treasure hunt.


Originally posted by Teh Fonz!!1
You're weird. You know that don't you?



Ive looked in and pretty much put apart every mmorpg out there from the info available and so far im most impressed with SWG. It offers the kinda freedom that made UO so great, you can become pretty much anything, the game doesnt require you to do any combat at all if you so wish. You be a farmer, entertainer, join the imperial or the rebels... pretty much anything that exists in the star wars universe.

The graphics are just amazing, having looked at the movies from the EA 2002 as well as whatever is available around the net. Its just amazing to see all the creatuers living their own lives around the world(s) hunting other creatures or players, seing a huge AT AT walking slowly down the landscape (you can actually control one of those if you got the right skills and have joined the Imperial) made me pee my pants in amazement... and the weather effects, it was like.... wow. its like nothing ive ever seen in a mmorpg or other games for that matter. Sand storms, moon/sun cycles (some planets got more than 1 moon/sun... shadow effects on everything), usable vechicles (as well as a future space expansion with space combat)...

everything youve seen in the star wars movies... its in the game!
It has a complex crafting system, you can make unique items, you can invent new items!

The new POI system seems very impressive, Point Of Interest, it creates random dynamic quests around the world, stuff like rescuing some slaves from a band of Huts and stuff like that. Having blaster fights like youve seen in the movies with imperial soldiers...

Theres 9 planets in the game, each 16x16km (one planet is bigger than whole of Everquest!), 15x15 being playable (the rest 1x1 being there to prevent from sudden zonewalls).

You can build player cities, pretty much anywhere, heck you can have your own little hut in the middle of nowhere if you so wish. You can turn your player city into a rebel or imperial encampment...

As for the leet kids wanting to be Jedis, I doubt it will happen, firstly you need to open up a Force Sensivite player slot, this requires months and months of playing. Once you get that Force Sensivite slot opend, the character will have Perma death, one death and hes a goner. Not until you become Master Jedi is the perma death lifted of. Seing a Master Jedi or even a Jedi Knigth around is as rare as in the movies... most likely something like 1 in 1000 migth make it there... in return though, Jedis are very powerful, read somewhere a single Jedi that knows what hes doing can take down a full group of players (groups can be up to 20 players).

I hope this game lives up to what its on paper...


Originally posted by Aeternus
As for the leet kids wanting to be Jedis, I doubt it will happen, firstly you need to open up a Force Sensivite player slot, this requires months and months of playing. Once you get that Force Sensivite slot opend, the character will have Perma death, one death and hes a goner. Not until you become Master Jedi is the perma death lifted of. Seing a Master Jedi or even a Jedi Knigth around is as rare as in the movies... most likely something like 1 in 1000 migth make it there... in return though, Jedis are very powerful, read somewhere a single Jedi that knows what hes doing can take down a full group of players (groups can be up to 20 players).

and every jedi is KoS by Imperials ;).. and every nonfactioned will prolly hunt them too for the bounty :).

So IF someone becomes a jedi (or forcesensitive even) it will be a fulltime job just to keep it hidden.....

Originally posted by Aeternus

I hope this game lives up to what its on paper...

maybe not 100% but very close (like you wont be able to drive an AT-AT at launch, but will be implemented later, like so many other mmorpgs do *cough*daocguildhousing*cough* :)


Not until you become Master Jedi is the perma death lifted of.

Not quite, if you die as a Jedi Master you become a blue ghost like Obi Wan, Anakin and Yoda were at the end of the Original Trilogy.

Thier proffession defining skills are

-they are blue
-they glow
-they can chat

But it's something to show off to the lady Zabraks.

As for vehicles, unfortunately they're postponed at launch, but unlike Mythic I believe the development team is staying around to do the space expansion, so they'll have people there that know the code ;) Other postponed features: Ridable mounts, Dark Jedi (they say they don't expect anyone to be Jedi by the time this is implemented anyway so no biggy), Player Cities (housing is in for launch, but politician skills and city design are postponed, and planned to be the first additions after launch)


im pretty sure it said somewhere that Master Jedis dont suffer perma death...


Its a bit cheap in a Sci Fi game set on a bunch of worlds that you cant actually fly a spaceship until the first expansion comes out - shouldnt this have been in the base release and wont smugglers look silly...


Originally posted by rynnor
Its a bit cheap in a Sci Fi game set on a bunch of worlds that you cant actually fly a spaceship until the first expansion comes out - shouldnt this have been in the base release and wont smugglers look silly...

Well to be honest, id rather have the game now, than wait another 6 months for spaceships I wont afford at the release anyway...


kind of, the question is do you show off your leet managed-to-get-to-jedi-master-before-permadeath skillz or do you delete and start again :)


Out of interest why would i understand if i've seen ep 2? i have seen it but i don't get what your talking about

Well in the books the Death Star is designed on the same facility that did the Sun Crusher - The Maw installation.

However in Episode 2 look at the plans that Count Dooku takes away with him on Geonosis after they retreat from the Republic clone army....if ya still dont see then d'oh!

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