

The Carl Pilkington of Freddyshouse
Dec 22, 2003
Been playing it for a few hours.

All I can say is hmmmmmmmmmmm? :eek:

Binky the Bomb

Fledgling Freddie
Jan 31, 2004
Some give us all a clue pls.
WTF is swg? Just the name, details we can get for ourselves.


Dec 25, 2003
Star Wars Galaxies... first Star Wars mmorpg, and no I've not played it.


FH is my second home
Dec 23, 2003
Imagine all the bad bits of every MMO released to date, all rolled into one, with a shiny crafting system, Star Wars environment and mounts.

SWG in a nutshell.


Failed Geordie and Parmothief
Jan 2, 2004
play it for a month then shout WTF AM I DOING!"

Binky the Bomb

Fledgling Freddie
Jan 31, 2004
Christ. Sounds crap. mind you, as long as all the little jedi wannabes all jump in there then, they will all stay out of Middle Earth Online (when the damn thing is ready for release) and DAoC of course (cant forget that).

Besides, if you want wookie action, play Knights of the Old Republic (KotOR).


The Carl Pilkington of Freddyshouse
Dec 22, 2003
I'll have to say, the little girl scout I made it so cute, I've got the horn for her.

Then this this other girl character comes up and starts blowing kisses. ;)

There must be like a 100 emotes and you can customise your character to a ridiculous degree.

But it's just, well......shite really.
Funny things like you can click on someone and see every quest they've done and spin their char round in a box and the char is doing what ever they are doing at the time.
When I logged onto Tatoonie or whatever, everyone was dancing.


Jan 31, 2004
Bugged to fuck is all I can say, go to some plannets and u find enemies that cant even catch u so u just run getting free xp.........

SWG sucks :m00:


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 8, 2004
disapointed in SWG. Played it for about 8 weeks.
Made a master doctor/pistoleer then master pikeman.

Main things that got me where:-

a). The skill tree means if you dont dedicate ALL of your character to pvp then you will be complete rubbish. So forget any form of crafting if you wanna pvp and vice versa (1 char per galaxy/account..).

b). No autosplit. Every 'loot' hunt i went on was a mad scramble with people hitting macroed buttons to grab the loot. No way to autosplit, no way to tell who grabbed the items, not even a way to tell what dropped.

c). Buggy game. I had 5 attempts at doing one of the missions for the rebel cause before I gave up, I had to resuce some dude and kill the bad guys round him. Took me loads of cash (10k cr) for a round trip, had stuff like him spawning on a greater rancor lair (he attacked the rancors too, lol), spawning inside a 'no combat zone' where I couldnt attack his captives so couldnt rescue him, just not being at the waypoint, etc, etc.

and oh the lag in coronet city, the entire population of the game just seems to camp outside the main starport entrance, and with all their macros setup to spam rubbish every 3 seconds.


FH is my second home
Dec 22, 2003
On releaseday the game was still so bugged I had to run around in an empty world.
All mobs were invisible to me but they had no trouble seeing me...

Most players I know say they still play it because they are huge Star Wars fans (even if the game sucks)


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 23, 2003
Played beta3 and the first month of retail. Quit because its a worse grind than DAoC and there simply isnt any end-game incentive to keep playing (the pvp was very imbalanced). Also there was precious little content at all - quests were just fedex or extermination missions.
It does have some good things going tho: A pretty nice crafting system (but horizons system is even better), very nice graphics and good animations etc and i liked the skill/exp system (although it took ages getting anywhere in it).

Reactivated before christmas to see if anything had changed for the better but quickly found myself wondering what to do, and why. Didnt play more than a couple days, then went back to DAoC again :)

Binky the Bomb

Fledgling Freddie
Jan 31, 2004
Fantastic, sounds like a game i'm gonna go buy any play for ages!!!!!!!!!!!
Note the sarcasm there. Think ill stay with KotOR, until i can be arsed installing all my AD&D games. As Dwarfdeeps sig says, cant wait for MEO.


Failed Geordie and Parmothief
Jan 2, 2004
if it wasnt for macros the game would be dead :/ cos all anyone does it macro.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 1, 2004
Hello People,
Well there always has to be one awkward sod, dosen't there. I am playing it and I like it. Yes its a grind, yes the PvP can suck, I don't craft so that does not hold me.
I was a champ in DAoC, thats all I could ever be, (kids, wife, work lead to not enough time to level a hero with Det to be of any use in the DAoC end game) unlike in SWG where if I fancy changing what I do then I can.
In the end all MMORPGS are the same, kill monsters for xp and in DAoC drops and cash, in SWG the cash is usually from someone else, i.e. your killing the mobs for a reason someone is paying you :) , group up and kill harder mobs. Reach as high as you can in your chosen profession and then go and PvP or RvR Or basically kill other human beings avatars rather than computer generated Mobs. In between do some quests, shoot the shit with friends and strangers and generally have a good time.


Uncle Sick

One of Freddy's beloved
Dec 23, 2003
What Gengi said basically...

and now with the latest release and the next coming up all I can say is that you cannot compare what SWG was at launch and what it is now.

Same goes for DAoC... which is repetitive as all mmog's but in a boring way.
Crafting is pure joy in SWG, like hunting for your ingredients, setting up harvesters, being able to experiment with your products, customizing armor, weapons, clothes.

And everyone being a dancer? Bullshit.
Be what you want to be - you start with a pool of points you can assign to what? Two dozen professions?
What can you do with your DAoC character in order not to gimp it? Cookie cutter chars... or switching to random fotm character in order not to get wtf-pwned in pvp.
I have not encountered once class, not even Bounty Hunters, I cannot grill with my flamethrower.

The only down side for me atm is that the loot system sucks (in order to guarantee that the player economy functions properly) - but that has already been partially resolved.

You can't compare both games really... I have been playing DAoC since beta until SWG release - therefore I can honestly say that DAoC is just a glorified beat em up.
One might as well start with a cookie cutter l50 and go RvR-ing... there aren't really alot of differences in how to spec your character ie your character end product.

But the less DAoC kids invading my server, the better.

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