


SWG = Star Wars Galaxies... I will be boikoting that silly game. I hate sci-fi shootemups anyway. I really enjoy the DAoC typed of games. With knights, dragons and not silly people running around in spacesuits... I guess I'll stick with DAoC untill the end of time ;P

Star Wars, nice movies, loved them as a child. But why ruin it with making games? Damn it LOTR has already been ruined(I still love the book) with so much publisity. I hope GOA comes togheter and makes DAoC the best yet again. Maybe it will never happened, but this is my point of view. Any more oppinions? :p


Da da dada da da da da dadada dum te te dum.
trrrrrrrrrrrrrrriiiiinnnnnnnnnn, vrooooooooooom,
theme tune and light saber sounds
Game must be tried at least
Probably concurrently with DAoC for a bit then see which one takes my fancy.



p.s the original Theme Tune :rolleyes:


Originally posted by old.Gombur Glodson
What a completely useless post.
er his or mine or both and How caring is that ????? :p

A saddened Gengee


re: completely useless post

No it isn't a useless post.

You can turn it around and then ask how many will defect from DAoC to SWG from this topic...

I for one will probably try it for a month and see whether its worth playing both or choosing one over the other.

old.Gombur Glodson

Have a hug Gengi.
/em hugs Gengi.
Well shouldnt it have been posted in the OT then :flame:


Originally posted by old.Gombur Glodson

Well shouldnt it have been posted in the OT then :flame:

Probably as much as your topic with the armored dog should've been. But the again it's all in the eyes of the beholder :)

EDIT: armoured or armored? argh dunno :D

old.Gombur Glodson

I guess but it was a cute little joke with daoc, albs, tincans and zergs now, whats not daoc related there?
/em hugs Ragnarok.


Originally posted by old.Gombur Glodson
What a completely useless post.

Well I think your post is 20 times more useless.

Sad fact is that most of the crappy one line posts and stupid comments on this forum are far more irritating than someone who at least tried to make an effort.


Originally posted by old.Gombur Glodson
I guess but it was a cute little joke with daoc, albs, tincans and zergs now, whats not daoc related there?
/em hugs Ragnarok.

Well like I said, it all comes down to personal opinion :)

And if you hug me again I will tear your stuffings out, muahaha :flame:

old.Gombur Glodson

Originally posted by Gef

Well I think your post is 20 times more useless.

Sad fact is that most of the crappy one line posts and stupid comments on this forum are far more irritating than someone who at least tried to make an effort.

Oh yes, a post about how one will boycut Swg because he doesn't like sci-fi games and prefers fantasy, and how he hopes GOA will make daoc better. What an effort, yes I must agree.
This will surely turn into a great debate about how Swg it crap and daoc is just soo much better, heck while we're at it lets talk about EQ vs Daoc because that would also be a great effort.


Gombur I never once said it was a great effort, I said at least he TRIED to make an effort. Snyde remarks help no one.

old.Gombur Glodson

So if I were to make a post about how I would boycut people who only have 3 people in a tangler group, I would in your eyes be trying to make an effort?


Sure, its better than the usual stupid conversations that seem to have become a real trend on these forums. Well thought out posts and real debates seem to have taken a sharp nose dive in this place.


I am very interested in the ongoing evolution of muds and mmorpgs, and SWG is interesting for many reasons. It's wrapped around one of the largest merchandising phenomena of the twentieth century - Star Wars - and is going to get the attention of hundreds of thousands of people who would never have tried everquest or ultima online. It's been in development for many years now, with big financing behind it. What kind of gameplay will they come up with, and how will it evolve once the game opens? Are they really going to be able to give us anything new, or will it be the same old stuff we have already seen in existing games, but with nicer graphics? Will Sony be able to handle the huge numbers of people who will want to play and give them enough stable servers, or will their infrastructure collapse under their own popularity? The community will be the biggest of any MMORPG except Lineage - how will that evolve? How will Sony try to deal with the huge numbers of cheaters and hackers that will flock to the game - will they stick to what they learned while running Everquest or try something new? Will this game actually manage to expand the numbers of online gamers in America and Europe?

To me, these are all interesting questions and I will be watching eagerly to see how it all comes out. As for actually playing it, for me it's still too early to tell. I will wait for the rollout of the game, and watch the reviews to see what the early players are saying about it. But of all the new MMORPGs currently in development - and there are probably a lot more than you think - this is the one to watch just because of the potential player base and the money behind it.

old.Gombur Glodson

And this is, in your opinion, a step towards the right direction?


Trying to start a debate, yeah. Trying to kill one with pointless one line put downs, nah.

If you havent got anything constructive to say then dont say it. Just makes you look like an unfortunate troll. (sic)


OK, SWG is good if you like sci-fi and the world...

DaoC is good if you like medieval and the world...

AO(gods forbid) is good if you like that kind of..mm..stuff...

But i have to agree that why bother to come to a -DAOC- board to boicot SWG? Isn't there a better place, like the boards for SWG? Silly thought ain't it... :p

old.Gombur Glodson

This "debate" has been there a lot of times before, just go bump out one of the threads then to make an effort.


Originally posted by Alrindel
Are they really going to be able to give us anything new, or will it be the same old stuff we have already seen in existing games, but with nicer graphics? Will Sony be able to handle the huge numbers of people who will want to play and give them enough stable servers, or will their infrastructure collapse under their own popularity? The community will be the biggest of any MMORPG except Lineage - how will that evolve?

There is a lot of new ideas floating about, and a hell of a lot of new MMORPG's on the horizon. The player base will expand as new types of MMPOG are released. I for one am looking forward to Planetside.

The idea of a twitch based MMPOG, with masses of depth, building bases, vehicles, strategic attacks, control of land etc. Things like that will bring a whole new audience in, the whole CS/Quake/UT gang will come flocking. Its like single player games are at the moment, everyone has their favourite genre, all those ideas are now being migrated into MMPOG's

old.Gombur Glodson

But how do you integrate FPS into MMOPG? I mean you could use larger servers but with 3000 people on the same FPS server wouldn't things turn into one huge fragfest?
It's a bit easier with "RPG's" since got the experience, quest and skills there, but how would you do it with a FPS? If it's possible at all?
But moving back to the MMORPG. Many companies seems to be going towards this genre since many games have been successfull, but that rises a new question: How will you make an mmorpg that people will want to play? UO was the first ever (apart from MUDs) so thats was easy, EQ was the first in 3d and brought many new things to and daoc focused mostly on rvr.
Swg will ofcourse have the sw fans as prime costumers and WoW will have the WC fans, but what is left to use? Better graphics? better AI? Better skilltree?
How will the mmorpg genre evolve?

Molten Lava

Star Wars

Star Wars people are ghey...all wannabee wookies, leave the Daoc servers now!

SWG sucks...wont have luri's so stop making that game...

/em leaves in his space-ship


Originally posted by Gef

the whole CS/Quake/UT gang will come flocking.

Oye...I actualy thought about trying swg, but now I dont know..Arnold schwarzenegger wannabe's with aimbot's dont make for good rp me thinks.. But on the other hand its probably quit easy to forsee what classes they wil be playing .

I could play a surpport class for those types..and then tell them to bugger HEHEHE that would so make my day.. " Hey dude man there I need big gun fast now yes, " " Ohh sir im sorry but my personal moral forbids me to sell even a pointy stick too you, good day sir "

Ohhh happy thoughts :clap: :clap: :clap:


old.Gombur Glodson jesus m8, you are one severly depressing dude, you got some serious issues m8, or you just after the laim-flame of the year award.

Useless post to you maybe, but you stating it was even more useless! :m00:


The one thing really interesting in SWG is how well/poorly have they implemented the "no levels", skillbased growth of a character. Also one fun part might be, that if you want to make a trader after you played a bounty hunter (per say, like playing a healer after a zerker), you don't need a new character to do so.

It has a few new things but still, what could be greater then the smell of a freshly anviled hammer in the morning? :p


I thought Planetside was going to be a fps game in mmo environment? For all that I've heard of it, it seems to become a total fragfest too.


Originally posted by old.Gombur Glodson
But how do you integrate FPS into MMOPG? I mean you could use larger servers but with 3000 people on the same FPS server wouldn't things turn into one huge fragfest?
It's a bit easier with "RPG's" since got the experience, quest and skills there, but how would you do it with a FPS? If it's possible at all?

Tad short sighted, Planetside is in essence a MMORPG, everyone starts as a class, Commander, Fighter, Technician, Builder, Pilot, Driver etc. All equal, as with FPS its about player skill, not how long you spent chain killing NPC mobs. You gain combat points, much like RP's. With these points you can spend them on getting special skills, like RA's.

There are certain classes that choose not to fight, like say a dropship pilot who drops off a few vehicles and some troops in a hotzone then takes off and waits in safety for the pickup once the base has been captured/destroyed whatever. Builders and Engineers who choose to trade, build and distribute weapons, vehicles etc.

Read about it: http://planetside.station.sony.com/

Not just UT with 3000 people running round looking to frag each other. The beauty of games like this is you dont need to dedicate months of your life to get anywhere in it. A big problem with MMORPGs is a lot of people just havent got the time to get to a respectable level. Its things like this that will introduce more of the casual gamers to the ever expanding MMPOG genre.

old.Gombur Glodson

Originally posted by Whoodoo_RD
old.Gombur Glodson jesus m8, you are one severly depressing dude, you got some serious issues m8, or you just after the laim-flame of the year award.

Useless post to you maybe, but you stating it was even more useless! :m00:

Ok your post takes the prize.

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