SWG wprth gettin?


Blazor Meneth

I will start playing with my brother and my friend, does all need to be artisan then or could one of us be it and the artisan just help me (if I'm marksman)

Is it possible to get a good grp of 3 ppl? who will gain exp little easier with the right setup.


Can you change servers as you please? and have characters on all?

I heard the Eclipse server was the unofficial Europe server :)

Also, I'm starting a bounty hunter... Any race better suited for that than others?

Any other tips will be appriciated


Originally posted by Blazor Meneth
I will start playing with my brother and my friend, does all need to be artisan then or could one of us be it and the artisan just help me (if I'm marksman)

Is it possible to get a good grp of 3 ppl? who will gain exp little easier with the right setup.

Pick your character then when it says proffesion pick artisan ( reason for this is they are the only starting proffesion who gets a generic crafing tool which you will need to make anything, camps, heal packs, weapons, fireworks whatever)

Then when in the intro bit where it teachs you the basics before you pick a planet , press ctrl+c ( character sheet ) then go to stat migration and change your stats to what you want, fighter type stats etc.. if you plan on mainly combat ( might be worthwhile looking at the starting stats for a marksman when you choose artisan to give you an idea of what they should be roughly like, or read one of the many sites for more info about stats, you can also change your stats ingame at any time, although it takes a few days for them to slowly adjust to what you changed them to, if you do this at the start they will change there and then.

Then when you start the game head to the novice trainers ( brawler/marksman/artisan/entertainer/medic/scout) and get 2 more, start artisan then get medic and marksman or whatever you feel like.

These starting proffesions only cost 100 creds to learn and you start with 250 iirc, withen a hour or so you could have all the starting proffesions if you so wish, which is what i did ( remember you can drop any skills at anytime )

Having all the starting proffesions early on in the game is a good idea i think as it lets you do everything, once you start climbing your elite/hybrid proffesions you can just drop the ones you dont want, i still have all of the starting proffesions but will be dropping some soon.

Congratulations you now have the abilty to make your own camps, healing supplies.weapons,crafting tools etc.. and even harvest your own materails to make these things.

As for groups if everyone does what i just wrote then you can heal each other, all fight, make camps to rest, dance to heal mind wounds, makes for very good going at the start.

Once you get going along your 'real' proffesions and start with the harder things, its wise to have at least 1 person who has entertainer, 1 person who has medic, 1 person who has scout in a group, and normally everyone except pure crafters will have decent fighting skills.

I have :

Novice Entertainer.
Novice Medic.
Novice Scout.
Master Unarmed ( brawler proffesion)
Master pistol and ranged spec ( Marksman profession)
Master Buinessman ( artisan profession)

Master Smuggler ( Elite profession)
Few box's in Pistolier ( Elite proffesion)
Few box's in Merchant ( Elite proffesion)

As you can see you get a LOT of points to spend before you run out which i now have, and ill be dropping Entertainer and maybe something else so i can go futher in other lines.


Originally posted by JKLLN
Can you change servers as you please? and have characters on all?

You can have 1 character per server and may not swop chars over to other servers.

Originally posted by JKLLN

I heard the Eclipse server was the unofficial Europe server :)

It is 'Unofficialy'

Originally posted by JKLLN

Also, I'm starting a bounty hunter... Any race better suited for that than others?

All races would be fine but some would have a tiny bit more use as a mainly fighting class and some would have not as much use , mon calamari and twi'leks spring to mind, check out some of the other threads about races in these forums.


many people use lowca as its used by a few UK peeps and it tends to be busier at our core times, although not as busy as eclipse which can hammer those peeps not luckey enuff to have broadband


I'll be joining the Lowca server now, names Barkan :D


hee hee u aint got it just now have you?

how soon till u get it m8?

man its too warm in my work today i wanna go have beer


Finished installing and all :p

I'm at Mos Eisley Spaceport now... changed my name to Erinys :D

Any1 fancy coming over with a few tips? ;)


xclnt m8 ill try and track u down tonight after my beers :)

just basically go out and try and kill the surrounding mobs for a while until you learn a weap skill

also get destroy missions as they pay quite good cash but delivery missions are also good if a bit safer :)

Blazor Meneth

Thanks for the help Ebonn, was sure needed.

Hope I'll see you in-game next week then :)
(if the damn game can leave the shop)


Originally posted by oblivion_6
u luved it fael :p

its not that bad the grp system is a bit better in daoc than SWG but thats probs coz its been running for so long and without grps in DAOC u cant lvl really that well

I luved it when rangers could kill things m8 :)

Group system in SWG is a bit dodgy, but if you have a good leader then it can really work well.

For anyone coming from DAoC (and this seems to be a few now) first thing you will notice is that characters dont have "set" roles in a group dynamic like they do in DAoC. Instead of Healer, Tank, Pbaoer etc you have a collection of individuals with variable skills who need to be organised by a strong leader to get the best out of them, usually breaks down as follows (Example is from Fort Tuskan):

Squad Leader, THE most essential player in any group, this guy needs to be in charge (and needs to make sure everyone knows this) and needs to be strong but not hard on the troops, a poor leader means the group is doomed before you even begin, no respect for a players leadership can be the biggest obsticle to keeping a group together, alive and functional. The leader does'nt have to be Winston Churchill or anything, just decisive, a good communicator, calm under pressure and have a positive attitude.

Ranged weapons users sit just in range and use various styles, a good leader will have different players doing different tasks such as one hitting mind wounds, one surpression fire, one bleed shots etc.

Melee characters and pets are usually used as tanks to keep the mobs away from the ranged weapons users.

Combat medics have a vital role, they need to keep the melee crew alive, if the tanks fall, the group is going to scatter and a divided group is a weak group.

Usually a Medic or surgeon with a camp or a surgical droid will be on hand to patch-up the melee troops and drag those incapacitated out of harms way. A normal medic is also essential to keep the snipers healed up.

Sometimes an entertainer is used to heal mind wounds in the camp, and a ranger is useful to build a good sized camp to accommodate the injured (sometimes this can look like a bad scene out of MASH :))

SWG is one of those games where the "downtime" depends on the strength of the group dynamic and the relative toughness of the hunt, we sometimes fought for an hour, then backed off to heal-up, rest go to the toilet, make a coffee etc and analyse how effective our tactics were (or weren't as the case usually was :)).


I have not been part of a large group yet, only managed to get 3 or 4 people running basic destroy missions around Corellia or tantoine. Its still great fun.

I attempted to get a load of people to follow me to the Cave in the Agrilat Swamp, a noobie decied to attack a mob of savage humbaba's and we all died within seconds!

Anyone thinking of setting up a BW pa? Or how about a regular hunting session so the noobies (ie me) can get some decent xp with a group of people that wont get owned by the wildlife!


ah humbabas i luv those big things

we were hunting them this morning and they helped me get my scouting up you get nearly 300xp scout per harvest of those guys :)

what fael said bout grps is fair enuff tbh i havent seen a bad grp in game yet theres really no way u can do it wrongly unless u dont communicate well

But mon all over to Lowca thats the server where its at :p eclipse is pants


urggg, that means starting a new character!

it took me ages to get to apprentice sharpshooter / enginneer!

anyone on eclipse want to group up one night, im based around mos espa atm, but i really want to take on that cave on corellia ;)

Blazor Meneth

Me my borther and my friend canceled the order and went to the tradition shop to buy it, We'll be online tonight on eclipse. Would be greatfull if we got some guidence in the begining by someone whose been around for more then 1 day :)

Maol Navar <-Me
Chbe Pivar <-My friend (Rangoon)
Dano Anvar <-My brother

Hope to see you fellas tonight :D

Is there any sort of guild recruiting n00bs like ourselves?


Well you've all convinced me to get it so I've pre ordered from Play. I hope they will have enough to fill my order on the 15th :D

Hopefully next week I'll be messaging some of you for some advice :D

Damn gonna have to drop one of my DAoC accounts. This online lark is proving expensive, but when I was a CL of a TFC clan I paid £60 per month for our clan server so I spose this would still be cheaper for 3 online game accounts.

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