SWG - what a rip off



Ever thought that maybe those that pay for their CD's during beta will not then have to buy the retail version?


Originally posted by Meatballs
Which dimension do you hail from?

teh fluffybunny-dimesion in epsilon-gamma 8, everyone is happy and friends, there is no war, no military, no hunger or shit, everything is fucking o-k ;)

Cap'n Sissyfoo

Has anyone else heard of a company that charges people to help debug their software? They either have a very high opinion of themselves or they are banking on lots of nerds desperate enough to be jedis/wookies that they will pay $30 to play a buggy beta.

I hope this won't be a trend with future MMORPGs...

old.Trine Aquavit

They're charging $6, that's all. The other $24 is for courier shipping (and it won't take 4-6 weeks, that's just legal stuff).

$6 to cover the cost of manufacturing and packaging 4 CD's. It's no big deal, and you don't have to take it because there are thousands of people willing to pay.

If you don't like it... lump it. Don't come whining over here about it.


Originally posted by Halo | NS
Look guys, chill.

The head of Sony is Chinese or Japanese or whatever. Sooner or later he and his family will die of SARS.

It's all about the karma dudes.

Good point :clap:,
come to think about it, let's all just sit back and wait for it to happen!


Originally posted by old.Trine Aquavit
They're charging $6, that's all. The other $24 is for courier shipping (and it won't take 4-6 weeks, that's just legal stuff).

$6 to cover the cost of manufacturing and packaging 4 CD's. It's no big deal, and you don't have to take it because there are thousands of people willing to pay.

If you don't like it... lump it. Don't come whining over here about it.

Where do u get off? This is a forum board for discussion , if u dont like it f*** off and dont read it. Your input is welcome but dont start that crap tellling people not to whine.


On the other posts, think when u get accepted mostly boils down to when u apply which i must admit i did pretty early. Anyway ive decided not to follow it up a) because of lack of time i have to play properly b) i really dont fancy paying 30 odd dollars, anyway if u want to know what its like and providing it doesnt breach NDA see Tilda as ive handed the beta testing job to him.


darbey is totaly right you should not have to pay to help them debug and test there game thats why its beta testing. Simple fact is they know there is loads of people out there that will pay the money just to play it.

Its a total scam

Roo Stercogburn

Originally posted by Sissyfoo
Has anyone else heard of a company that charges people to help debug their software?

<cough> Microsoft <cough>


Originally posted by Sissyfoo
Has anyone else heard of a company that charges people to help debug their software? They either have a very high opinion of themselves or they are banking on lots of nerds desperate enough to be jedis/wookies that they will pay $30 to play a buggy beta.

I hope this won't be a trend with future MMORPGs...

Gravity charged 10$ so you could test their Closed Beta Ragnarok :bore:


Originally posted by 1234Taz
darbey is totaly right you should not have to pay to help them debuff and test there game thats why its beta testing. Simple fact is they know there is loads of people out there that will pay the money just to play it.

Its a total scam


old.pala hellraiser

I wanted to get into SWG beta and I must admit I would be tempted to pay to test it.. however thats a lot of money to pay to help them out. If I payed nearly the price of a game to test a game, then kept going LD, encountering constant bugs I would be pissed off :) I Enjoy testing games and making the finished product better but yes, this is a scam in my opinion they may not be making any money out of it but they are using stars wars popularity as a way to cover their costs.


the cost is ups cost to ship it to europe including all the little taxes you gotta pay as well, pay 5$ and put your address as sony hq in usa get the key from the email and download it, or if you don't wanna pay 5$ don't moan, just don't play it.

BTW you ntl users saying you can't get into Daoc, believe you can't get the download of swg anyway 2 mb pipe or not, couple of friends with ntl in north east can't so prolly a ntl thing there as well :) /thanks god he's not with ntl


Originally posted by Arnor2
teh fluffybunny-dimesion in epsilon-gamma 8, everyone is happy and friends, there is no war, no military, no hunger or shit, everything is fucking o-k ;)
aka norway


Ok said it before and here we go again.....


I know you're exited when that beta email comes in, but for christ sake read it all the way through, and the subsequent emails you get. It clearly states where you can download this from so you dont have to order the CD's... however that may not always be an option, so if you're computer crashes and has to be rebuilt then you may need them.

$6 to cover costs of copying the CD seams fair to me, the postal charge of around $25 is also justified, I've ordered many items from the USA, and this is a normal price.

But if you dont want to pay... then dont... download it instead !


Costs less than 5$ to send stuff from the US to the UK of the weight of 4 CDs (I know, because I was just at the post office and I live in the US). It would take 1-2 weeks to arrive using the method I priced.

As to Sony...anyone watching the news knows that their earnings are so far off estimate that they are in a big panic, so they are wringing out cash any way they can.

Same with GOA and parents, btw.


Originally posted by darbey
Where do u get off? This is a forum board for discussion , if u dont like it f*** off and dont read it. Your input is welcome but dont start that crap tellling people not to whine.

wow can you say hypocritical :clap:


Originally posted by old.Glendower
As to Sony...anyone watching the news knows that their earnings are so far off estimate that they are in a big panic, so they are wringing out cash any way they can.

I watch and read the news often and have never seen anything about Sony on it recently.

A company that has so many departments, owns the patent to Walkmans, Minidisc, Playstation 1 & 2 are worried that a computer game hasn't made them much money before it's released? Somehow I don't think so, also with Lucasarts backing they won't be desperate for money, but they know they can charge people to run their software so are doing so.

It's not nice but they can do it.


Originally posted by Omniscieous
.....also with Lucasarts backing they won't be desperate for money.....

My friend's brother-in-law is one of the designers (and no I don't know what level before you all ask) for LucasArts on SW:G with Sony and from what he's said, the aforementioned LucasArts are staking a lot more than just their reputation on this game.

Word within their own company walls is that a lot of money is riding on it too. Now I doubt George Lucas is stupid enough to stake the whole lot on one computer game but if this doesn't pay bigtime it might be bad news for some of the guys working at LucasArts.

At least that's the take coming from me mate's bro-in-law.

old.Trine Aquavit

Originally posted by darbey
Where do u get off? This is a forum board for discussion , if u dont like it f*** off and dont read it. Your input is welcome but dont start that crap tellling people not to whine.

I didn't tell you not to whine. I told you not to whine over here. This is a forum board for discussion about DAOC, not SWG. This post was off-topic.

And you telling me to fuck off is both offensive and hypocritical.

Tank Init

Originally posted by flibodob
the cost is ups cost to ship it to europe including all the little taxes you gotta pay as well

tax is not included when you buy from another country it is done in your country when it arrives to your address
tax on the product and the shipping is extra on the price it says on the web

try getting something from FED-express one month later they send you the tax bill (shipping and product and other shit they want to add) but UPS is alot better when it come to not paying tax :)


Originally posted by katt!
reliable sources! :great:

info from a brother-in-laws mates monkey is more reliable than you anyway.

And i'd rather have shaky information then none.


Originally posted by Arnor2
info from a brother-in-laws mates monkey is more reliable than you anyway.

And i'd rather have shaky information then none.

i dont give out information on games in closed beta, under nda. that i know absolutely shit about.

and you would rather have false/made up info than nothing? k.


Originally posted by old.pala hellraiser
I wanted to get into SWG beta and I must admit I would be tempted to pay to test it.. however thats a lot of money to pay to help them out. If I payed nearly the price of a game to test a game, then kept going LD, encountering constant bugs I would be pissed off :)

As my sig says - sounds familiar ? except we pay 8 quid a month for the priviledge ;)

Yes i am J/K - i havent gone LD for at least a day. oops spoke too soon.

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