SWG server



which SWG server is euro one? just so i dont get left behind :p. miss my ole loe buddies


As far as I know we will get a euro server a few months after the US release....


There is no euro server.

The euro release of SWG will follow later in the year (or next year) in the same way euro DAOC is alwayus behind US DAOC.

Besides during final beta the game is completely pants and a major letdown - dont know that many people who have actualy played it and NOT canceled their pre-order.


I played it during beta. Haven't played it for a few weeks now. It's that good.... :(

Elenah Lopez

Originally posted by -Nxs-
Besides during final beta the game is completely pants and a major letdown

True... Played beta, continued to play beta, had fun in it as it was BETA... Ready for release?? Nah, I won't be paying a monthly fee to be beta-tester so I'll wait 2 months and await some patches...


Originally posted by -Nxs-
dont know that many people who have actualy played it and NOT canceled their pre-order.

Half of LoE for a start.


No actual Europeon server, but we're all heading for Elipse.

and to answer NXS, SWG is very much a game like UO, it's what you make of it. Creative, inventive, imaganative people will love SWG. It has the potential to give players alought of freedom.

People who want to be hand fed content and still never be satisfied with it had better look elsewhere for a game.

ps I'll be in SWG ;)


but but its.. SCI-FI ffs..... Well I might play a sci-fi game if they ever made a game in the neuromancer world , with street-samurais and such..but starwars..EKKKKK

Lukeeee Skawalker " I'm da uber dude with glowstick thingy

Luike Skyieewalkeer " NO I'm da uber dude with glowstick thingy

Random twat " May the force be with you....

Nahh I'll pass I think


Yeah the unofficial UK server is Eclipse.

I will be there, just pre-ordered my copy from www.gamestop.com .. Only place I could find who deliver to UK.

Bring your Wookie ass to the party beetchs! :clap:


coming to Eclipse aswell.. so is all the others ive talked to thats going SWG.


Originally posted by old.Shivian

and to answer NXS, SWG is very much a game like UO, it's what you make of it. Creative, inventive, imaganative people will love SWG.

SW very much like UO?? I played UO for years and you know that UO was one evil game that they fucked up later on, it started out nice you could do EVERYTHING, kill who you wanted, loot corpses, steal houses empty, ripping off people for all the money they had, stealing boats, killing people on deserted islands with no way home, wow it was great...
well until they made it 'everquest style' and every 'world' got a duplicate 'world' where pvp was and wasnt allowed, and they made everything really nice and all pk action was gone....

And a friend of mine has beta, and it really doesn't look like UO thats for sure (well you could compare the rebel/imperial pvp with the UO chaos/order crap but thats about it)

it's what you make of it.
You know what they made of UO: one big hell!! and it was great :D "why did you kill me?" "I was working all day to get all that please give it back"... lovely....


Originally posted by old.Shivian
No actual Europeon server, but we're all heading for Elipse.

and to answer NXS, SWG is very much a game like UO, it's what you make of it. Creative, inventive, imaganative people will love SWG. It has the potential to give players alought of freedom.

People who want to be hand fed content and still never be satisfied with it had better look elsewhere for a game.

ps I'll be in SWG ;)

Have you actualy played UO ????? plzz dont compare what was an ace game to that piece of poo thank you very feeking much


"It is what you make of it"="No,it's not a really good game and we can't think of any good reason for you to play it"



"" Hand's Derric a few shrooms "" You deserved em


someone told me that in SWG that not everyone can become a jedi and in fact its almolst random but you can't find out till you have played a while, if this is true how many people are gonna wanna re-role there characters everytime they realise they cannot be a JK?

And how many name different ways can you spell....

Ham Solo
Hand Solo
Harh Solo
Han So-low
Han OhNo
Tan Solo
Man Solo

Indiana Jones

its true, becoming a jedi is very random and tough

and from what i heard from beta testers, it will take more then a year to reach max skills (like lvl 50 in daoc)
so if you want to re roll after one year...go ahead :)


Originally posted by Indiana Jones
its true, becoming a jedi is very random and tough

and from what i heard from beta testers, it will take more then a year to reach max skills (like lvl 50 in daoc)
so if you want to re roll after one year...go ahead :)

Oh really? you could only have one characther right, and see how quick characthers become boring to some people in this game, and after some months of playing the same characther you may get bored, especially if you see jedi's around, you wanna be like THEM ofcourse (well i would i wanna have the strongest and nothing less [finally i revealed my true feelings]) so you betcha theres gonna be lots of rerolls, if people are crazy enough to have 8 level 50's in this game then, ofcourse, people will be crazy enough to reroll till they are a jedi...

And one year... oh well we'll be seeing the skill-up guides pretty soon i guess :sleeping:


Originally posted by Balbor
someone told me that in SWG that not everyone can become a jedi and in fact its almolst random but you can't find out till you have played a while, if this is true how many people are gonna wanna re-role there characters everytime they realise they cannot be a JK?

And how many name different ways can you spell....

Ham Solo
Hand Solo
Harh Solo
Han So-low
Han OhNo
Tan Solo
Man Solo

Im not sure how it works but I read something about a "Force sensitive" slot that you would have to unlock with your first char, then the char made in that slot can become a Jedi.

might be wrong thou.

Roo Stercogburn

Hehe at the name variants. You can have fun with it though.

My station sig is Luke Warmwater :D

And looks like I'll be on Eclipse.


The best part is that force-sensitive characters have a set number of respawns... After you die enough you can't spawn and *poof* there goes your jedi you worked on 5 months just because you LD'ed for the 34th time and died! Or whatever...


Originally posted by Sarnat
The best part is that force-sensitive characters have a set number of respawns... After you die enough you can't spawn and *poof* there goes your jedi you worked on 5 months just because you LD'ed for the 34th time and died! Or whatever...

yes thats true :p

Imperial Zerg: LOOK a JEDI!!! ZERG!111
Jedi: Lol ill just use my force speed to run mach... wtf lag.....
Imperial Zerg: LOL PWNED!!111
Jedi's main menu interface: "You are dead and cannot be revived, your characther has been automatically deleted, haha dumb idiot 5 months have gone to waste, please create a new one"


Well SWG has been out for 2 days now, thats about how long it took me to realise the game was crap, and another week or two to finaly leave the beta.

Has anyone canceled there SWG sub yet :) ??


the dev's said it would take ~6months to get the force sensitive slot .. and the permadeath for jedis (yes even from LD deaths) is just right-. considering how many jedis that existed at the time of the game.... its all about continuity

and the names. they have staff that check all new names so you might log in and play with it for a while, but if its to close to what they think is not allowed.. poof changed. Same if someone reports it.. just like in DAoC.

(could make a silly long list of LotR spinoff names)


I played SWG closed beta for a long while. It's not a bad game. On the other hand, it won't pull me away from DAoC. The one thing SWG really does have going for it is the sheer amount of time the Dev's put in (working til 2am many nights ;) ). In a few months, it could be the first of "the next generation of mmorpgs". Right now, it isn't.


i'll be able to tell ya what it's like in monday :)


Got 2 out of 5 in the Gamesdomain review.

From that reading it looks like this is a very "average joe" mmorpg. The Star Wars setting didnt help.


SWG has bugs but it also has 10x the content DAOC does(already.

DAOC where shall I go tonight..hmm emain or Sidi.

Good choice.

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