

Teh Krypt

Now ive never ever belived in this supernatural, ghost, spirit, dead people, type crap. But last night, I woke up at 2am, was under my covers.. I heard noises from WITHIN my bedroom. I opened my eyes and looked to where the noise seemed to come from, it suddenly stoped.
I put my head back down, closed my eyes, and the noises started again. I then looked up and it stoped, I did this one more time, then when I finaly put my head down, it didnt start again.

Now I can't explain these noises. Everyone in my house was asleep, the noise was deffinetly from my bedroom. It wasnt a dream im sure of that. It was real as in, it happened, im not going loopy so I don't want silly posts, this happened and I can't explain it.

- Andrew


Not in anyway meant to be a silly post.

Maybe you got mice. What sort of noise was it?

Teh Krypt

No it was not mice at all. Or was it a coincidence that the 'mice' stoped making noises everytime I put my head down :p

I can't explain the noise really its not something ive heard before so how do I explain it, heh.


oooer. set up one of those video cameras....


More likely it was a noise inside your head that only occured when you lay down. Some people can hear their own heartbeat, some can hear a whining sounds (bit like BW :p).


I get that. When it's very, very quiet, I seem to hear the air. It's very disturbing.

It's a sort of crackling, humming, strange noise. Eek.

Teh Krypt

Originally posted by the_smurflord
More likely it was a noise inside your head that only occured when you lay down. Some people can hear their own heartbeat, some can hear a whining sounds (bit like BW :p).

I can hear my own heartbeat, aint that normal? :p

No its never happened to me in the 15 years I have lived on this earth.

Although this place is quite old. It was built in early victorian days or maybe before..

Teh Krypt

Originally posted by old.tRoG
I get that. When it's very, very quiet, I seem to hear the air. It's very disturbing.

It's a sort of crackling, humming, strange noise. Eek.

Heh no. I really can't explain, it was like there was something in the room. In the corner. The noise came from a certain place, not like when you hear things when all is quiet o_O


Who ya gonna call?


Edit OOPS sorry silly reply.



Teh Krypt

Originally posted by old.tRoG

Hehe. Like the funny side of it all. But something was there, and this noise did happen everytime my head was down.. x_X


Originally posted by Teh Krypt
I can hear my own heartbeat, aint that normal? :p

No its never happened to me in the 15 years I have lived on this earth.

Although this place is quite old. It was built in early victorian days or maybe before..

i can hear my haertbeat too

damn pain when im trying to sleep

might be the bed creaking?

Teh Krypt

Originally posted by SilverHood
i can hear my haertbeat too

damn pain when im trying to sleep

might be the bed creaking?

Wasnt from anywhere near the bed, from the left corner near the sofa fyi. :p


Perhaps you should start taking your medication again!! :D

Teh Krypt

Originally posted by Fafnir
Perhaps you should start taking your medication again!! :D

Maybe. Or maybe supernatural is real.. :eek:


Originally posted by Teh Krypt
Wasnt from anywhere near the bed, from the left corner near the sofa fyi. :p

You have a sofa in your room? lucky git

Anyways, nobody can say whether its true or not, ive had my experiances nobody believes but i guess we will never know till we meet our end oO

Teh Krypt

Originally posted by sharma
You have a sofa in your room? lucky git

Anyways, nobody can say whether its true or not, ive had my experiances nobody believes but i guess we will never know till we meet our end oO

*andrew hugs his sofa* :)

Sarum TheBlack

I hear a really high pitched noise (just about on the edge of what's too high frequency to hear and what isn't) when a TV or other CRT device is on near me (like <20m, but doesn't need to be in the same room)

I used to get worried when I was young when the house shifted and creaked.

I sometimes hear my eyelashes beating on the pillow if I'm lieing with my eyes open in such as way so they come into contact with it as I blink (makes a sort of swoshing russle).

Without having been there, I can't even begin to guess what you heard (and I don't intend EVER to be in your bedroom when you're sleeping), but I very much doubt it was supernatural in any way. Not that I don't believe there might be levels or reality beyond that which can experiance..More than if life of some description existed in such things, I very much doubt it'd waste it's time trying to scare us.

Teh Krypt

Sarum when I used to live with my mum, I also heard high pitched sounds.. was when I used my laptop.. what the feck is it? Tho there was a tv in the room too... Not heard it in a while :p


Originally posted by the_smurflord
More likely it was a noise inside your head that only occured when you lay down. Some people can hear their own heartbeat, some can hear a whining sounds (bit like BW :p).

Gods, not that bloody whining noise. I wish i knew what it was. Every time it gets quiet enough it starts up and goes on for ages. Also occurs if i i'm watching the TV in an offhand manner, e.g. looking and taking it in but thinking of nothing (as usual). Or, the whining noise could be my sister who's annoyed that my parents refuse to act like taxis (the horror)


Originally posted by Sarum TheBlack
I hear a really high pitched noise (just about on the edge of what's too high frequency to hear and what isn't) when a TV or other CRT device is on near me (like <20m, but doesn't need to be in the same room)

I used to get worried when I was young when the house shifted and creaked.

I sometimes hear my eyelashes beating on the pillow if I'm lieing with my eyes open in such as way so they come into contact with it as I blink (makes a sort of swoshing russle).

Without having been there, I can't even begin to guess what you heard (and I don't intend EVER to be in your bedroom when you're sleeping), but I very much doubt it was supernatural in any way. Not that I don't believe there might be levels or reality beyond that which can experiance..More than if life of some description existed in such things, I very much doubt it'd waste it's time trying to scare us.

The whining noise has something to do with the electricity in the circuit. For example, if its dead quiet and i pick up my watch, press the illuminate button on it, and i can hear the high pitched whining. Which then goes away.

The whining i'm talking about has nothing to do with electricty, even used to get it when i went camping out. Tis freaky, I had tinnitus as a child so perhaps that explains it

The Kingpin

If you want to be scared, stay in my house for a day.

After that night, you will never come in 1 mile of my house...


Originally posted by Teh Krypt

No its never happened to me in the 15 years I have lived on this earth.

hormonal changes then?


Could be mice, I had one in my apartment and it was the same thing... I woke up hearing some weird noises in a corner of the room, when I sat up it stopped, when I lay down it started after a while. The mouse probably heard me sitting up and froze. When I lay down again, it started making the noise.

I know it was a mouse because I then stood up and walked over there... And from behind a box it scurried across the floor and in under furniture. You saying it’s an old house kind of reinforces my impression that what you heard was a mouse. Do what I did, buy a good old-fashioned mousetrap. Got it the first night I used it. No more mousie!


I got this plastic box in my room, and every now and then it keeps making awful ringing sound :mad: it keeps going and going and going till I pick it up then it stops.

Sometimes I hear voices...


Aliens? :p

Maybe it was a ghost... seriously... enough people have seen ghosts for there to be something serious about them.

Maybe it was a mouse.

Maybe it was your house expanding with the heat.

Maybe it was your bed creaking while you were lying down with your hand... nevermind...

Maybe it was a dream. A very realistic dream. Whoooo!

Teh Krypt

It would much rather be a zerg of greenfly since we have a florist shop downstairs.. :p

Cap'n Sissyfoo

More than likely it was a mouse munching on something. When it heard you getting up to take a peek it froze (as mice tend to do) and then carried on munching when you returned to your covers.

My cat used to bring in live mice to my room almost every other day as a present for me. The first time I heard a mouse scurrying around my room, munching on a newspaper I was all like, "What the FUUUCK was that?!". It took a while to realise what it was but eventually I caught the little bugger and took him outside.

When I was in Uni there was a taped up air vent in my room. One night I came back from the pub and heard a scritching noise coming from somewhere. I was going mental trying to find out where it was coming from and what was making it and I eventually tracked it down to the air vent. I thought it must be a little mouse trapped behind the vent so I got my torch and peered through the tape to see if I could get a better view of it.

It was the biggest, mother fudging, devil spawned spider I have ever seen in this country (barring imported species of course ;))! It was freakin' huge! Scared the living bejesus out of me! The vent was renamed 'the Hellmouth' and I never tried to look into it again.

Long story short...before making wild claims of supernatural activity, check to make sure that the noises aren't being caused by creepy crawlies, devil spawned arachnids or wild meeces.

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