Sunday Night


Fledgling Freddie
May 30, 2005
Have to agree although the start of the evening had some promise - we rolled CM and you're group a couple of times and were hoping you would come back :) Think you're grp got us at a bridge a bit later but that was it for fg fights all night more or less apart from when we rolled CM again later on when they were trying to close the relic gate by taking back Eras. oh and the AE/pug once or twice i think... hmm thinking about it actually we've had worse nights and thats saying a lot lol If it had of been competely crap we would have prolly relogged to Avalon :)

Just a great shame the FG scene is virtually dead here :(

We were there to stop albs getting to the shrine and killed a few stragglers but yeah i think Nate was a little optimistic/hopeful but we didnt plan to kill any hibs there and were loggin shortly after we arrived at the relic gate anyway :)

We would love more fg fights, we got some last night when I was on my bard, problem is people keep leaving eu and going to avalon / us so the population becomes so low there are no fg's out so what is left is seige or camping.

Yesterday / last night there were more people out than normal which always seems to be the case on a sunday, because people know generally no fg's run people dont put the effort into forming a roaming grp. Even if you do after not really finding many fg's out (if any) you will get bored and do something else.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 9, 2004
Aye it was a tough call - leave Surs wide open and basically undefended or lose Bold. I got into the CK at Bold with 12% on door (managed to put a few ram users down before it went though) guess I had 2-3 fgs of Albs with me. Since /who NF didn't show more than 85 Albs I really dont think there were 80 inside Bold but never let facts get in the way of a good story :)

It probably cost us Surs in the short-term but defending one relic temple with people on retakes is easier than trying to defend two relic temples and retake which is where we'd have ended up if Bold had gone.

Well when i charged lord room with the 3 fg or so mids, all i saw was red. Someone said there must of been around 80 or so albs from estimating as there was tones in lord room and atleast 20 just standing in the stairway as we tried to run up.

And to kini you must have respeced recently i take it as i've always known you to be bolting then running off.


Can't get enough of FH
Jul 24, 2005
YES FEEEEEAR his thidranki lvl cone nub,.
He has ben PW spec for while.

First whine about a bainshee cone abusing wich isnt possible anymore.
Second it was a lvl 24 cone?
third he useing a uninteruptable pulsing pbaoe
And 4th suddently u whine about me?

Reckon this must be in your TS oh noes i use my pbaoe and that bainshee qc a cone IT MUST BE CONE ABUSE


FH is my second home
Jun 18, 2004
First whine about a bainshee cone abusing wich isnt possible anymore.
Second it was a lvl 24 cone?
third he useing a uninteruptable pulsing pbaoe
And 4th suddently u whine about me?

Reckon this must be in your TS oh noes i use my pbaoe and that bainshee qc a cone IT MUST BE CONE ABUSE

You quoting yourself there or is it me?


Resident Freddy
Jan 16, 2004
Ns bolt bolt bolt? lol

1rst of all:
Hello mr clueless let me introduce to you my ICE wiz gimp :p so i dont have bolt bolt bolt

2nd of all:
2nd bolt is base bolt wich does crap damage

3rd and not last:
3rd bolt is lvl 20 bolt!!!! lolol

oh yes and stun gives caster time for 4 debuffed nukes so > then bolt bolt

Yeh that's y u don't see mentalism mentalists around, but ofc it's easier to cry about stun nuke nuke ^^


Can't get enough of FH
Nov 30, 2004
And to kini you must have respeced recently i take it as i've always known you to be bolting then running off.

I used to be fire yes, but on the contrary of ppl think fire wizards only use bolts when they cant reach with single nukes as no mentaly sane wiz wants to spend a 20 sec 1850 range timed bolt for a target thats in nuke range and can be fire debuffed.

My initial spec untill rr6l7 was ice and now i respeced it back to ice cause i have suicidal tendencies and love to pbaoe in the middle of fgs ^^


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 17, 2004
Your post makes you sound like you don't even know what a 'zerger' is...

It originates from starcraft whereby the race called the 'zerg' would rely on superior numbers instead of strength to overcome the enemy. Calling a group 'gamezergers' implies that they hold the majority of the population of the game in question. Therefore the majority of the people got what they wanted? So where's the problem?

If in fact you mean it the other way round and truly think that 'gamezergers' are the minority and left serverless, you are really mistaken and your terminology is plain wrong.

Easy kills isn't necessarily what it's about and to be honest, after 5 or 6 weeks of running and only just hitting rr4, I really don't care about zergs. I as a 'gamezerger' (really, think of a better name please....) would much rather win starting against the odds then I would be natural zerging. The FG crowd never were about realm points as you can make at least twice the amount by simply zerging as you ever could seeking out equally numbered fights.

And as for the first lil bit you typed, what a load of crap. People who 'zerg' are by no means noobs or whatever biased terminology you want to use. To be honest, it makes me more insulted as a human being that people are still clinging to such age old sayings in the hope of being able to successfully flamebait people. Very few 'gamezergers' think of those who zerg as 'morons' as you put it. Really, where has all this anti-anyone-who-plays-different-from-me nazi bullshit come from. We're all players just trying to have fun so live and let live...(from both sides of the crowd)...

I'd hazard a guess that more of the 'zerg' crowd consider the 'gamezerger' lot in a negative way instead of the other way around.

You know, I would go back and clean up my post as the terminology of 'gamezerger' 'zerger' 'leet' 'noob' 'moron' etc etc is plain confusing. Why don't you let this stupid vendetta against a group of people you have lie and call them by a better, more comprehensive name.

I'll start it off!

People who keepsiege = Siegers!
People who solo = soloers!
People who FG = FGers!

OMG, the complexity!

p.s. Sorry for taking the thread off topic slightly but flamebait should be dowsed in water. Am glad you all had a good night and hope my return shall be a good one in three weeks time :D

I find your seriousness in the correct use of academic terminology in computergames amusing:) serioulsy.... I do....


Resident Freddy
Jan 16, 2004
Nah i have to save your low level posts with my leet ones :D





Part of the furniture
Dec 26, 2003
I find your seriousness in the correct use of academic terminology in computergames amusing:) serioulsy.... I do....

I just think the terminology is completely out of whack. For example, someone who spends 5 hours 5 nights a week in the frontier attacking in large numbers calls themselves a casual player yet a FGer who plays 3 hours 2 nights a week is called a leet powergamer. It makes no sence.

It aint just computer games where I find terminology amusingly ridiculous either. Wearing a pink floyd t-shirt and being called a 'goffic!!!' or putting a keep to level 1 and being told we deserve to be 'burned alive' I find equally absurd but as this is a computer game forum where we were flamebaited purely for FGing, I was just responding in context to that.

Everyone should have things which they can't comprehend, mindless stupidity is one of the things I simply don't understand...

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