Sums up AoC - The fact based version.


FH is my second home
Feb 17, 2006
you are correct. i have 3 epics, 2 oasis blues and the rest crafted and gemmed blues and it really makes no difference at all in a relative sense. when my guild were fighting loe at our keep last night, they nakedzerged us and they didn't die faster/do less damage or anything.


Feb 25, 2008
but heres the thing. for giggles after reading this i equipped my lvl 20 robe from Tortage (yes i still have that for some reason) and bought some mid 20 cloth gear, and i seriously didnt see any difference in overall performance.

my "nukes" didnt change, my survivability didnt change, the mobs didnt die faster or slower....

i could just as well run around naked and still it wouldn't make much of a difference.

funcom refuse to admit it but armor and about half the stats that comes with it isnt working properly, so atm what gear you have matters little.

atleast from the 2 or 3 hours i tried it.

Well, do I really have to spell this out for you guys?

Say for exmaple the guardians whining alot that PoM can reach same invl resis as they can, I have ~28% resis in melee and poison, and 8% ish in magic.

Defence, attack, magic rating does not affect PvP, resists does not affect pvp. But INVL resis does. So getting +15% from items is gonna affect your tanking and dmg abs alot.

Getting + hps will make you even harder to kill. + dmg does work, I notice it alot.

You won't notice any diffrence taking rog 80 items replace them with rog 20 items since the defence ratings does not have any affect in PvP what so ever, stats have like hits, + dmg, mana etc. This is what will make or break you.

A guardian with 11k hps have most of that HP comming form items giving 400-600 hits a piece - that is what will enhance his tanking abil the most, that and invl items.

A necro with low hp will be able to do less dps since he will die, also if spevved wrong, say not i necrotic bombs he will be shit aswell.

Getting tired of your troll posts really.

Sure go ahead run aroud in your lvl 20 hear thinking it has no effect and then whine when others kill you who apperntly have opted their classes for hp, +dmg and or mana / resis.

I have 4200 hits, most Poms run around with 3300-3500 hits. Obviously my items make me harder to kill together with my often higher invl resis.

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