Suggestions for BWCSL next season



Well, im sure if you let =]BAD[= in this time, N!P and X3 will follow :clap:


At risk of getting flame-grilled...

How about as_oilrig?

There are no hossie issues with the VIP as it's a player controlled character. The type of gameplay is refreshingly different to de_ maps and will require clans to really work together as a team to get the job done.
When selecting the maps one of the criteria is to test all aspects of clan play. as_ maps are universally overlooked, which I consider to be a real shame, as they are at least as tactical as de_ maps and excruciatingly tense in clan games, expecially with CO rules.



I've seen oilrig tried in a clan game once before. Didn't work. At all. It's impossible for the CTs to escape against a decent Terrorist team. The map occasionally works on publics when the Ts are stupid, but you're not going to see that in a clan match, with properly organised teams.


Lies all lies!

Lalala lalala lala lalala

I can't hear j00!

as_oilrig forever!


Just found my way to the forums :mad:)

Oilrig...hmmm :), a few of my clan members are always on about it but i just couldnt see it myself in a war. Skyler's arguments against CS_maps did slightly amuse me, as everything he was saying could be said for CO, and i've seen the last CT hide many a time on CO (if he's got any sense) to waste T's time, which is always good.

MR12, personally i dont like this at all, and after accepting plenty of matches on it due to other clans preferences i always feel short changed. Just about the time you'd gain loads of T rounds back on a good CO match, MR always seems to finish half way through leaving you unsatisfied :p

Maps i dont much have a problem with, suppose i'll have to grit my teeth with cobble a wee bit, and definately up for a bit of CS_ action in the league.

Please please please put the c4_timer up to 35 =D Throws out my precision diffusing lol, and Apoc's last week...thought he'd learnt from my mistake.

So it all sounds good so far, but surprised there was no suggestion as to any preliminary matches to group new clans, would be a bugger to organise, and fit into a week lol, but if it was done right it could wipe out a fair bit of the current imbalance. LastRites would throw in a bit of competition to the top if your actually going to challenge the top clans about competing.

/me slaps Skyler for such a poor asessment of Office :p, T's dont have 2 rush to win, and theres only 2 enterances into the area T's need to be concerned with defending, sounds like you've had a few sour games there as its not all that bad :p



MR settings:
mp_timelimit 0
mp_maxrounds 12

The following client side variables (CVAR's) and their values are not allowed to be changed. These settings can be checked during a match and a violation will be treated the same as a normal cheat violation:
cl_forwardspeed 400
cl_backspeed 400
cl_sidespeed 400

6 CS1.4 offical maps (bomb/diffuse) + 1 new custom map (bomb/diffuse)

BW should follow as all top european leagues do in CPL rules as their guideline. The top clans follow this and hence will play in Leagues that use those Rules. I-eS & Nocturne who are the two notible clans absent from this league would join if rules we so I would imagine. None of the Top 3 clans in the UK/Ire actually play in the same UK league which is a shame. Reason is prizes are not great (in comparision with Italy / Germany) where they get about 1000 quid in total for winning. Also rules is a big issue. Every UK League try to inforce their own stupid rules like after all it is the discretion of the admin.

My own view is go with CPL rules and stick with it (why you have the best q3 playing it). This camping in MR or CO is not real can be debated for yonks and I really find it trivial. Stick with CPL and go with the rules of the people who play at top level (i.e. CPL listen to top 5 clans in world and decide rules).

MR is a bit unpredicatble (no timelimit) on time issues but 12 rounds usually take 20-25 mins anyway.

Big Leagues like big clans and Big Leagues get sponsors. Easier withbig clans playing in these Big Leagues.

CPL rules you can't go wrong.


It's clear from this thread that there's really only one contentious issue... namely CO vs Maxrounds. The benefits of both types of scoring a clear... CO makes for more exciting games, while MR12 has more appeal to the higher-level crowd, since the CPL uses it. I've had many threats from clans to withdraw from the league over this issue, whichever way I go. Therefore, when splidge suggested the following system, I was relieved to finally see a way out of this mess. I'd like to suggest the following system for next season:

Divison 1 - MR12

Division 2 - 2a will be MR12, 2b will be CO. Clans will be required to state a preference for one scoring system or the other before the season, along with the level of the strength of their preference. We will do our best to accommodate everybody's preference.

Division 3 - I will ask all division 3 clans for their preference before the season begins. Depending upon the ratio of CO/MR12 replies, I will split the 4 subdivisions that make up div3 accordingly. So if opinion is split roughly equally, 2 subdivisions will be CO and 2 MR12, while if there's a 75% preference for CO, for example, the split will be 3-to-1.

Division 4 - I'm not sure there's sufficient support for an MR12 division at this level, but I'll get opinions anyway and maybe do a div2-style split if there is.

This system should hopefully allow us to enable most clans to compete using the scoring system they prefer in as fair a manner as possible. If you have any strong and sensible suggestions to make to this, then please do so as soon as possible.


hey whatever they're paying you .. they should double it :)

Sounds like a plan to keep everybody happy


Originally posted by RogueOne

Divison 1 - MR12

Division 2 - 2a will be MR12, 2b will be CO. Clans will be required to state a preference for one scoring system or the other before the season, along with the level of the strength of their preference. We will do our best to accommodate everybody's preference.

Division 3 - I will ask all division 3 clans for their preference before the season begins. Depending upon the ratio of CO/MR12 replies, I will split the 4 subdivisions that make up div3 accordingly. So if opinion is split roughly equally, 2 subdivisions will be CO and 2 MR12, while if there's a 75% preference for CO, for example, the split will be 3-to-1.

Division 4 - I'm not sure there's sufficient support for an MR12 division at this level, but I'll get opinions anyway and maybe do a div2-style split if there is.

This system should hopefully allow us to enable most clans to compete using the scoring system they prefer in as fair a manner as possible. If you have any strong and sensible suggestions to make to this, then please do so as soon as possible.

No offence but surely this is going to make things way too complicated. Last season we were given a preference to play matches early or late. For my clan [DISS] it is quite important that we play our matches no later than 9pm start. If you dont give us a time option it really mucks things up for some clans. If you give both scoring choice and timing choice it is going to be very hard to suit everyones needs and is going to make your job very hard.

Will you be letting us have a time preference as well? (we will be in a division 3 and preferenced CO scoring strongly)




Of course you'll still be able to have a time preference. I still have the preference info on all clans from last season and if there's any change to any of this, you should let me know by mail as soon as possible.


hello all, Just one small thing about the playing times, could you make the late night playing times, i.e games that start at 10pm for a friday night.

A lot of clans have players who do not reside in the UK, i myself at present am living in Vienna, thus the 10pm playing time in the uk was 11pm for me here in Vienna, now add this to it being a tuesday or wednesday, meant that i was up till 12, concentrating, (on trying not to be too much of a duffus) playing in a match, thus i couldnt get to sleep till about 1, making the 7am rise for work a complete nightmare.

I do understand that this might sound like a rather selfish request, being an english server an'all, but its just a suggestion.


I understand the logic behind your request and in an ideal world we might be able to do something about it. However, BWCSL shares its servers with several other Half-Life leagues and as such, our servers are not activated on nights outside of the Tuesday-Thursday range. In addition, suggestions for Friday night games have gone down badly in the past, since many players like to be able to go out and socialise on Friday nights.


Tbh its a UK league, it will be played at UK times. I know it can be tough with lots of late night games, but you can be sure there would be an uproar if we scheduled any games on a Friday :)


The suggestion of one or two custom maps is a good one, de_clan_mill1 was in ECSL either this season or last (cant really remember) and it was one of the better maps in there. It's great for teamplay and as its not on a regular server rotation it makes things very interesting, clans need to do some praccy on the map as most players haven't seen this map before and after all it was designed especially for CPL so it cant be that bad now can it.


Only problem with that, and custom maps in general, is the map would have to be made available on a couple of BW's public servers and preferably bookables to allow clans without their own server a chance at practicing it.


Aye, I expect so. Just something that would need to be sorted out with natrat or whoever.


Rogue, you do a blinding job m8y. I may not just kill you next time we play [PP] ;)

I prefer Max rounds to CO.

But that's just my two pence.


I know its pretty much been set already, but can't we change the C4timer to 40 seconds, thing is walking is soooo much slower in 1.4 than in 1.3 the ct's are gonna need those extra 5 seconds.

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