suggestion to goa to increase player base


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 12, 2004
Raven said:
goa had its own forum but didnt like answering questions (whines) so closed it down.

aye, say no more tbh, goa/daoc (afaik) is the ONLY mmorpg thats pay2play that have NO official forums,lol /clap!

ppl who use these boards with old. infront of there name (eg: old.boppas) are people who had accounts on the short-lived official forums, i did but i forgot my user/passy so started a new account on here.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 9, 2004
problem num1 is new players are shitsy compers to old cjars. relm ranks 1 miollion pts against 0. funny games :twak:
was probly easy before but now impoossiplese for news to win

ok good nights fellas end folles!


Part of the furniture
Jan 30, 2004
Rediknight said:
IT's true, it's entirely up to you guys who pay how you play, but in that instance you're wrong.

From what you've said it looks like you're sectioning it off and saying that it's your particular guilds responsibility to set up RvR groups, which is exactly what is causing the issues Darzil spoke of. If people weren't quite so precious about their opted groups, and will take another merc or a scout instead of a minstrel or a sorceror, then i'm pretty sure we'd have a good 150+ more players still paying their subs.

Even in PvE, when you see adverts for a dragon raid, with "Experienced Dragon Raiders only!!" on it, that immediately sets hundreds of new players out of the equasion. Fair enough, you want it to go swimmingly and actually kill the dragon etc. but i've never been on a dragon raid, and played since a week after launch - tell me, would I get a spot on that raid? If it's possible to segregate players who have been on here that long, then how hard must it be for someone who has been here a couple of months?

Equally, in places like Thid - if you do manage to find three or four people to group with, then you immediately get accused of "zerging", and ruining it for everyone else...

This community has become very selfish, to the point where im reluctant to call it a community anymore, instead opting to stick with specific people or setups


your really dont have a clue do you.

and i cba pointing out the many glaringly obvious flaws in your statements.

dillusional, as always.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 24, 2003
boppas said:
aye, say no more tbh, goa/daoc (afaik) is the ONLY mmorpg thats pay2play that have NO official forums,lol /clap!

ppl who use these boards with old. infront of there name (eg: old.boppas) are people who had accounts on the short-lived official forums, i did but i forgot my user/passy so started a new account on here.

Wrong on both counts.

Mythic don't have official forums either, neither does FFXI.
The old thing is also nothing to do with the old official forums. Back when Freddys was Barrysworld, there was a database migration. Existing users got renamed to old.<username>. Some people kept it on FH and made a username with the old. prefix.


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 16, 2004
or just try and kill WoW and the playerbase will increase


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 22, 2003
Zede said:

your really dont have a clue do you.

and i cba pointing out the many glaringly obvious flaws in your statements.

dillusional, as always.
*watches that statement float past in mid air*

Ooookaaaay then...

i really would love for you to explain as i obviously don't "have a clue" where as you do, being the oracle of light and wisdom, yet you don't see us worthy of your almighty intellect...

Please, enlighten us, oh place putter innerer - at the moment you come across as a bit of a dick, but i'm prepared to let that float for a while til you explain what you mean :)


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 22, 2003
*shrugs and checks his watch*

Actually, seein as you were up being leet til 3am, i guess you might be having a lie in on your cloud or something...

Think i might go not have a clue on my bike for a few hours, then come back and see if the royal court is in session :m00:

S'funny, i seem to spend my entire time reading these forums with a slightly childish grin on my face - so many chimps on here who base their greatness on putting others down, it makes me feel special to join in once in a while :)


Part of the furniture
Jan 30, 2004
Rediknight said:
IT's true, it's entirely up to you guys who pay how you play, but in that instance you're wrong.

From what you've said it looks like you're sectioning it off and saying that it's your particular guilds responsibility to set up RvR groups, which is exactly what is causing the issues Darzil spoke of. If people weren't quite so precious about their opted groups, and will take another merc or a scout instead of a minstrel or a sorceror, then i'm pretty sure we'd have a good 150+ more players still paying their subs.

Even in PvE, when you see adverts for a dragon raid, with "Experienced Dragon Raiders only!!" on it, that immediately sets hundreds of new players out of the equasion. Fair enough, you want it to go swimmingly and actually kill the dragon etc. but i've never been on a dragon raid, and played since a week after launch - tell me, would I get a spot on that raid? If it's possible to segregate players who have been on here that long, then how hard must it be for someone who has been here a couple of months?

Equally, in places like Thid - if you do manage to find three or four people to group with, then you immediately get accused of "zerging", and ruining it for everyone else...

This community has become very selfish, to the point where im reluctant to call it a community anymore, instead opting to stick with specific people or setups

ok deluded one, I will put you in your place if you so desire.

Firstly, there are MANY different ways to get new people to play the game. But oh no....our pavlov dog that is rediknight spews out the same old shit time after time about "opted groups" and how they are ruining the game. You really do need get off your rickity bandwagon. Take away the option to make "opted groups" and you would lose far more than the 150 you speak of.

Maybe ( gosh am I silly thinking of this when rediknight the pure has already stated the facts, opps sorry Opinion) if Mythic gave the antiquated UI a complete overhaul and did some serious advertising.....I know im just mad to think this would be a great way to get new players...but oh nos ! rediknight is convinced its "leet" grps fault, not the zero advertising from totally cluless idiot.

Ok, I have known Martok for the last 40 months through playing this game, we have been guilded for approx 20 of those months, we are good pals. I signed up to the last DR he ran, and someone else got the spot. I PMd him about it, and he said like he always does " just turn up on the night, someone ALWAYS drops out. I will refer you to this post from a previous thread on DRs

Well, here is how I, a low RR person (ok, I have ML's) got on Martok's raids.

Week 1 - Heard a call on Alliance for extras, went along to help, as I had a required class. Went on raid.

Week 2 - Signed up. Didn't get picked. Turned up anyway, and offered any class they wanted (that I had), when 7pm came around, as they were short. Went on raid.

Week 3 - Signed up. Didn't get picked. Turned up anyway, and offered any class they wanted (that I had), when 7pm came around, as they were short. Went on raid.

Week 4 - Signed up. Got picked. Went on raid.


So to answer your own question, yes you would get on a raid, but you would rather pontificate on here instead of actually putting your sad words into action.

This selfish community as you put it - is in my opinion one of the reasons why I still play the game. I think its fantastic. I totally feel like I belong to something - and that is the essence of community itself.


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 22, 2003
You have a lot of issues - you don't even know me yet feel the need to insult me, instead of just disagree. I can do that too, if you really want me to, but i prefer to debate and discuss not hurl mindless insults in at every given opportunity.

For some reason you have decided that my entire game revolves around this one issue based from posts in threads discussing them exact topics - what you expect me to do, drag it off topic just to avoid having an opinion different to yours? mmmkay...

I don't once suggest taking away the ability to make an opted group - maybe some kind of bizarre paranoia over this surfaced in your subconcious, i dunno - i have no problem with people wanting to run in an opted group, what i DO have issues with are people who are EXCLUSIVELY in little opted groups, treating any non-twinked or non-"popular" players as second class.

It happens, accept it. I'm not saying you do - i don't pick on people, spit pathetic insults and try to make them out as some kind of fool - but it DOES happen.

The post you picked on was entirely in response to another poster saying that it was a particular guilds problem if a member couldn't get an RvR group - that's not true at all, and points to what i have an issue with as stated above: people who consider themselves secular from the rest of the realm, whether it be their guild, or their clique, which leads to newcomers/guildless/shy players treated as if not worthy to join "real" RvR.

The dragonraid business then - as i said, i have an issue with the advertisment of said raid being "For experienced raiders only". Whether or not someone might get on when someone drops out or not, the implication to a new player without prior knowledge of the setup that he/she wouldn't be welcome.

It's all very, very simple Zede, but for some reason you feel the need to get all pissy about my post and do the same thing i've seen a million times - an insecure gamer using the anonymity of the internet to insult and provoke someone.

Sadly you picked someone with both thick skin and a sense of priority. Maybe take a break after you read this one, save you spitting out your dummy like you did above ;)

Your comments are taken in the spirit they were meant - wub you too... :m00:


Part of the furniture
Jan 30, 2004
For some reason you have decided that my entire game revolves around this one issue based from posts in threads discussing them exact topics - what you expect me to do, drag it off topic just to avoid having an opinion different to yours? mmmkay...

You obviously have no idea what you even type on FH. You are the FH king of whining with regard to your "opted grps are bad" crusade, go check your own multiple posts in various threads on the subject - yes ! the ones from some bloke called "rediknight" thats you that is.

rediknight in nutshell :

2 entries found for self-righteous.
self-right·eous (slfrchs)

1. Piously sure of one's own righteousness; moralistic.
2. Exhibiting pious self-assurance: self-righteous remarks.


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 22, 2003
are you done?

want to tell me why you've really got such a bug up your arse about me?

I get the feeling you're feeling devoid of attention or something - as far as i'm aware i haven't slated you at all, i've merely stated my opinion on something a few times and, in the spirit of a forum, i respond to threads... are you getting this?

It's plain to see you have some real deeep issue with me and it's really destroying me that you're sitting there chucking the same substandard insults and thinking that i give a rats arse what you think...

You're a boy, typing sh*t in a forum...

oh, and for the record, i havent said that opted groups are bad - go read it all over again - i can't be arsed to explain it three times...

*pokes Zede with a stick*

must say though, it does make me feel proper spesh that i got my own insane stalker now, even if he isn't the hawt chick stalker i had imagined :m00:

happy days, eh? :D


Part of the furniture
Jan 30, 2004
Im done until you ( yet again) feel the need to enlighten us that opted grps are ruining the game ( so wont be long, based on your pattern so far)


Fledgling Freddie
Oct 26, 2005
Zede for crying out loud he is saying that people who will ONLY RUN IN OPTED GROUPS AND NEVER GROUP ANYONE ELSE EVER are ruining the game!

i agree with him tbh, people these days will run with 1 of their friends missing and run 1 person short rarther than invite anyone else..


Part of the furniture
Jan 30, 2004
XenX said:
Zede for crying out loud he is saying that people who will ONLY RUN IN OPTED GROUPS AND NEVER GROUP ANYONE ELSE EVER are ruining the game!

i agree with him tbh, people these days will run with 1 of their friends missing and run 1 person short rarther than invite anyone else..



Can't get enough of FH
Dec 22, 2003
Nah, i give up - PMd you Zede to try to point out the futility of arguing with me and the high blood-pressure thing you're suffering from, but after i tried to explain that and got a curt reply with only 9 words, two of which were "f*ck" - kinda indicates to me the level of stalking im going to be subjected too.

Just let it go dude - whatever i did to you in a former life, just let it lie!!

Anyway, as anyone who knows me will tell you, im faaar to lazy to carry this argument on out here in the ring. If you hate me that much then just PM me abuse, or send me emails or something, that way i can keep your waffle seperate from this community (easier to file :) )


Part of the furniture
Jan 30, 2004
i wish i was as cool and laid back as you rediknight, in fact i wish everyone was like you, your the best


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 24, 2003
Zede said:
i wish i was as cool and laid back as you rediknight, in fact i wish everyone was like you, your the best
Wow, that come-back was definitely worth spending 3 days to come up with. I mean you just won the whole internet with that. No-one can possibly argue with you now.


Part of the furniture
Jan 30, 2004
chretien said:
Wow, that come-back was definitely worth spending 3 days to come up with. I mean you just won the whole internet with that. No-one can possibly argue with you now.

i lick my m8s arses too

stick to pve mr roleplayer


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 3, 2004
Problem is also they have made the game too easy (PvE) or too hard (RvR)...

Put level restictions on stuff instead of it just breaking faster, so you actually HAVE to be level 45+ to wear AF102

Improve xp-gain for groups

make classic areas worth visiting (let them drop rogs and items with cap increase)

insert maximum level difference for xp gain (eg. 10 levels) so a lvl 39 wont get xp with a lvl50, but a lvl40 will

add range to out-of group buffs

nerf ML9 pets (any pet that can kill a melee-class is overpowered, besides they make most PvE too easy)

give aughealers and druids access to Heal-proc buffs like clerics

decrease RvR damage-output over-all

add First-to-hit-gets-the-reward like in wow, so who even engaged combat first gets the full xp / RP / loot (but again remember if a higher RR or lvl interfeers, there is no gain)

Make lvl50 battlegrounds where only people within a special amount of RP can enter .. like
lvl50 RR1L1 - 2L5
lvl50 RR2L6 - 3L5
lvl50 RR3L6 - 4L5
lvl50 RR4L6 - 5L5
etc. but keep the frontierzone as it is now (of even better bring back old frontiers)

make crafting easier (lower crafting timers, increase chance of high quallity, or remove quallity all along)

add 1 vs 1 instances where you can sign up for a given class you want to duel from an enemy realm and wait for someone to do the same thing on the other realm. (eg. a Sorc signs up for Challange a Warrior, then he has to wait for a Warrior to sign up for challange a Sorc)

give some more rewards for keep defense/offense, like wow's honour system, visible to realm mates only.

add some titles for LEADING raids (like 20 successful lead masterlevel raids = Raidleader of the Atlantis or something and add an reward to the title, like 1% cash gain... 100 successful lead Masterlevels = Commander of the Atlantis, 10% cash-gain)

Probably 100 more ideas, but im too tired right now :cheers:


Can't get enough of FH
Feb 1, 2004
I've thought about that level 50 battleground but there are quite some cons to it.
Prydwen/Excal cluster isn't really that populated (at the moment, might be comming more people after the 1.82 patch) and creating such a battleground will just split the amount of people again which would be bad for RvR as there are hardly any people on now.

Then again it would of course help people that aren't rr5 yet to fight people with equal amount of RA's but it will take even more spirit away from the game.
Like when the battlegrounds were released before it you would see anykind of con player in RvR (Grey - purple, depending on what level you wanted to try and RvR) and that was imo a very good thing which made you feel like a realm (higher level/stronger players taking it up for the weaker etc) but after the battlegrounds the only thing you could see were level 50s.
Same would happen with this battleground change as you will only see rr5+ and maybe even higher as people will then as for a rr5-rr7 BG and a rr7-rr9 one.

Personally I think there are more cons than pros for a 50 battleground, maybe if we had 3k people at primetime I'd think otherwise but as it is now I think this is not a good idea.


I'd rather they made the entire frontiers like Agramon, and placed keeps + towers in less symmetrical places where they were more realistic to where keeps and towers might've been placed depending on geography in medieval times. The symmetrical placing of the keeps, towers and frontier as a whole, is pretty damn boring. Symmetry is always boring.


Can't get enough of FH
Feb 1, 2004
Cruhar said:
add First-to-hit-gets-the-reward like in wow, so who even engaged combat first gets the full xp / RP / loot (but again remember if a higher RR or lvl interfeers, there is no gain)

Won't work, what will prevent me from taking a caster (solo) and going to a stand off and just throwing 1 AoE nuke on the entire zerg before anyone else can get there and getting all their RPs, exp and money?
However it should be nice in PvE with certain artifacts which would make people have to right now less.


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 3, 2004
Andrilyn said:
Won't work, what will prevent me from taking a caster (solo) and going to a stand off and just throwing 1 AoE nuke on the entire zerg before anyone else can get there and getting all their RPs, exp and money?
However it should be nice in PvE with certain artifacts which would make people have to right now less.

Then add something in RvR, that if more than 9 people hit the same target, RPs are shared amoung the damage-dealers (and their group if any)

Set a timer at, say, ½-1 min... if you retreated out of battle and didnt re-do any offensive action (vanish?) you loose the 'ownership' of that reward

If you get killed you loose the reward aswell (unless your in a group ofc. then its the groups reward, but again read suggestion no2.)


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 3, 2004
Andrilyn said:
I've thought about that level 50 battleground but there are quite some cons to it.
Prydwen/Excal cluster isn't really that populated (at the moment, might be comming more people after the 1.82 patch) and creating such a battleground will just split the amount of people again which would be bad for RvR as there are hardly any people on now.

Then again it would of course help people that aren't rr5 yet to fight people with equal amount of RA's but it will take even more spirit away from the game.
Like when the battlegrounds were released before it you would see anykind of con player in RvR (Grey - purple, depending on what level you wanted to try and RvR) and that was imo a very good thing which made you feel like a realm (higher level/stronger players taking it up for the weaker etc) but after the battlegrounds the only thing you could see were level 50s.
Same would happen with this battleground change as you will only see rr5+ and maybe even higher as people will then as for a rr5-rr7 BG and a rr7-rr9 one.

Personally I think there are more cons than pros for a 50 battleground, maybe if we had 3k people at primetime I'd think otherwise but as it is now I think this is not a good idea.

Yes, I guess your right, but then we could add a maximum of people in each of the lvl50 BGs... But make the RP-reward LESS in BG compared to 'real' RvR

Its true that there wont be so many 'lowbies' to feed upon by the 'stronger' players... But isnt that just a win/win situation? The lowbies gets left alone, and the stronger gets more interesting fights, without had to blow some RAs on a 'lowbie group' ? :)

But again I guess your right... Too little player databases as it is atm.
But this was ideas to increase playerdatabase :)

Also make account-trading legal, then you might get more people also so you dont have to start from scatch without knowlage and groups in a newb-hostile enviroment.
I reasently introduced my cousin to the game, and he thought it looks really really cool and sounded like loads of fun, my short explanation of the timezink (even tho I presented it in a possitive way) didnt interest him... he was looking for some more instant action if he felt like it, and I guess thats what most new players at the moment are looking for.


Fledgling Freddie
Oct 6, 2004
Cruhar said:
... nerf ML9 pets (any pet that can kill a melee-class is overpowered, besides they make most PvE too easy)

That would be a huge nerf to Midgard PvE. We don't have petspam or Necros. But feel free to remove ML9 pet from Hib and Alb ;)

Cruhar said:
Make lvl50 battlegrounds where only people within a special amount of RP can enter .. like
lvl50 RR1L1 - 2L5
lvl50 RR2L6 - 3L5
lvl50 RR3L6 - 4L5
lvl50 RR4L6 - 5L5

I like the idea! But I don't think it should be lvl 50 BG's. There is room for a last BG in levels 45-49, put it there imo.

RR - level - BG - ML cap
RR1L3 - level 15-19 - Killaloe
RR1L5 - level 20-24 - Thidranki
RR2L0 - level 25-29 - Braemar
RR2L5 - level 30-34 - Wilton
RR3L0 - level 35-38 - Molvik
RR4L0 - level 40-44 - Leirvik - (ML3 cap)
*RR6L0 - level 45-49 - ?????? - (ML? cap)*

Add in a feature that lets players remove levels. Example bump a char from level 50 back to level 44.

Artifacts worn by that char that need higher level than lvl44 to get activated become unusable until right level of activation is achieved again.

Champion sub specs will also become unusable until lvl 50 is achieved again.

I don't know how the ML cap works in the BG's, but i guess a player with active ML4 won't be able to enter Leirvik. If that is the case, change it so only ML up to ML3 can be used in the BG - but the player can get all ML's wihout getting kicked out of the BG.

I guess almost everybody has some kind of RR1 or RR2 toon at level 50 that will never see anything else than PvE because of the RR gap. This could bring them back to life ;)

One more thing. Grouping classes, in RvR and BG's, that rarely is used in an opted group setup should give the group some kind of bonus like +10% RP or maybe more. This way (Mid pov) Thanes and Valks get a chance to join the fun. Mythic have all the tools to find out what classes in all realms that need the group bonus. This should ofc only be for 8 man groups and all 8 players need to stay whitin 3000 units of eachother to get the bonus.



Can't get enough of FH
Dec 23, 2003
chretien said:
Wow, that come-back was definitely worth spending 3 days to come up with. I mean you just won the whole internet with that. No-one can possibly argue with you now.


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