suggestion to goa to increase player base


Fledgling Freddie
Mar 22, 2006
I recently subscribed back to find the servers... "dead" mithra tomb isnt crowded by lowbies anymore, hardly anyone is 1-49. i miss new players, and helping them, so heres my suggestion

-revamp the graphics of the outdoor areas, mainly the terrain so its not straight slopes but curved.

-improve the "lag" well not lag but quite often players seem to "jerk" around when moving.

-release dark age of camelot as a whole, all expansions including darkness rising and sell it as a whole (not saying including all expansions but as a "new game")

-try to remove as many slash commands and replace them with binded keys or windows/menus by default (slash commands are too dated) e.g. have a menu where you can change options like /cancel style things)

-modify the combat so that you dont have to use combat mode, perhaps just left click on an attackable mob and it will enter combat mode for you.

-more armor skins, shouldnt be too hard, just have say 6-10+ different looking armors for plate, chain etc. for dropped armors which dont have to be unique (as in various sets can share the same graphics), not just epics have their on look.

-have an official boards, i know its hassle but in my opinion i think its ideal for new comers to know where to find advice and flamers :)

note: all the other improvements ive seen since 3 years ago are great! i wish more players could see daoc. and a hope someone from goa reads this.

opinions on my thread are welcome so post away peeps


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 24, 2003
You want to send it to Mythic. Goa only host the game, they can't add new skins or change the sort of things that you suggest.
Mythic has a feedback form on their website here.
A coupel of your ideas are already in the works according to things announced on the Herald - revamp of old zones and stuff is happening already.

You can buy the whole game, there's a nice full box with all expansions included like this.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 19, 2004
Agree with it all but I still think that as always the main hinderence is lack of serious advertising.


One of Freddy's beloved
Apr 23, 2005
Good one m8, nice points shown out that are quite possible to get fixed (as some already are).

kladen said:
-have an official boards, i know its hassle but in my opinion i think its ideal for new comers to know where to find advice and flamers :)

But everybody in DAoC already know where to go when in need of flaming and advice: it's right here, the FH DAoC boards. Why not keep as it already is: the "official-unofficial-DAoC-boards"? Why need to change it, it ain't broken IMO :) Making some forum and givin' it title OFFICIAL, doesn't make it automatically better :)


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 23, 2003
Didn't GOA host some public boards for the first months of beta+release? It may be for a different game, but I recall the boards being shut down due to the massive work GOA had to put into moderating it, there were probably other points that brought to the decision also of course.

As said, I might remember wrong :p


Fuck the Tories!
FH Subscriber
Dec 27, 2003
goa had its own forum but didnt like answering questions (whines) so closed it down.

Ingafgrinn Macabre

Can't get enough of FH
Jan 4, 2004
Agree with a lot except these suggestions:
kladen said:
-try to remove as many slash commands and replace them with binded keys or windows/menus by default (slash commands are too dated) e.g. have a menu where you can change options like /cancel style things)
I love the slash commands and don't want them removed. I couldn't bare having to do everything with the mouse. Keep the slash commands but also include in the GUI in the form of buttons and menu's
Ohw, change
[/setprice <slot> <amount bronze>]
[/setprice <amount><b|s|g|p> <slot>]
because it's more often that you keep the same price on another slot to set the price of CM items and now you can then take the last command, remove the last two characters and type a new slotcode.

kladen said:
-modify the combat so that you dont have to use combat mode, perhaps just left click on an attackable mob and it will enter combat mode for you.
Don't have aproblem with that. Actually I'd hate to have that. Makes it real easy to accidentally attack the wrong mob if mobs are packed up giving the chance to break mezz orso.

kladen said:
-have an official boards, i know its hassle but in my opinion i think its ideal for new comers to know where to find advice and flamers :)
In a sense Freddy's House fullfills this function ;)
For the rest, for immediate problems you are redirected to RightNow from the official website


Fledgling Freddie
Sep 13, 2004
kladen said:
I recently subscribed back to find the servers... "dead" mithra tomb isnt crowded by lowbies anymore, hardly anyone is 1-49. i miss new players, and helping them, so heres my suggestion

blah blah blah

whats really needed is better marketing not better graphics



Can't get enough of FH
Dec 22, 2003
The dungeon task instances have pretty much killed off the lowbie dungeons - why go hunt in Mithra/Keltoi/Cata when you can just earn a lot more cash and a lot more XP doing tasks?

If the drops in the old dungeons were more interesting (maybe some alchemy/sc/crafting components dropped down there to encourage people into crafting?) the cash a bit better and the place just generally more attractive, i'm sure they'd have more visitors...

It just seems that in introducing new content, the old stuff has been relatively left to rot since SI and is now just taking up space.

Maybe instead of looking at introducing entirely new content Mythic should look at the realms now that instances are running - most of the mainland is deserted apart from solo's and small groups running between instances. How about link all the dungeons together in a sort of "Gauntlet" style quest? Have small groups of trainers down in "portal" rooms, which allow groups to travel from Keltoi straight to Cata, but train up in between, then move onto the next step of their "gauntlet" run? (i don't know the level requirements for these dungeons anymore, this was just an example)...


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 22, 2003
The /level command should be removed and the old dungeons should give bonuses too Xo nice places those and you can kit your char out from the items that drop there. Nothing beats the feeling of finding something that your character can use right away.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 10, 2004
The community should think about getting in new players and :

Group up more, even though solo and powerlevelling may be more xp/hour efficient.

Group up more in Thidranki - so people get a better RvR experience there.

Be less anal about optimal groups in the frontier - so newbies get groups at 50 and stay in the game.

Chances of those things happening are roughly nil, sadly. The first and last are probably the greatest killers of the game.

GOA should :

Add Catacombs to the basic freebie package. It's so much better than the current package for new starters, and would hold onto more players = more money for them. I'm sure that more players >>> a few more expansions purchased.

Mythic should :

Improve on the system interfaces.
Make grouping the ideal way to gain xp.
Reduce the power gap between high RR/ML/Artied up characters and people at 50 RR0 with new epic, DR jewelry, DR weapons.



FH is my second home
Dec 22, 2003
-try to remove as many slash commands and replace them with binded keys or windows/menus by default (slash commands are too dated) e.g. have a menu where you can change options like /cancel style things)

There are far too many slash commands to cover them all with icons or a special GUI. Although the ideal game should be possible to play just by using your mouse, there´s no need to cripple or artificially blow up your GUI. How often are you klicking the /release button instead of just typing /rel?

-modify the combat so that you dont have to use combat mode, perhaps just left click on an attackable mob and it will enter combat mode for you.

That would be a major game design flaw. You´re using your left mouse to interact/target things. It could be the door you want to open or the vaultkeeper or whatever. That command MUST not be assigned to another game function, especially not a critical one like combat. (btw... left click = combat on a target means you could never target someone on a PvP server without attacking him. "oopsy, sorry mister guildmaster, I just wanted to know how you con to me" :D).
You need a clear command of "Yes, I want to enter combat with this target now". Everything else leads to a mess.


Darzil said:
The community should think about getting in new players and :

Group up more, even though solo and powerlevelling may be more xp/hour efficient.

Group up more in Thidranki - so people get a better RvR experience there.

Be less anal about optimal groups in the frontier - so newbies get groups at 50 and stay in the game.

Chances of those things happening are roughly nil, sadly. The first and last are probably the greatest killers of the game.

GOA should :

Add Catacombs to the basic freebie package. It's so much better than the current package for new starters, and would hold onto more players = more money for them. I'm sure that more players >>> a few more expansions purchased.

Mythic should :

Improve on the system interfaces.
Make grouping the ideal way to gain xp.
Reduce the power gap between high RR/ML/Artied up characters and people at 50 RR0 with new epic, DR jewelry, DR weapons.


Agree with pretty much everything here except optimal groups killing the game. imo that's one of the main reasons the game is still going strong after 5 years


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 10, 2004
Benedictine said:
Agree with pretty much everything here except optimal groups killing the game. imo that's one of the main reasons the game is still going strong after 5 years

And not being able to get a group in RvR due to not being high RR / highly desired group has been the only reason anyone has left my current guild. We've lost half the people who got to 50 and tried to RvR. We've kept the half who got to 50 and enjoyed PvE.



Fledgling Freddie
May 13, 2005
Some good points but; newcomers wont want to send Ping Plots to see why they are lagging, they just want to play the game :p :D


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 10, 2004
Sye said:
Some good points but; newcomers wont want to send Ping Plots to see why they are lagging, they just want to play the game :p :D


Shall we add :

Mythic to add a pingplotter to the camelot game engine, which when a particular threshold of network performance is reached, starts up, sending it's results to the Server.



Darzil said:
And not being able to get a group in RvR due to not being high RR / highly desired group has been the only reason anyone has left my current guild. We've lost half the people who got to 50 and tried to RvR. We've kept the half who got to 50 and enjoyed PvE.


Then thats a guild recruitment/retention problem for your guild - we operate a Chelsea stylee squad rotation policy :D

Also there's absolutely nothing to stop people setting up a new guild (thereby guarenteeing themselves a spot, working together and getting better

..which is precisely how 99% of 'good' guilds out there got where they are


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 22, 2003
Benedictine said:
Then thats a guild recruitment/retention problem for your guild - we operate a Chelsea stylee squad rotation policy :D

Also there's absolutely nothing to stop people setting up a new guild (thereby guarenteeing themselves a spot, working together and getting better

..which is precisely how 99% of 'good' guilds out there got where they are
IT's true, it's entirely up to you guys who pay how you play, but in that instance you're wrong.

From what you've said it looks like you're sectioning it off and saying that it's your particular guilds responsibility to set up RvR groups, which is exactly what is causing the issues Darzil spoke of. If people weren't quite so precious about their opted groups, and will take another merc or a scout instead of a minstrel or a sorceror, then i'm pretty sure we'd have a good 150+ more players still paying their subs.

Even in PvE, when you see adverts for a dragon raid, with "Experienced Dragon Raiders only!!" on it, that immediately sets hundreds of new players out of the equasion. Fair enough, you want it to go swimmingly and actually kill the dragon etc. but i've never been on a dragon raid, and played since a week after launch - tell me, would I get a spot on that raid? If it's possible to segregate players who have been on here that long, then how hard must it be for someone who has been here a couple of months?

Equally, in places like Thid - if you do manage to find three or four people to group with, then you immediately get accused of "zerging", and ruining it for everyone else...

This community has become very selfish, to the point where im reluctant to call it a community anymore, instead opting to stick with specific people or setups


Part of the furniture
Dec 26, 2003
needed more advertisement, bit late now as its qutie an old game and seeming unless you know someone it's hard to start up.


One of Freddy's beloved
Apr 23, 2005
Darzil said:
And not being able to get a group in RvR due to not being high RR / highly desired group has been the only reason anyone has left my current guild. We've lost half the people who got to 50 and tried to RvR. We've kept the half who got to 50 and enjoyed PvE.


This is funny, I found it hard to write an reply for this thread. It was somehow hard to select appropriate word, can't understand why, thought... :eek7:

Anyways, I somewhat agree and disagree.

I'm agreeing on the fact ppl aren't newb friendly running RvR: ppl don't wanna take inexperienced players in grp because they might spoil the maximized RP-flow and ppl don't wanna start telling a newb how/what they should do.

But the disagreement... I find new players somewhat lazy to pick the spoon and start their own meals. In other words, how many newbs will start grp on their own and start exploring the vast areas of the Frontiers?

Yes, it's a pain running through group of RR10's while you yourself are RR1 :D

So, as a conclusion, both oughta happen:
1) experienced players should take new players in concern
2) new players too should be more active making groups on their own, instead of whining not having group invites

IMO. :touch:


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
scorge said:
whats really needed is better marketing not better graphics


better marketing comes in place if you even have marketing at all lol.. which with DAoC isn't the case.. all players are from mouth-to-mouth "commercial". They really missed a great deal of player due to it.

Starting now would be too late.. unless they open some new servers along, so new ones don't have the big leap behind they would have now.

And also, DAoC isn't the 'friendly' game WoW is for instance oO. DAoC is based upon killing your enemies, see pvp server and only rvr in EU.. and a few (or just 1) coop in US., where as WoW is all about making friends with the other realms lol. Seems ppl like that better.

Kharok Svark

I just hope they take all the mistakes they have made and lock them away in a deep dark vault.

Then, when Warhammer is released it will have everything that went wrong in DAoC sorted :D


Fledgling Freddie
May 13, 2005
Rediknight said:
Even in PvE, when you see adverts for a dragon raid, with "Experienced Dragon Raiders only!!" on it, that immediately sets hundreds of new players out of the equasion. Fair enough, you want it to go swimmingly and actually kill the dragon etc. but i've never been on a dragon raid, and played since a week after launch - tell me, would I get a spot on that raid? If it's possible to segregate players who have been on here that long, then how hard must it be for someone who has been here a couple of months?

I agree with you this point, it is hard for the new and inexperienced players to go on organised raids that request l33t peeps, thats why i started running RSA Dragon Raids so I could myself include anyone within the alliance. Almost every Dragon Raid i've organised within the alliance has had someone new come along.

People forget what these sort of games are about, they are not supposed to be easy, or instant rewarding. You are not suppose to be able to kill every enemy you come accross, you are not suppose to have instant RvR all the time or have relics or be solo or be 50 in 1 day, your not expected to be excluded from raids/events because of your class or experience.

The problem is the longer a game is played for the more people get picky about it, and demand upgrades and patches to change it. Things like /level 20 should of been removed ages ago, to help the newcomer population


FH is my second home
Jan 31, 2004
How about just give back OF? <sighs>

the playerbase was twice as large as it is now.

boring game, thats why i stopped playing it :S


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 28, 2003
Sye said:
The problem is the longer a game is played for the more people get picky about it, and demand upgrades and patches to change it. Things like /level 20 should of been removed ages ago, to help the newcomer population

You might be right in saying /level 20 should have been removed for newcomers, but that means even old players can't use it. And lets face it... there's hardly going to be anyone out there actually rolling a character again because of the pain in leveling the first 20 levels.

Besides, plvl is actually the one you want to blame for no groups being out there anymore.


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 23, 2003
Aadia said:
Besides, plvl is actually the one you want to blame for no groups being out there anymore.


/level 20 command or not, it's the powerlevelling that kills the normal groups. It's a hard nut to crack though, without hurting normal groups as well.


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 19, 2004
kladen said:
-more armor skins, shouldnt be too hard, just have say 6-10+ different looking armors for plate, chain etc. for dropped armors which dont have to be unique (as in various sets can share the same graphics), not just epics have their on look.

well, you now have Oceanus armor, Volcanus armor, Aerus armor, regular armor, Stygia armor, epic armor, all the artifacts, the new aurulite crafted armor and the Aurulite-bought armor, all of which have their own unique skin. that's not bad at all imo, tho some of them look fugly (ie oceanus armor). If anything, make rogs more worthwhile than they are now, very rarely people put together a template using rog armor parts, especially now with the nice new epic armor.


FH is my second home
Dec 23, 2003
Void959 said:
Agree with it all but I still think that as always the main hinderence is lack of serious advertising.

probably more the risk of chunking out lots of cash and end up getting less back because ppl werent intrested enough to subscribe.

the game IS old, it IS hard to get groups. as long as the comunity isnt intrested in doing old time XP groups, asking for new players that probably will leave after a week anyway because they had to solo is a waste :(

but then again, even if they DO decide to stay, theres a big chance they reroll on glastonbury just to get a chance of grouping.

so when WE stop insisting on doing PL groups, THEN it *might* be worth trying to get new players. but i seriously doubt it :(

i'm sure the game will stay online for a few more years. but in the end its gonna be the hardcores and the odd returning old timer thats keeping the game alive, not any major influx of new players, because the risk of paying lots for a big advertising without getting that money back is just to great.

probably gonna get flamed for this but owell.


Fledgling Freddie
Mar 22, 2006
problem is everything is geared to endgame. in the first year of release (when i played) i loved the earlier levels compared to the 50. was so much fun grouping with others in salisbury plain or going down to tepok's mine. but now.... theres no one around, everyone solos. the server feels "empty" unless you are out in the frontiers.


Can't get enough of FH
May 7, 2004
the reactive styles combat system is excellent and simply cannot and has not been surpassed by any other game out there!!!

i wouldnt change the combat system as its perfect :)

i do think that the game front end needs a complete rehash - instead of reworking tired old gfx's, recreate

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