Subscription Repayments on Weekends



Great.. I just got an e-mail back from them saying ...

"Your question has been received. You should expect a response from us
within 24 hours."

ummm I sent this in on sat!! its been 24 hours!! lol omg this is the dumest thing. But even then you still cant hope that within 24 hours they DO get back to you cause they go on to say...

"If your issue remains unresolved, please update this question at"
blah blah blah web site...:sleeping: :sleeping:

OK well... GUESS I will WAIT .... as if i have nothing better to do. Oh yeah .. I dont . :rolleyes:



just got back from skool... rushed upstairs had a piss then i came on my comp and tried... LOL


Originally posted by Sibanac
Here is a novel idee : try to pay your sub about a week before it runs out that way if samething goes wrong, you still have time !

Simple aint it ?

What Damini said.

Never give up a chance to flame though, eh?


It works for me fine, i was on msn with a friend and he couldnt access it. Maybe it could be your internet explorer or your ISP. :) just thought it would help to check your ISP and Explorer


i can access the fucking thing but after i put my details in it says there is a technical problem blahblahblah.


ok.... still waiting on them... i cant do anything but read this frickin forum ... lol i think i need to go shopping to pass the time:rolleyes:


Originally posted by eminemshow
i can access the fucking thing but after i put my details in it says there is a technical problem blahblahblah.

Same problem.

It begars belief that this could happen consistently every week and nothing is done about it.


Originally posted by BlueJam

Some people pay on a month by month basis, so they can stop playing without wasting too much of their hard earned.

Originally posted by Doogle
exactly.. if i payed for a year subscription and find i only go on the game for like 3 months or other reasons like DAoC stops working my end.. then im stuck...

is this a way for GOA ect to make more money.. in order for us to play again we will have to go out and buy DAoC... cuz im sure that could be one way of getting a few more £'s

U dont have to pay for a whole year, u can make it pay automagically for u every month so u dont have to go to subscriptionpage every time u wanna play one more month. The only thing u have to do then is go there and stop payment when u dont like the game anymore. But i guess u dont want the easy way out. And sorry for using u instead of you, I forgot there are ppl who doesnt understand what that means. (replace u with you in the text i wrote then u might understand it)

Ps. Just hope page is working when u wanna stop payment though :p Ds.

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