Subscription frustration



We are now on the 6th day of the subscription being down...
This is getting very frustrating, especially since Goa refuses to share any news on what is happening. What's the problem? When can we expect it to be up? Any reason to plan a game evening etcetera. This has been handled extremely badly imo.

I'm disappointed.

A tip to Goa: share da news 4 the win!
and u might get some understanding.


well, 4th or 5th topic about this, and now I must say it's completely useless to post stuff like this here (altough I did that many times)
they won't reply or react :(


ofcourse they won't

this is a *discussion* forum for the whiners, just admit it.


I wondered if they were actually editing all their account databases in order to set extra markers for all accounts so that they cannot abuse the generate_object/mob commands like the Germans did...


I can understand the subs frustration is even worse but I'v had my minstrel stuck underground for 4 days now. Can't report it as Rightnownever is down too.

Drowning on salvageable loot soon as he's my crafter :(


Originally posted by old.Sanar
I can understand the subs frustration is even worse but I'v had my minstrel stuck underground for 4 days now. Can't report it as Rightnownever is down too.

Drowning on salvageable loot soon as he's my crafter :(

lol underground! I can imagine that being frustrating... you are even paying for being stucked :(

oh well there's always athletics and laundry to do


I havent been able to play for 6 days now, and i had ALOT of things needed sorting in my guild, and help i prommised to my mates... (GM) (lgm guild WC)

If i ever see one of those arrogant fucktarts that work at GOA, and qote me on this one. Id roundhouse the motherfucker so hard he would shit teeth for over a week !!!

*Message for the employes at GOA* (writen in childs words to help you monkeyfucks cope)

You fuck up, you cant delive the product we have payed for in a long time, and prolly will for a while longer.
If you fail in delivering due to lack of good empolyees over there...
ACTIVATE ALL accounts till the maintanence or whatever you call it is fixed.

THEN, people who dont play anymore wont know about it nor care, or they might play knowing its on and MAYBE return to the game.

You wont loose face like you have now looking like a bunch of jack asses over there in the eyes of angry players like me...

And if youre as CHEAP as youre INCOMPITENT, deduct the "free" days by the end of the next payed supscription end.

Fucking hate you guys but thanks for a great game, oh soz... thats Mythic... well.... thats it.


/fucktard bump!!

miss you ingame ikaro! hope the idiots at goa will fix the god damn page soon.


Borderlining to quit EU DAoC and move to the US instead =/

... at least they respect their customers there, alot more than what you can say about GOA.

Now, if only it wouldn't be so lonely to start out alone :|

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