Subs league



As for timing, I really can't see any league getting successfully off the ground before Christmas. The game is still young, clans are still forming, and Christmas would cut a huge hole in any season.

So we're all talking 2003, right?


ATM nothign can be said for certain but ill let u know what i do.
(Shoot me if im wrong biffy)

We are goign over lots of dif ideas about this league , wubs only, prizes , format etc etc etc. All this talk of it WILL be 8 v 8 etc isnt founded IMO. As Bf eats CPUs for breakfast it is a big investment by BW for the league as im sure ur aware.

The model for this league has to be got right not only for ur enjoyment primarly but as it will be a first ever subs only league.
Im sure either me or one of the BW team will fill u in with more when we get it but for the mean time, just hold on and stop the specualting :p

eLL Tee

Originally posted by Deadmanwalking.
ATM nothign can be said for certain but ill let u know what i do.
(Shoot me if im wrong biffy)

We are goign over lots of dif ideas about this league , wubs only, prizes , format etc etc etc. All this talk of it WILL be 8 v 8 etc isnt founded IMO. As Bf eats CPUs for breakfast it is a big investment by BW for the league as im sure ur aware.

The model for this league has to be got right not only for ur enjoyment primarly but as it will be a first ever subs only league.
Im sure either me or one of the BW team will fill u in with more when we get it but for the mean time, just hold on and stop the specualting :p

Think this post is on wrong thread :)


its about subs league isnt it?

and sos this thread so no its not

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