Stupid cheaters



Originally posted by Gef


What makes that any different from a macro program? See my point?

I also dont see how you could read while doing it, you always have to watch the screen to see when the progress bar has reached the end.

I was taking the piss ;)

I dunno - Kiarra probably has an internal clock timer that lasts exactly 2 minutes or however long it is to finish an arcanium kobold-chopper

Edit: I mean internal in her head :)


What I find laughable is that they cheat, and then have to go to all these immense steps just to hide the fact they are cheating, which surely makes it just as much effort as not cheating in the first place...

So true Dam

Sos didn't think the link to the forum was any prob ,
One guy gives a list of things not to do ,which in it's entirety pretty well excludes anything you might gain from cheating.

'Don't jump up and defend yourself if anything is attacking from behind'

'Don't tell anyone where enemies are, don't run directly to anything that you couldn't see without the map'

These guys are 2 forks short of a dinner set, they are so excited about cheating that they haven't noticed that it's completely useless.


Heh, its a bit like this....

Athlete One: "I've taken performance enhancing drugs! No-one can beat me!!"

Athlete Two: "You'll get found out."

Athlete One: "No I won't!! I'll run really slowly, and then they'll never know!!!"

Athlete Two: "Riiight..."


can someone atleast post the cheaters comment so we can all have a laugh at their expense?


Hehe, cute little proggy, almost makes me want to give it a shot =).

If there are any guys reading this who actually use the prog in PvP, pls answer me what's the point? Where does the pleasure come from? Does winning by cheating really give as much satisfaction as winning by struggling for it and finally succeeding?

God, Im starting to feel old..


Her's a couple of my favourites
Once your account has been banned, they will watch your second/new account like a hawk.
- Do not run from point A to point B when there is no way you can see point B without the map.
If you are sitting and something is coming up behind you, don't jump up quick, turn around, and start fighting. Without the map you would have no way to know something was coming. Either pay closer attention and move BEFORE it starts getting close, or grit your teeth and take it.
Do not say what level the mob/player is (8, 9, 42). Just say what COLOR they are
For extra "security", close your map while fighting in a group. It's much too easy to make a mistake and say/do the wrong thing.
And the best one!
Has anyone that had their account banned for xuleashed ever gotten their account back?I take it from the lack of responces that the answer is no.... Damn Mythic sucks. Its too bad too, DAOC is a great game.

If I can't use xunleashed I'd rather not play. Once I used xunleashed I can never go back. It makes a good game great. .

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