stop making scouts!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



the number of 25+ scouts is still annoyingly high, stop it while you can, raise awareness


no.......... join us......... its bliss..............


Yes people, ffs, don't bother lvling a scout.
They might be fun in the BG1, but after that, press Delete, type Y-E-S and lvl a new one for BG1 fun!

Problems with a lvl 50 scout:
- Miss/fumble/pbt/evade rate meaning about 20% hit rate most of the time
- See hidden and all the elite SB and NS lamers that have it and team up to gank scouts (oh wait, they claim they have see hidden for minstrels)
- No group abilities, but no real solo abilities either

Lvling to 50 is a royal pain, a group would prefer a 6th inf to a single scout, see hidden means you cannot live past 1 kill (if you get lucky) in rvr, and giving all the pesky, I have to play uber classes pimply kids rp's gets on your nerves on the end...
Regards, Glottis

PS. Gave it my best shot bishibosh
PS 2. Upcoming archer love in 1.62d will be mostly based on melee and increasing hit rate. See hidden will not change at all :(


make grps of 4scouts 3infs 1minstrel and stop whining :p


Originally posted by Glottis_Xanadu

PS 2. Upcoming archer love in 1.62d will be mostly based on melee and increasing hit rate. See hidden will not change at all :(

Scouts can melee? Having tried a friends scout lately im starting to see what your all whining about.


Anti-PBT love being at 50bow scout, I can see more whines very much inc ;)


Except it won't break self BT or BT on a warden.

I'm wondering how this 'not overwritten' self BT will work in conjunction with pbt now. I wouldn't be shocked if meleers have to hit through 2 sets of BT on pbt'ed casters. And which BT will be taken off if I shoot at a caster with self BT and PBT? Is it the self BT so I can follow up with a PA shot and pierce the PBT or what?

Needs Teschting!


You won't have to break PBT -THEN- selfBT on a caster grouped with a warden. ;p


PBT doesn't overwrite selfBT anymore, so how would it work?


Scout shoots caster, PBT bubble is burst.
Scout shoots caster, selfBT bubble is burst.
Scout shoots caster but the bloody warden isn't dead so it gets PBT'd again :p

Scout shoots caster, selfBT bubble is burst.
Scout shoots caster, caster gets a booboo :( :( :(
Scout shoots caster with rapidfire in the desperate hope of landing another hit before the PBT pulses again :p


Originally posted by old.LandShark
Scout shoots caster, PBT bubble is burst.
Scout shoots caster, selfBT bubble is burst.
Scout shoots caster but the bloody warden isn't dead so it gets PBT'd again :p

SelfBT and PBT don't stack now. So this is wrong.


Scout shoots........ whether he hits or not he doesn't know because......
One of the twenty million assasins jumps him.......
Scout desperately slams his ass off.........
Finaly lands slam and limps off at 5% health.........
Is killed by another assasin before he can take 2 steps........

This happens almost all the time :p




It's time to give Archer classes a bump in ability, as they have been somewhat left behind by the addition of many new abilities and spells in other classes. In version 1.62D, we attempt to bring the Archer back in line to be a fun to play class. However, it is not our intention to ever return the Archer to the sniping overpowered force that he was at Camelot's launch. These changes should make the Archer useful and fun, but not make him overpowered. Needless to say, these changes will need lots of testing on Pendragon, and we will make adjustments as necessary based on testing feedback.

By "Archer", we are referring to the Hunter, Ranger, and Scout.

Critical Shot Notes

- We've changed the way that aggression is calculated when Archers use Critical Shot against monsters. Now, aggro generated from damage done by a Critical Shot is divided among all group members of the Archer. Please note that the Archer will still get a fraction more damage than any other group member, but it will now be much easier to pull the monster off the Archer once it has been hit by a Critical Shot. This should make Archers one of the better monster "pullers" for any PvE group.

Arrows And Bladeturn

All three Archers now receive a new skill called "Penetrating Arrow", which allow them to penetrate, to some extent, Bladeturn spells. Here's the details:

- Penetrating Arrow will never go through Bladeturns (both pulsing and single-target) on the character that cast the spell. This means that a Warden who casts a bladeturn on himself will never have his own personal bladeturn penetrated.

- Bladeturns cast on group/realm mates can be pentrated. So a Hero that has a pulsing bladeturn (or single target) on him from a friendly Warden can have that bladeturn penetrated.

- Archers receive Penetrating Arrow based on their specialization in their particular Bow skill. They get Penetrating Arrow 1 at 30th spec, Penetrating Arrow 2 at 40th spec, and Penetrating Arrow 3 at 50th spec. Lower levels of PA do less damage by not fully penetrating the bladeturn. The highest level of PA does normal damage.

- Additionally, Longshot and Volley now penetrate ALL Bladeturns, regardless of who cast them.

- Please note that in this version we have made sure that self bladeturns will no longer be overwritten by other bladeturns.

Rapid Fire

The three Archers now also receive a new ability called "Rapid Fire", which allows them to release their bow shot before the normal bow timer. Here's the details:

- When an Archer has this skill, at any time after halfway through their normal bow timer they can release the shot.

- If you release the shot 75% through the normal timer, the shot (if it hits) does 75% of its normal damage. If you release 50% through the timer, you do 50% of the damage, and so forth - The faster the shot, the less damage it does.

- Rapid Fire shots takes the same endurance as a normal bow shot, but do less damage.

- Archers receive Rapid Fire 1 at 35 specialization level in their particular bow skill, and Rapid Fire 2 at spec level 45. The difference between the two is how much endurance they take - RF 2 takes less endurance than RF 1.


I note they haven't actually given archers the ability to hit a barn door.

Simplest fix for archers would be to give them a line of styles, with the usual range of effects and to hit bonuses. imho.

Aule Valar

archer rapid fires shot one instantly, does only 1% damage, but breaks bt, then shoots normal arrowy things
or only ever shoots with longshot at max range due to desperation


A few questions springs to mind....

a) So what if a scout can pierce pbt? He still cant solo shit before hes carved to ribbons by 1.000.000 shadownoobs

b) How is the comparison between caster and scout damage even with this bt-piercing stuff? Caster still outdamages the scout by 50-100%.

c) What can you conclude from this? Scouts are still less wanted in groups than any other class.

Sorry for answering my own questions ;)


IMO Scout can solo very well we can shoot casters even without any buffs and if some assasin - for excample Shadowblade comes to melee you down you can slam him and loose huge salvo of arrows to get him down...and then stealth so his friends wont find you easily!

:m00: :sleeping:


I can never play anything other than a Scout past lvl17, its just not in me :p


why are you all making gimps you fooooooooools :m00:

DeaD GuRu


dunno, but i think 4 scouts in group vs group battles must be fun, the number of schots at a mob of mids is verry nice, chances are some fire will be combined so more hits on a character, then infis give hidden protection for scouts and a nice mezz bomb mincer to mezz/stun em before they get there, i think if a FG charges em... fun, maybee worth a go

I think that an increased number of long range artilery, beeing the scouts, could be nice out there. I just wished they levelled that easy.


2-3 scouts on 1 target = every class death
2-3 scouts with volley = all gets hit for 200 dmg or more....
scout solo = teh suck without buffs


Originally posted by dimerian
IMO Scout can solo very well we can shoot casters even without any buffs and if some assasin - for excample Shadowblade comes to melee you down you can slam him and loose huge salvo of arrows to get him down...and then stealth so his friends wont find you easily!

you cant run off and stealth

lEEt See Hidden Remember!:p Teh ubah skill


:m00: :sleeping:


I think I´ll make another scout actually ! :D


Originally posted by old.Odysseus
A few questions springs to mind....

a) So what if a scout can pierce pbt? He still cant solo shit before hes carved to ribbons by 1.000.000 shadownoobs

b) How is the comparison between caster and scout damage even with this bt-piercing stuff? Caster still outdamages the scout by 50-100%.

c) What can you conclude from this? Scouts are still less wanted in groups than any other class.

Sorry for answering my own questions ;)

Dont fully agree with that. The fact that a scout will be able to fire arrows at insane speed, regardless of wether they r only doing 100+ dmg per shot means that casters stand very little chance, being that we only get 1 quick cast so the rest of the time u can interrupt us before we cast. Its true that sometimes archers hit for pretty poo dmg but so do casters, i sometime hit ppl for 300dmg but then i have also hit ppl for 90 dmg with the same spell. I have been shot by archers for like 500+ dmg before but then i also have been hit for about 150. Damage is always going to differ no matter what class u play. As for self bladeturn well that counts for very little these days, u will still interrupt us when u shoot regardless if BT negates it which means we can still only hit u with 1 spell with the aid of quickcast while u pummel us with arrows. Thats the caster v archers situation as i see it, i really not sure how u guys r against tanks.

All classes have their uses in a group as far as i am concerned and as for the shadowblade problem, we all suffer from that :(


archer rapid fires shot one instantly, does only 1% damage, but breaks bt, then shoots normal arrowy things
or only ever shoots with longshot at max range due to desperation

If you check the patch notes, you will notice that the minimum draw time is 50%.

All this change does is allow long bows to be used as hunting bows, thus saving the trouble of carrying both around.


scouts should get positional based stlyed shots....

rear positional style : Ass Shot
Shoots the enemy up the ass, 50% movement decrease + sitting position disabled for 5 min timer :D


Originally posted by Merl
Dont fully agree with that. The fact that a scout will be able to fire arrows at insane speed, regardless of wether they r only doing 100+ dmg per shot means that casters stand very little chance, being that we only get 1 quick cast so the rest of the time u can interrupt us before we cast. Its true that sometimes archers hit for pretty poo dmg but so do casters, i sometime hit ppl for 300dmg but then i have also hit ppl for 90 dmg with the same spell. I have been shot by archers for like 500+ dmg before but then i also have been hit for about 150. Damage is always going to differ no matter what class u play. As for self bladeturn well that counts for very little these days, u will still interrupt us when u shoot regardless if BT negates it which means we can still only hit u with 1 spell with the aid of quickcast while u pummel us with arrows. Thats the caster v archers situation as i see it, i really not sure how u guys r against tanks.

All classes have their uses in a group as far as i am concerned and as for the shadowblade problem, we all suffer from that :(
U're not an archer I take it.
archer vs caster from less than 1500 range = insta death to archer because the qc <something> will either stun, mezz or otherwise perma interrupt him until he is dead.

Take a theurgist for example; qc mezz, pet pet nuke => dead archer 100% of the times. Nomatter if he can fire 1.000.000 shots a second.
Get purge is the logical answer .... well get mastery of concentration or 2. qc and the situation is still the same.

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