Stolen Supplies Quest now available!


Can't get enough of FH
Apr 20, 2004
Well, a serious reply regarding the state of the UK (or I should better say english speaking cluster) vs the state of the german and the french ones, is that you cannot achieve the same cohesion levels mostly due to the fact that the english cluster is in fact a multicultural one.

Some people, including myself are fine by it, but then again I've spend something like 8 years in the southeast of england. In-game I have encountered several greek players that were not comfortable talking english (specially in vent) or interacting with other people as they were feeling insecure in the first place.

Games like that are sustained on in-game relationships. Dyvet's social structure was very loose and the multicultural part imo played a major role.

Then again the lack of advertising didn't really help.

Also, let's say it again, people jump on whatever roaken will say, not because they're mad/angry/whatever at him, but at his position as the GM of a community of 5 (which will soon became the next hot TV series, the survival of the luri, the kobold, the inconu and the 2 realm guards left)

Oh well, I'm ranting now so I'll just spot (for now :p)


Part of the furniture
Jan 30, 2004
But surely we are entitled to our opinions? After all, things that are now being introduced by Mythic are based from the opinions of thier users. Didnt someone from here suggest Agramon island?

Bodyrot, cabalist. he had a high level pala too, who was it now ?


Part of the furniture
Dec 26, 2003
Also, let's say it again, people jump on whatever roaken will say, not because they're mad/angry/whatever at him, but at his position as the GM of a community of 5

That's just the problem mate; it's more like a couple of thousand people who have been let down by GOA, not just those who remain.

Any information whatsoever...let people know exactly what's happening, if dyvet isn't going to have anything done to it, let the masses know rather then let rumours and such decide peoples way of thinking about the whole thing.

I'm almost certain that people would rather be told straight up that nothing will be done instead of this silency thing; surely even GOA must know this after there not being hardly anyone who will be playing with GOA from the daoc crowd in warhammer.

It's like when you're cheated on by your GF and your friends know...anyone would want to know what was going on, being kept in the dark is just plain disrespectful.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 28, 2004
That's just the problem mate; it's more like a couple of thousand people who have been let down by GOA, not just those who remain.

Any information whatsoever...let people know exactly what's happening, if dyvet isn't going to have anything done to it, let the masses know rather then let rumours and such decide peoples way of thinking about the whole thing.

I'm almost certain that people would rather be told straight up that nothing will be done instead of this silency thing; surely even GOA must know this after there not being hardly anyone who will be playing with GOA from the daoc crowd in warhammer.

It's like when you're cheated on by your GF and your friends know...anyone would want to know what was going on, being kept in the dark is just plain disrespectful.

Would never even bother playing on GOA's Servers again.

Why pay money to people that don't really seem to bother if compareing to the those on the US servers.

Nope if I have time to play Warhammer when it arrives, then it will be on the US servers for sure.


Part of the furniture
Dec 23, 2003
The 'Stolen Supplies' is only available to realms who have completed the Elementals quest a number times. Now, due to a situation where the population of that realm couldn't possibly reach the number required we have decided to free the lock and make it available to every realm within the European Servers.

Other Servers and clusters such as Limors had the player base to unlock these quests, so it wasn't necessarily needed for that cluster, but was for Camlann and Dyvet.

Shouldnt there be a big red light flashing somewhere as you type this? Oo
'Oh look, these servers doesnt have the needed population to complete the quests we've done for them, hmm, i wonder what we can do to help them, lets just remove this quest and give them the followup instantly. :D'

Wonder how much more it will take before you guys realise that clustering the Dyvet cluster with .DE servers or granting chartransfer would bring back alot of people to the game, me included. :X

Easy way out is the best way tho i guess. :worthy:


Part of the furniture
Jan 9, 2004
Sadly us brits demand more than we will ever get, while the Germans and French just play the damn game for fun and dont whine half as much at either GOA or each other.

This set of quests are a prime example, Roaken makes an announcement (which he didnt have to on here as its on the web site), and you all jump on his ass without offering a reacharound or a chance to lube up first. Makes ya wonder why people spend so much time forumshaggin and less time game playing.

Lots of sour grapes killing the game these days.

I have to disagree with you here. Those of us who played EU from the start have been consistently let down by piss poor customer services. Historically we have been eons behind the US with regards to patching, we have never had the /appeal system implemented, we have had to endure countless, lengthy periods of shit lag, we have had a complete database crash which was never fully resolved, no doubt I have missed lots out.

All we have ever asked for was decent customer support, instead we had lieing twats like Requiel spamming all sorts of untruths. We deserved far better treatment and eventually almost the entire cluster voted with their feet and moved to decent servers.

Raoken is in a no win situation I agree. But he is employed by GOA and as such will have to accept the critisism however harsh.

It is ironic that GOA are now forced to "unlock" a quest because the server population is so low. They have failed to recognise the warning signs for far too long.

Manisch Depressiv

Part of the furniture
Mar 6, 2005
It's just the small dent into the population guys with Dyvet and some fan boys will make sure GOA is still around when Warhammer hits.


Resident Freddy
Jan 16, 2004
I don't envy the poor Roaken that much sice he's getting the blame on behalf of a certain ex GM, but seriously Goa should take an hint from the following picture:



FH is my second home
Jan 31, 2004
It's just the small dent into the population guys with Dyvet and some fan boys will make sure GOA is still around when Warhammer hits.

Not if they get busted for fraud.

I was going to make a statement about the french, then i thought otherwise.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 23, 2003
Roaken makes an announcement (which he didnt have to on here as its on the web site), and you all jump on his ass without offering a reacharound or a chance to lube up first. Makes ya wonder why people spend so much time forumshaggin and less time game playing.

Lots of sour grapes killing the game these days.
Dec 15, 2007
Well, instead of bickering over whats been done a and not done in the past, here is a new idea, or well an old idea brought out in a new package so to speak.

Now when dyvet is dead, it is no doubt that it's dead, maybe 50-60 people playing there and the server cluster peaks at 30 ppl on weekends. Compare this to 10-12 thousand people in the past with peak nummbers each evening of around 2.5k-3k players. It's dead. So... now when the dead part is sorted out here is the idea.

The idea would then be to revert back, yes r-e-v-e-r-t back, to Old frontiers, patch 1.65. [ Obviosuly a modified and refined version of that patch/era ]

This form of Old frontiers would/could include:

- Savage nerf
- Theug pet cap "nerf"
- ToA nerf and rework
- Agramon Island, obviously the best way would be to try and integrate it into the existing scenary of OF, else it riscs to be overused or underused since you miss out on the "we travel through to avoid porting time" people/population.

- Labyrinth would be implemented alongside with Agramon, either as a standalone - > port into dungeon/place or as a part of the scenary ( breif exponation above ).

The idea of not including the new Laby and DR classes could be discussed, personally I think if you brought them in on the server in their current 1.89 ( Eu patch ) or 1.91c ( US patch ) form they wouldn't be too much of a balance issue.

Anyway, by doing this, perhaps bold and in lack of an other word riscy operation you could regain alot of players. If it works as I would think it would loads and load and loads of players would return to check it out.

It would act as;

1) A draggester to attract people that long ago left the game and company for this or that reason ( obviously aiming at people that left b/c dyvet was dead and b/c NF was implemented with various new classes and changes )

2) Due to the frequantly used phrase "pink glasses" some might not stay, some will...I believe many will.
Also this "Pink glasses" phenomena people are so keen to use as an ANTI OF argument might be just the angle you wanna approach people with. The idea of experiencing the golden days of DAoC, again, might just be the reason to get people to try it again ( people who left the game ) and get them hooked again, get their money and we all know thats why your in this buisness, to get their money...get that money joe!

3) This new start of dyvet with OF as RvR scenary could be used as PR stunt, you might and probably will get alot of free publication, especially on the internet 'cus of this bold and seemingly shocking move, might be nice for the future...beeing seen as a company and partner of EA Mythic who do listen to their customers.

I'm not gonna put on own my own pink glasses in this post, so the downsides are as follow ( as I see them atleast ).

1) Alot of questions could be raises why you didn't do this before, and why you said it was technically impossible, your reputation as a company could be questioned.

2) The effect or demand of this server could be so overwhelming this "new OF" server could be clamped up and reach server limits and be subject to alot of instabillity due to such an ammount of players. I say could as I don't know the limits of your servers and clustered servers. I do know its possible, if the will is there anything is possible.

3) It might attract and possible drain people from the ToA servers and that end result could be the same as on Dyvet, that people quit b/c others did, and in the end everyone has to leave since the economy, the RvR and social aspect of the game is unhealthy and inbreed. Thats the biggest downside or risc. Then again if this is what the cusomers demand you should be flexible enough to recon their demands and bend to their will.

4) Another problem could be that new staff has been brought in who is unfamiliar to the old layers of code wich OF exist of, and as a result it might be a heavy task to perform a server revert. Then again thats what we pay you for, so it isn't an unreasonable amount of effort on your end.

As a final note, the above is merly 10 mins of thought, and many things should and could be altered and discussed, brainstormed and all that.

/edit If not this then what ? Let the server stay at 10 odd people and state in grabbags that it is the people who lefts fault the server is dead?

That it is your customers fault? That don't fly.


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 24, 2003
Take a breath dude, the topic said "Stolen supplies Quest now available!" not "write war and peace on the state of the gamezoromg!!!".

You peeps really know how to go off topic, and wind up the same one, why cant we just put all the "OMG GOA SUCKS DYVET IS DYING QQ IMO RSVP ROKZORS MEGAM8S!!" posts in one place?

Forum dudes, give us a seperate section for whine on this subject like we did for "other" servers, "off topic" and "stop adding you f**kers!" threads eh?


FH is my second home
Jan 25, 2004
Take a breath dude, the topic said "Stolen supplies Quest now available!" not "write war and peace on the state of the gamezoromg!!!".

You peeps really know how to go off topic, and wind up the same one, why cant we just put all the "OMG GOA SUCKS DYVET IS DYING QQ IMO RSVP ROKZORS MEGAM8S!!" posts in one place?

Forum dudes, give us a seperate section for whine on this subject like we did for "other" servers, "off topic" and "stop adding you f**kers!" threads eh?

don't forget that goa most likely aren't allowed to revert dye to contracts with mythic :p
Dec 15, 2007
Take a breath dude, the topic said "Stolen supplies Quest now available!" not "write war and peace on the state of the gamezoromg!!!".

You peeps really know how to go off topic, and wind up the same one, why cant we just put all the "OMG GOA SUCKS DYVET IS DYING QQ IMO RSVP ROKZORS MEGAM8S!!" posts in one place?

Forum dudes, give us a seperate section for whine on this subject like we did for "other" servers, "off topic" and "stop adding you f**kers!" threads eh?

Man I'm not whining, or whinging. I havn't played on dyvet for maybe 1.5 year due to the lack of support from GoA, mythics partner in crime here in europe.

Dyvet is dead, I'm not whining about it and I never have, I moved on long ago when I first noticed to downward spiral, oldies leaving the game etcetera.

As I see it we got two choices, do something productive about it or let the server just remain as it is, and eventually the server count will say 0 people online, the few people left will only have so much stamina, ye.

Me and many more never really found NF to be all that, we appriciated OF alot more, even with its obvious flaws in design -> the milagtes, they needed to been more then one two or three exits. Stuff as class balance is impossible to compare and discuss since games evolve, each and every patch is there to correct issues and so forth.

I was trying to feed roaken or whoever has the GM spot and is in position to put forward diffrent ideas. And I tried to angle the idea into something GoA would see, and think " Oh that could be worth the hassle, this and that is true, oh that negative yah harsh one can we live with that..probably yah lets go ahead"
- Obviously I'm well aware they are a hard sell, but atleast give them some ideas could be postive, as when agramon came I was amongts many others who used to brainstorm ideas and we ended up with agramon wich was identical to many of the ideas brought up.

And GoA could probably alter stuff in the code, given mythics approval wich they would probably get if its financed, thought through and reasonable and within a set timeframe. Look at the freeshards, they basically stolen the code and altered it and noone of those guys are in jail, so I believe it's possible. It all about them making an effort, and they will if its worth it and it brings some revenue, as in new players, free PR and or raises the credibility of the company as a forwardgoing and goodspirited company.
Trust me the illwilling comments about people not going to play WAR europe due to GoA reaches far from this forum only.

In the end it's all about them but sitting here bitching and whining wich you too good whoodoo gets down to is rather pointless and if you think the oposite, then why trash the idea, come up with your own solution then if you have a diffrent one or another one.

Go for it. :p
Dec 15, 2007
don't forget that goa most likely aren't allowed to revert dye to contracts with mythic :p

I recon that to be a milestone in doing anything to the server. But in the end doing nothing is probably worse then doing something. It looks stupid and silly to see an english/american game on europe with 0 english player on it.

It is bad PR. And bad PR often equals to less money, wich is bad...and that is the angle they need to be approached at. The ones that clear the checks balance the accounts and pay the checks don't give a... about what you and I think is cool or not cool in a MMO, they count the green.

So you make it so their goal becomes our goal and vice verse. Their goal is to make money, our goal is to have a MMO to enjoy. If an idea bring enjoyment and more money at the same time then it has potential to go to the next level, internal discussion, else it remains as sour illwilling bickering on freddys.


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 11, 2004
Me and many more never really found NF to be all that, we appriciated OF alot more, even with its obvious flaws in design -> the milagtes, they needed to been more then one two or three exits.

At the risk of going even more off topic (but what the hell) I actually think only having the one exit was part of what made OF great.

The realm had to unite, simply to achieve the goal of getting through that camped zerged to crap door. As soon as people had option about where to go, or the opportunity to simply walk round the zerg is when all the in-fighting started occuring.
Set groups didn't mind people adding on their fights at the milegates in the old days as long as they were clear so they could get through to their fg spots. It gave a place where everyone could simply pile in for RP's and fun. Take that away and you have a group of bridgecampers farming randoms with anyone who can actually get them to stop camping it walking round the long way and the randoms stuck at either side of a fg zone with no-way of actually getting across to meet each other.


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 24, 2003
More stuff....
Dude, my point was a thread entitled "Stolen supplies quest now available" has been single handedly hyjacked into another GOA flamefest, its got bugger all to do with the thread at all and needs to be put where all the others are. But yet again, Roaken makes a post in any way shape or form and a gazillion anti-GOA posts appear as if by magic!

Be honest, do you REALLY think anyone at GOA are reading past the first reply to this thread? Simple Do you think even more that they are reading replies to a post they made to announce and not discuss

Theres no one reading who cares from GOA because simply put, its out of context and nothing they aint heard before.
Dec 15, 2007

Well maybe you should go back and read the first lines of my post, where I direct it at people making negative and destructive comments in the thread.

Obviously it is not meant 100% for any GoA personell but equally as much for other people already posted and about to post, that bickering about all that stuff in the past is rather pointless.

Either you quoted my post without actually reading it, or you simply used my post to start your own, then moved on without a clear line of whom you where adressing in the post, me or everyone else.

Whatever it is I advice you to read the first parapgraphs of my post and you will see the point of it. Again if you feel it to be so worthless that your inclined to speak your mind about it you really should make that thread of your own wich your speaking of and fill it with your own ideas. MAYBE you could even use RightNow and email your ideas, I'm SURE they will be read.


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