Stolen Supplies Quest now available!


Jun 6, 2007
The 'Stolen Supplies' quest have now been activated for anyone who wishes to complete the quest, you should mutter the words 'lost supplies' to the NPC's who give the quests, this feature has been unlocked on every server for all to enjoy!

NPC's List:

[Albion] Mayor Palastam in Black Mountains South

[Midgard] Barkeep Kanar in Svealand East

[Hibernia] Master Lucyn in Ardee


FH is my second home
Jan 31, 2004

Fix the population issue you idiot!

Nobody cares about the damn quest.


Part of the furniture
Sep 5, 2004

Fix the population issue you idiot!

Nobody cares about the damn quest.

Roaken is on his own quest. A quest to find not the lost supplies, but the lost faith in the company he works for. Not to mention the lost subscribers, who used to number 3k from the UK alone!


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 22, 2003
It's a heck of a lot more than 3000 mate!


Can't get enough of FH
May 7, 2004

Fix the population issue you idiot!

Nobody cares about the damn quest.

no need to call him an idiot - he is just doing his job:touch:

but totally agree - do something for population before fixing a frikken quest....


FH is my second home
Jan 31, 2004
no need to call him an idiot - he is just doing his job:touch:

but totally agree - do something for population before fixing a frikken quest....

He's not doing his job, therefore i have a right to call him an idiot.


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 26, 2004
He's not doing his job, therefore i have a right to call him an idiot.

What's his job got to do with falling populations?
and how exactly does a GM that inherited a server with a low falling population increase it?
Code daocs equivalent of sturmbot in his spare time to fool players into thinking that populations are high?
Or maybe pay for advertising out of his own wages.
Or simply wander the streets or forums handing out 14day free trials to everyone?

Kinda sad that you are calling someone an idiot for doing his job and updating the remaining players with game related news, whilst lacking the intelligence to see the difference between what is essentially a CSR and a purse-string holder who has the power to advertise a game or pay a bunch of developers for their time to work on char transfer code.

The server was facked before he arrived in the job.


Fix the population issue you idiot!

Nobody cares about the damn quest.

except these folks


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 23, 2004
He's not doing his job, therefore i have a right to call him an idiot.

Well It seems that you have what it takes to do his job ????.

OK well how would you please share with all how differently you would handle Roakens situation.

Remember that you putting youself in his situation under same conditions and restraints that have been put in place by goa.So that is GOA his employers already said NO Char Transfer to US servers and NO Cluster with another server.

Roaken has been honest with community unlike that other Arse Requiel so please put youself in his Position and come up with an answer.



Part of the furniture
Sep 5, 2004
Well It seems that you have what it takes to do his job ????.

OK well how would you please share with all how differently you would handle Roakens situation.

Remember that you putting youself in his situation under same conditions and restraints that have been put in place by goa.So that is GOA his employers already said NO Char Transfer to US servers and NO Cluster with another server.

Roaken has been honest with community unlike that other Arse Requiel so please put youself in his Position and come up with an answer.


I would get a few of the old DAOC heads around the table, people who know what they want out of the game and work something out


FH is my second home
Jan 31, 2004
Exactly, i'd find out what the players would like & help to promote & organise the stuff, not just sit back and wait till every player had left to lose my job.

He's posting about quests with nobody to do them? Cool idea.

FYI im not saying i should do his job, im just saying maybe he should listen to the people here and take some idea's to the GOA masters, afterall atm their losing money for WAR svrs.


FH is my second home
Dec 22, 2003
I would get a few of the old DAOC heads around the table, people who know what they want out of the game and work something out

Doesn´t work, trust me.
People never know what they want. They only know what they DON`T want. Asking the community for their opinion and advice is a complete waste of time. You won´t be able to extract a single useful bit of information from them, because the playerbase never has access to the full picture.


FH is my second home
Dec 22, 2003
Maybe thats why GOA are in the position they are in now?

The german and french servers are still pretty healthy I hear. Not too shabby for a 6 year old game, eh?
Believe what you want. There is a reason why companies don´t work as you´re suggesting. Take a look at this forum in the past couple of years. Do you really believe that the playerbase is able to come up with something constructive and useful?


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 27, 2004
The 'Stolen Supplies' quest have now been activated for anyone who wishes to complete the quest, you should mutter the words 'lost supplies' to the NPC's who give the quests, this feature has been unlocked on every server for all to enjoy!

NPC's List:

[Albion] Mayor Palastam in Black Mountains South

[Midgard] Barkeep Kanar in Svealand East

[Hibernia] Master Lucyn in Ardee

Erm... ON Topic for a moment..... why is this being announced today? Was this quest not made available well over a week ago on Dyvet like it was on the Limors Cluster??

/mutters some QQ about typical goa inefficiency and slowness :(


Jun 6, 2007
Erm... ON Topic for a moment..... why is this being announced today? Was this quest not made available well over a week ago on Dyvet like it was on the Limors Cluster??

/mutters some QQ about typical goa inefficiency and slowness :(

The 'Stolen Supplies' is only available to realms who have completed the Elementals quest a number times. Now, due to a situation where the population of that realm couldn't possibly reach the number required we have decided to free the lock and make it available to every realm within the European Servers.

Other Servers and clusters such as Limors had the player base to unlock these quests, so it wasn't necessarily needed for that cluster, but was for Camlann and Dyvet.


Fuck the Tories!
FH Subscriber
Dec 27, 2003
Roaken is the Steve McClaren of EU DAOC, picks up after another useless manager to finish the job off.


Fledgling Freddie
Jul 10, 2004
well tbh raven ur abit unfair. he is left picking up the pieces of the last few idiots who ran the sever. not his problem req lied and then jumped ship to warhammer. i for one like many wont be playing warhammer on an eu sever run by goa.


Part of the furniture
Jan 9, 2004
Isn't it kinda pointless "unlocking" quests on a server that is dead. And whilst you have actually seen fit to post on this board how about giving us a heads up on when the server will be shut down?


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 23, 2003
Roaken is just the messenger - don't shoot him!

At least these quests can be solo'd - good luck getting the peeps to do the quests that follow on from this!


Part of the furniture
Sep 5, 2004
Doesn´t work, trust me.
People never know what they want. They only know what they DON`T want. Asking the community for their opinion and advice is a complete waste of time. You won´t be able to extract a single useful bit of information from them, because the playerbase never has access to the full picture.

But surely we are entitled to our opinions? After all, things that are now being introduced by Mythic are based from the opinions of thier users. Didnt someone from here suggest Agramon island?


FH is my second home
Dec 22, 2003
But surely we are entitled to our opinions? After all, things that are now being introduced by Mythic are based from the opinions of thier users. Didnt someone from here suggest Agramon island?

I think you misunderstood my statement. Of course you/we are entitled to our opinions. And yes, Mythic (and GoA) frequently ask for them via those log-in polls. That´s a good thing and will eventually lead to new features.

However, when it comes to things like marketing, gamedesign decisions or how to solve problems like the one we´re currently facing on Dyvet, it´s never a good idea to "work" with the community, simply because they don´t have anything constructive to add. Usually, the solutions suggested by the playerbase is a simple reflection of what THEY think the game is about and what THEY think would attract new players to the game. For example, an instant-level-50-fully-templated-char feature doesn´t neccessarily attract new players, although some people seem to consider it the ultimate panacea for DAoC and EU servers.

Again, take a look at this forum. The playerbase doesn´t even agree on what they want. They just see the fading numbers of players and demand "something to be done".

As we can see on the EU server statistics, there is a big difference between the english servers and the german/french servers. While the english servers are almost dead, the other ones are still pretty much alive. Now, there has to be a reason why and if GoA wants to solve the problem, they need to find out this "why". Lack of advertisment in the UK? Dyvet has always been an international server Swedish, danish, spanish and dutch players have always been a large percentage of the population. So advertising the game in the UK doesn´t solve anything. Again, that´s just an example. I don´t claim to know an answer, I just want to point out that you can´t solve problems like this with "simple" solutions. It´s far too complex to be solved by a group of amateurs (that´s not meant to be negative).


Can't get enough of FH
Nov 29, 2004
I think you misunderstood my statement. Of course you/we are entitled to our opinions. And yes, Mythic (and GoA) frequently ask for them via those log-in polls. That´s a good thing and will eventually lead to new features.

However, when it comes to things like marketing, gamedesign decisions or how to solve problems like the one we´re currently facing on Dyvet, it´s never a good idea to "work" with the community, simply because they don´t have anything constructive to add. Usually, the solutions suggested by the playerbase is a simple reflection of what THEY think the game is about and what THEY think would attract new players to the game. For example, an instant-level-50-fully-templated-char feature doesn´t neccessarily attract new players, although some people seem to consider it the ultimate panacea for DAoC and EU servers.

Again, take a look at this forum. The playerbase doesn´t even agree on what they want. They just see the fading numbers of players and demand "something to be done".

As we can see on the EU server statistics, there is a big difference between the english servers and the german/french servers. While the english servers are almost dead, the other ones are still pretty much alive. Now, there has to be a reason why and if GoA wants to solve the problem, they need to find out this "why". Lack of advertisment in the UK? Dyvet has always been an international server Swedish, danish, spanish and dutch players have always been a large percentage of the population. So advertising the game in the UK doesn´t solve anything. Again, that´s just an example. I don´t claim to know an answer, I just want to point out that you can´t solve problems like this with "simple" solutions. It´s far too complex to be solved by a group of amateurs (that´s not meant to be negative).

1) We demand something to be done
2) We expected recognition of the problem
3) We expected options given about what can be done
4) We expected to be able to voice our opinions via an in game survey
5) We expected the results to be acted on.

Unfortunately the process didnt even reach step 2. Makes everything else mentioned irrelevant :(


FH is my second home
Dec 22, 2003

OK, I blame it on my poor communication skills...

Yes, you´re right! Yes, I agree with what you said.

My point was *entirely* aimed at the idea of working together with the community, i.e. putting the community in charge of the "what to do" process. Nothing more, nothing less.


Can't get enough of FH
Apr 20, 2004
Well it's a good thing that nothing's being done about Dyvet. If something was happening I'd resub to ding the shade rr10 (which means a lot of wasted time that's better spend atm)

It's a real life conspiracy i tell ya!


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 24, 2003
Sadly us brits demand more than we will ever get, while the Germans and French just play the damn game for fun and dont whine half as much at either GOA or each other.

This set of quests are a prime example, Roaken makes an announcement (which he didnt have to on here as its on the web site), and you all jump on his ass without offering a reacharound or a chance to lube up first. Makes ya wonder why people spend so much time forumshaggin and less time game playing.

Lots of sour grapes killing the game these days.

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