stealthers grouping with casters ? wats your thoughts on this ?

>.< Pooned

Fledgling Freddie
Nov 12, 2005
Betrayal said:
Maybe his combo (sorc+scout) will work better if he respecs to battlemaster for bg and grapple (being a melee scout with 50 shield and mob5 shouldnt be hard vs 1-2-3 stealthers).
Anyway going to try 1 grapple scout and 1 sojer with 50 bow and see how works out.
And peeps play any combinations they want, being more or less oped isnt the point, is all about having fun (or rps whichever fits you :p) :>

oh trust me he just respeced :p


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 28, 2004
Nuxtobatns said:
Its not something that some1 should do a lot...but u surely deserve that :p
And Jarvio deserves same ofc :p

Well he dident farm much when I was around DC, join in with others and killed them every time they came back while I was there.

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