Stealth fixes in 1.61

  • Thread starter old.Trine Aquavit
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old.Trine Aquavit

From the Healer TL:

Ionait (Druid TL) found this one.

- I was in a group tonight with another healer. Our tank started going down fast. We both insta healed and so did the tank. I got the sorry message "your target is fully healed". Then I realized it didn't use up my insta - it wasn't greyed (even scrolled up to see the message that I did indeed cast it). So I thought maybe the greying was bugged so I sat and hit the insta. I got the "must be standing to use this message". Woot!

Both single target and group insta heals no longer have the timer reset if they don't heal anyone.

- Normal heals and group heals (not including spread heal) have a much reduced power drain if you don't heal anyone - about half the cost. This is sort of like Casters reduced costs for "resisted" spells.


- A new command was added this patch that is not in the patch notes...

/target name

This is especially helpful for healing people outside your group.

You can easily macro it to add to your hotkeys. Tonight I was healer for the puller on an epic dungeon raid, while also healing my group. /macro zip /target Zipin

Me likes.


Ffs lame stealth fixes! :wub:

Well, that's good news, although I fear next to the cap buggering-uppery it's nothing I can get ecstatic about :D


cant wait for /target ... will be the best thing ever. Create a macro:

/macro givecrack /macro anotheraddict /target %t

Then mentalists can create a list of people who will need to get mana regen and just press 1, then cast mana regen, then press 2 and then cast mana regen and so on. Would make life alot easier in a large raid where there tends to be only 1 mana ment. All I want now is a /timer 480, which would give you a message after a certain amount of seconds, so I get a warning when crack is about to run out.

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