Starting a pbae group




.....tbh I think if you planning to make a new xp group, yuo have to delete this account, make a new one with another name, and make a new bard with another name too. Cause afaik what u did is :puke:



Well one things is for sure, u gotta understand that things could come up in irl, that something u really gotta accept. That would been perhaps some hours break just to sort does issues..
But still, if u join a grp that include playing on weekends u have a obligation to play at that time even tho u perhaps wanna go out and get urself drunk. x) I myself was in this kinda grp, and all agreed in start to play on weekends aswell, tho during our sessions ppl wanted to go out etc, i wanted to go out aswell, but as i said, its an obligation to the grp. To respect the times is the number 1 rule imo. Ahwell, just my point of it. l8r


Originally posted by Kobold

.....tbh I think if you planning to make a new xp group, yuo have to delete this account, make a new one with another name, and make a new bard with another name too. Cause afaik what u did is :puke:


erm...why shall i delete him?... i just wanted to play more in the pbae group? thats 1 reason why i left it.. now everyone in the group are pisst..cuz i wanted to play more????


Originally posted by delekhan
erm...why shall i delete him?... i just wanted to play more in the pbae group? thats 1 reason why i left it.. now everyone in the group are pisst..cuz i wanted to play more????

It's not about YOU, it's about the group, did the group wanted to play more? or only you maybe? maybe you should think about the others in the group aswell....

why delete?
think anyone gonna join an xp group with a leader like you?

insulting and spamming grp members are not that popular either i think :rolleyes:

oh and btw u don't need to write 4 x ?. one is enough :p


I'm certain that playing those hours you mentioned in your original post can't be healthy for you .......


Originally posted by Kobold
It's not about YOU, it's about the group, did the group wanted to play more? or only you maybe? maybe you should think about the others in the group aswell....

why delete?
think anyone gonna join an xp group with a leader like you?

insulting and spamming grp members are not that popular either i think :rolleyes:

oh and btw u don't need to write 4 x ?. one is enough :p

uhmm.. why flame me when you don't know the whole story as i said before.. i asked everyone before i started the pbae group that they have to be ready to play pretty mutch.. until we reach lvl 50....


Originally posted by delekhan
erm...why shall i delete him?... i just wanted to play more in the pbae group? thats 1 reason why i left it.. now everyone in the group are pisst..cuz i wanted to play more????

no we are very happy that you left relly


Originally posted by delekhan
uhmm.. why flame me when you don't know the whole story as i said before.. i asked everyone before i started the pbae group that they have to be ready to play pretty mutch.. until we reach lvl 50....

I'm not flaming you I'm just making sure none else of my m8s have to waste time in you're xp groups.

And I know the story (at least most of it).

And it's not only about they didn't play that much as you's about how you treat peeps, and as a "leader" person (since you started the xp group, I assume you allso lead it etc), you should know better than taking those childish decitions that you made.


Originally posted by Kobold
I'm not flaming you I'm just making sure none else of my m8s have to waste time in you're xp groups.

And I know the story (at least most of it).

And it's not only about they didn't play that much as you's about how you treat peeps, and as a "leader" person (since you started the xp group, I assume you allso lead it etc), you should know better than taking those childish decitions that you made.

can you explain in what way i treated em?..and what childish decitions?



Well Xurin, the way u acted after u split from the group is imo so damn childish that i actually have to write it here.

I had no problems with u in the group. I actually enjoyed the group for a while, but to behave the way u did is plain childish, and i suggest u try correcting and apologizing for the way u have acted. Not just after, but while u played.
I actually had to beg u to come back the first time, something i regret doing.



well we really had a good laugh at our LAN when you guys showed up in CM, same kind of group, same lvs, slighty less played time but still and all swedes/norwiegians
was fun either way

but now one guy works evening shifts so were stuck at 40 for a about a week.

and even with this group I would never turn down a real life thing to play camelot.
and deciding how much to play everyday??
bah thats not even neccessary, we play when we can and we have done fine, 1 week to 40 inst very bad at all(atleats coming from me who lved my only 50 the days before DF in albion with 33 played)

but anyway we do konw eachother IRL, atleats now
although we do have a tendency to whine at eachother 24/

but you guys seem like a bunch of nice fellows, atleats when reading the alliance chat.
and you guys even died fewer times than us, atleast when you were lving with us.


hehe, remember that group :)
We also have some guy working late this week, leaving us stuck to :)
And also missing a bard was like :eek:


haha aye

we must look like idiots as we spam the alliance chat haha
aye our bard is gone the end and start of next week too

gonna start crafting to 500 so we can make rams for rvr later


Not for delehekahekan's group or whatever he is called :p

the other group he was in that now misses a bard :p


VF ... you're more than welcome to join our group if you want to. I've sent you a PM with a little more info on how to get in touch with me if you wanna discuss it :)

Oh, and delekhan/Xurin ... thanks for showing these people what kind of person you are through your behaviour on these boards. Saves me having to "argue my case" against you :)


Originally posted by Arnor2
what happened to your alb/pryd hideout thang vf?

Got to level 24.

Logged on vf cos I still had to sell a gem.

Got a group invite out of the blue.

Got to lvl 50 fairly easy.

Met daan and jani that have helped me lots with quests/groups.

Fell in wub with my midget again.



Re: B>

Originally posted by pointless
Well Xurin, the way u acted after u split from the group is imo so damn childish that i actually have to write it here.

I had no problems with u in the group. I actually enjoyed the group for a while, but to behave the way u did is plain childish, and i suggest u try correcting and apologizing for the way u have acted. Not just after, but while u played.
I actually had to beg u to come back the first time, something i regret doing.

Am gonna say the whole story.

Before i started this pbae group.we started on monday i asked everyone if they could play whole last weekend. everyone said yes except 1-2 players... so i choosed everyone to play in my pbae group cuz i want players that could sacrifice 1 or 2 weekends to daoc to get lvl 50 asap..we started xping etc.. when we reached lvl 15 we pulled some mobs close parthans... i dont remember but suddenly we started to ae root pull those mobs.. i told em to stop cuz its not how a pbae group works.. i tryed to explain but the didnt listen ( i have experience about pbae group before cuz i was in another pbae group from lvl 1-50.) so i logged.. (childish perhaps) but then i started to play again with these guys. on thursday 4-5 people said they couldnt play in the weekend.. well this part i didnt like cuz they said they could play this weekend thats why i let em join my group.. i got mad and overreacted alittle about this. then tzikas started to flame me etc cuz of this.. i joined up again. then we could play 2-3 hours on saturday..we died and tzikas started to treath a person to go die in real life..cuz was his fault that our group died i can accept some flames but THIS is INSANE. now i started to think if i really wanna play in this group. then we was planned to play from 3 hours on sunday but suddenly another guy couldnt play cuz there was a dragon raid?.. this was enough for me... i want to play more with my character. cuz its fun to play. (well yes i have RL life but i sacrificed some time to lvl up my bard^^ :).).. i left the group and now they are flaming me like mad.. for what? being childish? i wonder who is childish who flames me like a bitch. cuz i want to play more with my character.... well am gonna deleted my account etc so you all guys are happy with it.. i just really wanted some fun and play alittle more that we was planning to do..


Funny how you alter even your own version of the truth...
First I supposedly told you to go die iRL. Cba to count how many times you've said so in this thread, but now all of a sudden it was someone else I told to go off and die.
First rule of lying is, always stick to the original lie. Change it, and you're fucked.

Secondly ... we're flaming you? I'll just let each individual that reads this thread make up his or her own mind on who's flaming who and who's acting childish or not in here.

And for the third, and hopefully last time, the AE root pulling worked fine for everyone BUT you, and yes, you left. Striking similarity to everyone BUT you being fine with taking a extra day or two off, and you leaving, ain't it?



Originally posted by [SC]Tzikas[Mid]
Funny how you alter even your own version of the truth...
First I supposedly told you to go die iRL. Cba to count how many times you've said so in this thread, but now all of a sudden it was someone else I told to go off and die.
First rule of lying is, always stick to the original lie. Change it, and you're fucked.

Secondly ... we're flaming you? I'll just let each individual that reads this thread make up his or her own mind on who's flaming who and who's acting childish or not in here.

And for the third, and hopefully last time, the AE root pulling worked fine for everyone BUT you, and yes, you left. Striking similarity to everyone BUT you being fine with taking a extra day or two off, and you leaving, ain't it?

go up and read i didnt say you told that to me.. you said it to a player... ffs


You guys have apparently forgotten this is a game that's supposed to be fun, are taking it way too seriously and at the same time seem to be playing way more than can be healthy for you. Each to their own ......... but maybe a break or just a little more time in real life is in order here? :rolleyes:


Xurin 1-2 players or 4-5 numbers dosent matter we said everyone is there when xping or no xping at all :doh:

btw xurin you should really have paid more attention in english class


Originally posted by dorfs
btw xurin you should have really paid more attention in english class

Isnt that sentence formed in a odd way? :D



I think Xurin and dorf should take that english lesson together :eek:

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