star wars kid sues



no idea if this has been posted before but ages ago i saw a movie of some dumb fat kid pretending he is a jedi posted by chosen iirc

theres a dedicated website with no less than 60 spin offs and games etc here

anyway, the pont is he is sueing his class mates lol for making an object of mockery.

only in america

i just found that very funny

make a video like that and you deserve to be bullied, that or rewarded. and anyway you just have to look at him to see that chances are he wasnt bottom of the "to mock list" before that vid


fucking have some empathy u prick, if the whole world laughed at u u had to do something, and u would deserve a reward. so he made a vid of himself swinging a broomstick around. so what? i bet if he wasn't fat and had glasses he would of never get laughed at.

that said, i'll enlighten u with some facts.
*he's canadian, not american.

*his parents made a big deal out of it by sending him into therapy and sueing those kids.

it was funny for the first 2 versions of it. but then i realised what it would be like to be a poor fat kid that got laughed at all the time, after reading an article about what happend to him after those kids found the tape and stole it, and then made him a mockery. the poor kid went insane 'coz of that.

i don't know about u, but i have a conscience.


Hmm. You know, that's a good way to get a quick buck.


I've never heard about this until now, show some humanity villageidiot. It really annoys me when someone makes fun of people with aren't what some people would call normal. Normal in these peoples is great looking speaks well and is well known by all.

Put yourself in these guys shoes Villageidiot, you’re a fan of StarWars and you have the stuff to make a little video, and someone takes that video and makes fun of you. It doesn't fine right does it...

What if the guy was great looking, slim, spoke well and was well known would you think he would have been laughed at? Just because he's doesn't look like you and does something that you may find weird doesn't give you the right to make fun of him. I back the kid 100% for sueing the immature people that made fun of him.

One of the main reason this person was bullied and laughed at because he was doing something that he had fun doing, and the other kids didn't like it, all part of human psychology, bullies are the results of kids that were bullied before and like to look impressive in front of there friends, get them alone and they are as weak as the next person.

As Validus said show some empathy, imagine if you were this kid and you were picked on.


yes i know where quebec is, but only in canada doesnt have the same ring to it

and i bet he wasnt complaining when he got his free laptop out of it.

fat/thin glasses/no glasses make a vid like that expect to be laughed at.

im sure he didnt just accidentally forget he had set the vid to record, and i have no sympathy at all for him, my arse he needs exstensive counciling ammounting to over $200k

i fell down the stairs in front of half my school, i didnt need any counciling


i came, i saw, i laughed my tits off at it last month.

good for a gag tho. the terminator clip is the best "It is designed for extreme combat" LOL


but does it warrant $225k in damages.

this is more stupid than that obese guy that tryed sueing maccy d's claiming he didnt know their food would make him fat

maybe saying he deserved to be bulied was a bit harsh, but he must have intended to show that video to some1 why else he record it?

and after re reading what your original replys said var, yes i know the sueing thing and therapy thing is most likely down his scheming 'lets make a fast buck' parents

and btw how did you realise what it must be like to be that fat kid? is there a video like it of you out there somewhere :p


i agree with the idiot!

hmmm... i know what it feels like to be bullied, but to be honest when i dropped out of school i didnt once think about sueing, i wanted to beat the hell outta the ppl who started it, but i DID NOT ONCE think about turning the experience round for my own personal gain.

maybe some of you guys are reading a bit too much into this, villageidiot may be a little hard in his observations(in that no one deserves to be bullied), but i really think that its not worth wetting yourselves over. so some guy gets mocked..

in my opinion its not right, as i wasnt awarded 200k for what i went through, and what i went through was a damn sight worse that getting mocked about a video. i know people who got picked on worse than me, and they didnt get 200k for it either (as far as i know :p)

basically, i think that the kid needs to get over it, move on, and stop crying about somthing he cant change.


As the cops say. Everything you say can be used against you. Same thing goes in life. Everything you do can be used against you etc. If he didnt want to be laughed at he shouldent have made that tape. And if he still wanted to make the tape he should sure as hell make sure noone was able to find it. Dosent take a genius to find out if someone found it they would make fun of it. We are after all only dealing with humans here, and in that case always expect the worst since thats what youll get most of the time. And i bet you 1 million bucks that if there was some other kid that hade made it, and a copy had fallen in this guys lap. He woulda been sitting laughing his ass of aswell.


I see you haven't been properly mocked then, Dukat.
stuff like that can absolutely leave severe emotional scars and/or trauma's, and it's not always as simple as "get over it" if only :)

besides that, it's a bit silly to judge the kid on the fact that his parents sued. somehow I highly doubt if the kid cares all that much for the money.


Survival of the fittest, if you cant live after a few verbal abuses...


call it a raw nerve.

Originally posted by Belsameth
I see you haven't been properly mocked then, Dukat.
stuff like that can absolutely leave severe emotional scars and/or trauma's, and it's not always as simple as "get over it" if only :)

besides that, it's a bit silly to judge the kid on the fact that his parents sued. somehow I highly doubt if the kid cares all that much for the money.

hehe i know what u mean by that, i aint going into it but heck, i know how it feels to be treated like shite for what seemed like a life time, i didnt have it as bad as some,(and i wasnt just mocked, the kids i fell out with at school wearnt nice enough to leave it at that), but i still have the 'emotional scars' as u call it, i call it character building, i changed from a small freindless gimp who couldnt stand up for himself, into someone who has friends (irl not online, before you say it :p) and doesnt take much crap from anyone.

i agree, and i didnt just "get over it" but you have to take one day at a time. it took me a few years before i could call someone a true friend, but it did happen. and i didnt go sueing.

it insults the memories i have of my 'collegues' at high school who didnt have the courage to leave, even after they started getting hurt bad, they now suffer because of it, and some kid who gets called names gets 200k. not fair, not fair at all.

but yea, you may be right, it may be silly to judge the kid on the actions of his pearants. but still, its a raw nerve.


I'll start of by saying I had a very bad time in school....

But man I laughed my ass off, stupidity deserves to be mocked, if you can't take the humiliation then don't do things that can bring it upon yourself!

C'mon making a film like that school... then leaving it there for all to see?

I'm tearing up here with laughter, I'm going to get the other versions later burst


Still laughing of that kid.... tbh the whole lawsuit issue is way overreacted as is all of the judicial system in america.
I mean when a burglar can get money from the one he stole from cuz he injured him... I mean wth?
As for the kid.... I'm pritty damn sure I would have laughed equally much if he would have been skinny, or medium size


Typical Yanks (and canadians too now it seems), brings this gag to mind:

How come you can sue McDonalds for making you fat, Marlboro for getting cancer, but you cant sue Smirnoff for all the ugly birds you woke up with?

Didnt realise it was recording my arse, he kept looking at teh camera or the monitor below it in the original. Pah, another after a quick buck.

Yes ppl will take the mick out of him, and why not, its human nature to laff at ppl making twats of themselves on TV. Anyone here watch Youve been framed or Kirsties Home Videos?


he produced quality entertainment, now wants to get payed for it. i say pay him. comedians deserve higher salary!


Of course ppl will laugh at his video, its hilarious :D

he should laugh with them, he could be a minor celeb for a while, do some commercials or summat, make a bit of money, have the world laughing with him. Im sure almost any kids who got hold of a video like that would have a laugh with it, so what, they dont deserve to be sued lol.

Its not funny just cos he's fat, but the fact that he's fat and uncoordinated does give it some extra comedy value without a doubt :)

pathetic money grabbing whingers.


It looks to me that ne mental problems were done to this kid way b4 this vid was shot.


Hes is just having a laugh and did intend for othres to see this vid, in which case i dont think his state of mind is a bad as his parents make out.

One thing i did notice was he seemed to occasionly look to the right of the camera , seeming looking at someone or so thing makes me think that maybe he had someone there also


I thought it was more funny about the way he seemed to think he was some light sabre weilding menace when in fact he was some guy almost falling over everytime he waved the broom about.

His size never really factored in.


i still go to school, i'm 15, sure life ain't so good in school you always get skited etc no matter who you are but like dukat said it's character building. when is was 13 i had a very particular hard year. everyone i could think of was being an ass to me. but u soon learn how to turn them into ass's just as easily.

if this kid could make a video of himself doing this, couldn't he some how do it to the guys who stole the tape. i mean tape them while they do dumb things and edit. make an ass out of them. thats basically how i sorted things out. get the people back who got you.

Roo Stercogburn


Ok, when I first saw this, I thought it was something he himself had done and thought it was funny. Got to admit, I thought it was someone with a huge sense of fun doing a parody.

Now it appears he didn't publish the video and never intended to but four schoolmates did, for the sole purpose of humiliating him.

Thats nasty. Possibly as nasty as it can get if you are at an age where you are extremely sensitive to what your peers think of you and also sensitive about your appearance.

Its hard to know exactly where the truth is, but you have to feel sorry for the guy if what is claimed in the news report actually happened.


Personally i don't think anyone has much right to comment on how over-rated and stupid this is unless they themselves have an embarressing movie of themselves on the internet generated this many spinoffs.

I won't deny 1st time i watched it a laughed. But i don't pretend i can understand what it must be like having a dozen or more internet movie spinoffs of myself acting like a muppet.

As an afterthrough, some couples like to video tap themselves having sex. Does that mean their going to invite their neighbours arround to watch it with them?


Originally posted by Archeon
As an afterthrough, some couples like to video tap themselves having sex. Does that mean their going to invite their neighbours arround to watch it with them?

How come i start to think of Pamela and Tommy lee when i read this?

And no they should not invite there neighbours to watch it. But by making the video they have to take in acount that someone else then them may stumble uppon it.


Originally posted by Cush
And no they should not invite there neighbours to watch it. But by making the video they have to take in acount that someone else then them may stumble uppon it.

Yeah, but the point is they don't make said video with the intention of showing it to others.


Originally posted by Archeon
Yeah, but the point is they don't make said video with the intention of showing it to others.

And your point is?

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