Stamina? Endurance?


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 22, 2004
Reformed said:
I got me 'new players head on now' since the game is or was dieing. I am now taking a look at the game through the eyes of a new player. For one thing this stamina lark should be altered and quickly. A new player to the game would quickly get cheesed off with the stamina working as it is at the moment for sure. If I can see such glaring faults why the hell don't Mythic. No way should end drop so fast or not recover at all during combat. It should have some semblance to how actual warriors are be they Trolls or Humans. None of them 'conks' out after a few swings of some weapon, unless it happens to be the size of a telegraph pole or something. Where is the sense in it?

Darn the more I play this game the more I pick up on the faults it has. Still it makes you wonder why newplayers don't stay for long. Does anyone from Mythic ever read these forums? Bah. I going back to playing me damn guitar. I gone to old and grumpy I think to play these damn games anymore, or I been too sober for too long and now my brain has cleared - back to full perception. Probably the latter :drink: . Oh well. Maybe a song will come out of it. 'The Stamina Lament'. Shitty title for a new song. Have fun all. Think tis time I take a break from these forums and search pastures new for 'older' topics. Anyone know for some good 'older' forums I can post my crap on?

Why do you mention how sober you've been in every post you make?


Oct 31, 2006
Why do you mention how sober you've been in every post you make?

Cos I played this game forra while nearly always pissed! Now I ain't I can see the glaring faults with the game. Infact I am making a list of game alterations that desperately need doing. Stuff I see talked about and asked about when I am playing this US Classic by reading the starter guild chat. Also stuff that really bugs me and has for years. Here are the things that need altering if Mythic really want to make people happy with this game - both from a new player perspective and also the experienced player perspective.

1. Tireless from the beginning - level 15? Thank god it is granted at this level but why 15? Eh? Game progression? Wot world are the game designers living in? Don't they realize that most game players won't read up on games but download them and then try them out without reading sod all. They might even try the game for the 10 days trial time and never get an alt to 15. Hell I always try about 10 of each with different specs then take them up to about 12 to see how they work. Means I would never have tireless in 10 days if I could only play a little a day. Fecking bonkers!

2. Healing! Hell bells! Only way I level my warrior solo - class I really like to play - is to follow the Tinderbox Trail. No 2x xp for me as at the moment I am in Nisse farming boxes. After this I will eventually end up bashing werewolves and staying doing so till over level 40. Tinderboxes only show in the Classic zones as far as I know. A METHOD OF HEALING FOR GOODNESS SAKE! Bandages! Just check out Ultima Online and how bandages work. Recidulous. Not everyone wants to run 2 accounts or to group. There are quite a few like me who like to solo. Bloody well cater for all players (am shouting at the game designers).

3. The Vault System stinks! The vault should be accessible by all alts so that you can swap stuff between them. There ain't nothing more annoying than having to beg for someone to give you a hand to swap stuff over. Now don't tell me to get a sodding house and all that. As I have mentioned new players won't have that and even old long term players don't. I have had a few but then stop using my account forra while and when I return no bloody house again! This is a real ball buster and I see it talked about a lot on the chat.

The 3 above are basic game flaws that if altered would make the game infinitely more enjoyable for new players and old. I ain't talking about game balancing but just alterations that make DAOC a much more rounded and solid game to play. There will be more things that needs changing in my opinion - and others - and I will add to the list.

When you read this consider how it is for NEW PLAYERS and SINGLE ACCOUNT GUYS and not through your multiple account eyes. By running multiple accounts you are making up for the game's shortcomings. Mythic then only gloat as the money pours in but the downside of this is that the game remains flawed and game numbers dwindle until only 'elite' multiple account guys remain. I intend to keep a track of the above and add to it regularly, maybe not here but somewhere, and submit it to some post for the game designers at some stage. Who know someone there might take notice!


Fledgling Freddie
Oct 22, 2004
well, when i FIRST played the game 4 years ago..i never had an issue with the vaults, lack of tireless, or the downtime...okay the downtime a little, but things are infinately easier than they we're 4 years ago.

and believe it or not, i was a new player then, i wasnt born playing daoc fgs.

THOUGH i do think @ 50 tanks/meleers should have like 2X the endo that mages do, makes sense to me, game wise.


Fledgling Freddie
Sep 6, 2005
So let me get this straight, you complain about the limit to performing special attacks in one "breath" or fight aka the endurance bar calling it unrealistic ?

Did it ever occur to you that, no matter how many endurance you have left, ur character keeps hitting and hitting and hitting ? He actually never tires.
So even as a whelp who picked up a weapon for the very first time u have more breath than any seasoned warrior in reality ever had.
Why should one make it even more unrealistic by removing or weakening the special attack limit at early levels ?

Another thing: Endurance is not a thing of Strength as u mentioned Trolls, its a thing of Constitution so u should try a dwarf


Oct 31, 2006
well, when i FIRST played the game 4 years ago..i never had an issue with the vaults, lack of tireless, or the downtime...okay the downtime a little, but things are infinately easier than they we're 4 years ago.

and believe it or not, i was a new player then, i wasnt born playing daoc fgs.

THOUGH i do think @ 50 tanks/meleers should have like 2X the endo that mages do, makes sense to me, game wise.

Trouble is you ain't thinking anymore as a single account player new to DAOC and playing on Classic.

So let me get this straight, you complain about the limit to performing special attacks in one "breath" or fight aka the endurance bar calling it unrealistic ?

Did it ever occur to you that, no matter how many endurance you have left, ur character keeps hitting and hitting and hitting ? He actually never tires.
So even as a whelp who picked up a weapon for the very first time u have more breath than any seasoned warrior in reality ever had.
Why should one make it even more unrealistic by removing or weakening the special attack limit at early levels ?

Another thing: Endurance is not a thing of Strength as u mentioned Trolls, its a thing of Constitution so u should try a dwarf

Yet again a misguided player. Why then have Mythic in all their wisdom introduced Tireless at all? Yeah, you guessed it, cos it wasn't working well, upsetting people and needed altering. Why though introduce it at 15 and not at the beginning? Makes no sense.

There are 3 issues I am pissed off about and not just endurance:

1. Tireless from the beginning - level 15? Thank god it is granted at this level but why 15? Eh? Game progression? Wot world are the game designers living in? Don't they realize that most game players won't read up on games but download them and then try them out without reading sod all. They might even try the game for the 10 days trial time and never get an alt to 15. Hell I always try about 10 of each with different specs then take them up to about 12 to see how they work. Means I would never have tireless in 10 days if I could only play a little a day. Fecking bonkers!

2. Healing! Hell bells! Only way I level my warrior solo - class I really like to play - is to follow the Tinderbox Trail. No 2x xp for me as at the moment I am in Nisse farming boxes. After this I will eventually end up bashing werewolves and staying doing so till over level 40. Tinderboxes only show in the Classic zones as far as I know. A METHOD OF HEALING FOR GOODNESS SAKE! Bandages! Just check out Ultima Online and how bandages work. Recidulous. Not everyone wants to run 2 accounts or to group. There are quite a few like me who like to solo. Bloody well cater for all players (am shouting at the game designers).

3. The Vault System stinks! The vault should be accessible by all alts so that you can swap stuff between them. There ain't nothing more annoying than having to beg for someone to give you a hand to swap stuff over. Now don't tell me to get a sodding house and all that. As I have mentioned new players won't have that and even old long term players don't. I have had a few but then stop using my account forra while and when I return no bloody house again! This is a real ball buster and I see it talked about a lot on the chat.

The 3 above are basic game flaws that if altered would make the game infinitely more enjoyable for new players and old. I ain't talking about game balancing but just alterations that make DAOC a much more rounded and solid game to play. There will be more things that needs changing in my opinion - and others - and I will add to the list.

When you read this consider how it is for NEW PLAYERS and SINGLE ACCOUNT GUYS and not through your multiple account eyes. By running multiple accounts you are making up for the game's shortcomings. Mythic then only gloat as the money pours in but the downside of this is that the game remains flawed and game numbers dwindle until only 'elite' multiple account guys remain. I intend to keep a track of the above and add to it regularly, maybe not here but somewhere, and submit it to some post for the game designers at some stage. Who know someone there might take notice!

Now then you people who won't listen to reason. Lets put this scenario forward. Ok you want to try out US Classic and havva blast. Great go forrit. How many of you though would - within a very short time - have more than one account running on there should you like it? Here we go. This is what I have noticed in a short while since being on the US Classic. No buffbots at first. Now though? Hell, they are sprouting up all over the place. Recent episode: I was farming morvalt ungdoms and a Mauler showed up. Ran straight into the pack and rounded them all up. I thought 'shit that is one overpowered alt' as they must have appeared yellow to it. He had at least 4 on him. His health was dropping fast and then bang back to full health? Course he had a high level shaman backing him up. Another time (last night) a friendly guy asks if I want a damage add off his shaman. I didn't want the damn thing as it ain't right to me. In other words go to bloody US Classic and then try and play the game with just one account (and not 2 or more as you all have) and you will quickly see that the things I mentioned definitely need altering.


Fledgling Freddie
Oct 22, 2004
im playing a solo auto traiing mincer on US classic atm, as you can see from my sig, its now lvl 38, at NO point have i used a BB or even a buff pot, i have soloed/duo'd and grouped..i havnt had a problem at all.


Oct 31, 2006
im playing a solo auto traiing mincer on US classic atm, as you can see from my sig, its now lvl 38, at NO point have i used a BB or even a buff pot, i have soloed/duo'd and grouped..i havnt had a problem at all.

Oh so you think the game is perfect and that is why numbers are dropping and the game dieing a death over here? The game is flawed - badly - and needs sorting. Your attitude is that there is nothing wrong with the game? Why then are numbers so shite over in EU? It needs to be played by one account people and ones that don't want to group etc at times. You can play other games perfectly ok whilst soloing yet with this game you are in shit street.

Eh, don't mincers get regen health? Downtime is low I should think. Try a high con Mid warrior.


Cheeky Fucknugget
Sep 30, 2005
Reformed said:
Eh, don't mincers get regen health? Downtime is low I should think. Try a high con Mid warrior.

ever played a mincer? Their heal song and power song are rubbish, dont do anything at all


Fledgling Freddie
Oct 22, 2004
Neffneff said:
auto traiing mincer on US classic

which means i dont get anything more than the lvl 1 or 2 heal song.

im playing with one account.

it's not a perfect game, but leveling wise its fine these days, the tradeskills still suck arse, but the reason its dying is it's over 4 years old, people are bored, gfx are getting dated, people are getting older, getting families, lack of advertising..there are hundreds of reasons its dying, but its not really cos of the levelling side of things, with instances and class modifications, campfires etc, reduced XP bubs loss at higher lvls, things are WAAAAAY better than they were on release.


Oct 31, 2006
it's not a perfect game, but leveling wise its fine these days, the tradeskills still suck arse, but the reason its dying is it's over 4 years old, people are bored, gfx are getting dated, people are getting older, getting families, lack of advertising..there are hundreds of reasons its dying, but its not really cos of the levelling side of things, with instances and class modifications, campfires etc, reduced XP bubs loss at higher lvls, things are WAAAAAY better than they were on release.

Sorry you are very wrong. I have played this game for years too but the flaws innit have driven me off a good few times. If I could find a comparable game I wouldn't be playing it now for sure. No fecking way should downtime be so nasty on a class. Who the f*** wants to wait for - how long? I ain't timed it yet but I am pretty sure we are talking maybe 10 mins on my Thane or warrior at later levels to regen his health without tinderboxes. And the fact I can't swap my bloody stuff over without having a house drives me bananas.


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 23, 2004
Games never been about soloing .. its about grouping.


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 23, 2004
Rhana said:
Isnt that what they normaly does? ;p

Pretty much ^^

Reformed said:
You mean zerging? So stealthers should all group up should they?

If they want to level quicker yes you group.


Fledgling Freddie
Sep 6, 2005
lol, m8, ur misguided if u think lvl 50 should be handed to you on a golden plate

There's gotta be some work involved, especially when u solo... and iam not talking about stupid month of grinding like lineage2 but what good is a level system if reaching max level is no challenge at all ?
They already introduced tireless, reduced xp required for certain levels etc etc but especially when leveling up for the first time I would want to enjoy the game and be rewarded with levels, not just type freelevel 50 or spend a week doing the very same quests again and again just to finally get it over with...

Maybe try out another game, something without a level system or maybe some game that boosts ur ego with free staffs of ultimate dh00m or a cowlevel...
I would have added buying a warlock on ebay but actually u now need half a brain for instakilling with a warlock...


Oct 31, 2006
I would have added buying a warlock on ebay but actually u now need half a brain for instakilling with a warlock...

Looks to me like I was right and you were wrong m8 else Mythic wouldn't have introduced tireless at all now would they? Point I am making is why wait till level 15 when they might well have turned people away from the game by not introducing it at the beginning?

Grind you say? The whole point of this post is to make the game enjoyable and useable by all. No sod in their right mind wants to sit for 7-8 minutes whilst an alt gets his health back. I timed my level 38 thane with con buff up and it took 5 mins of inactivity to regenerate. So 7-8 mins for an empty health bar to fill up when close to 50 seems about right. I bet there isn't any other game out there that would subject someone to that. UO - bandages and faster healing anyways - WOW - dabbled in that a bit and as far as I know health is back very quickly. Probably every other rpg out there you would get your health back much much faster. It beggers belief that Mythic think such downtime is acceptable. Beggers belief you do too infact. My other points such as a vault access by all alts is one that is used in other games too so why not this one? What is so bloody special about this one? I will tell you wot - 2 accounts users. Mythic love getting 2x the money from you so the game pushes you all the time to getting another account which gets my back up for sure. If that wasn't the case why the hell are guys with buffbots tied to their arses starting to show all over the US Classic server now?


Fledgling Freddie
Sep 6, 2005
The game was designed around grouping, not soloing, u can see that in every part of it... The long downtimes just talk right into ur face: "If u don't want to sit around doing nothing, go find a grp, talk to people, I give u plenty of time for it"
It also encourages you to find the right kind of mobs, vulnerable to ur kind of damage, having a damage type that is bad against ur armor, and having the right level to go against...

@Mythic introducing tireless
They made tireless as a realm ability not as a free give away at some level, it has become that later with a redesign of the RA system. For better or worse is an academic question and not topic of this thread

@ lvl 15
Introducing tireless before lvl 15 would have made the first endurance buffs useless, so they kept their design and added something without disturbing the system they had built.

@ Buffbots
There are more ppl leveling with Buffbots coz u don't have to interact with other ppl when forming a party with urself... something a lot of kids playing online roleplaying games apparently have problems with. Its easier to name urself king of uberness than to find ppl who actually believe you especially if ur communication skills never had time to develop in the real world.

another thing, friend, if u want to make the game more enjoyable, don't waste ur time trolling on FH whining about ur char beeing too weak and don't comment on beeing right or the other one wrong all the time, it makes u look desperate


Oct 31, 2006
The game was designed around grouping, not soloing, u can see that in every part of it... The long downtimes just talk right into ur face: "If u don't want to sit around doing nothing, go find a grp, talk to people, I give u plenty of time for it"
It also encourages you to find the right kind of mobs, vulnerable to ur kind of damage, having a damage type that is bad against ur armor, and having the right level to go against...

@Mythic introducing tireless
They made tireless as a realm ability not as a free give away at some level, it has become that later with a redesign of the RA system. For better or worse is an academic question and not topic of this thread

@ lvl 15
Introducing tireless before lvl 15 would have made the first endurance buffs useless, so they kept their design and added something without disturbing the system they had built.

@ Buffbots
There are more ppl leveling with Buffbots coz u don't have to interact with other ppl when forming a party with urself... something a lot of kids playing online roleplaying games apparently have problems with. Its easier to name urself king of uberness than to find ppl who actually believe you especially if ur communication skills never had time to develop in the real world.

another thing, friend, if u want to make the game more enjoyable, don't waste ur time trolling on FH whining about ur char beeing too weak and don't comment on beeing right or the other one wrong all the time, it makes u look desperate

Jesus wot a load of ballocks. Hey and I ain't your friend m8y. The conclusion I am coming too though is that posting on Freddys about anything requiring a bit of thought is a total waste of time. If it was left to the likes of you then the TOA server is all that would exist and the game in the EU servers will just die a total death. I will continue to play for sure - quietly - as I have done for a long time. I am though very aware of the game's failings. Failings that will never be brought to Mythics attention with the likes of you. I was pushed off the TOA server and my mates were too. All single account guys. Now the reasons for it are still in the game to some extent. All that will happen though is guys like you will take your reasoning powers and buffbots and head for the US Classic to more or less cock it all up again. Mythic need to simply alter a few things and viola a much sweeter game for all, but no you can't see that and prefer instead to belittle me. Hell I ate guys like you for breakfast for bloody months and months on Freddys and in Thid. I happen to think my reasoning powers and instincts about what is right for this game are very much more superior to the likes of you. But nothing will come of it so why should I bother.

Nice talking to you m8y!


Fledgling Freddie
Oct 6, 2004
I played on US classic on the very first day they launched. There has always been bots in fact there was far more at launch than there was now :)

All this said there is no reason why you should need a bot on classic, soloing is fine as it is. The main problem is you seem to lack a basic knowledge of how to level efficently solo. Grinding on mobs and then resting up is NOT the way to level solo. Cata/DR/lotm quests and task dungeons should get you to 50 very easy.

I made 50, templated myself and made 2 mill rps all within the first month of playing classic after server launch without using a BB at all. and how do you do that? Grouping. Thats what the game is designed around. If you want to solo sure that fine but dont expect it to be as fast or as easy as grouping. Classic was designed to encourage grouping hence the lack of BB's. The vast majority of people group on classic, bitching about soloing being hard is plain counter intuitive, if you arent skilled enough to solo efficently then group...

I was pushed off the TOA server and my mates were too. All single account guys.

lol you make it sound like some hard luck story. The real story is you couldnt compete through either lack of skill or lack of friends. Most people that run in the good rvr groups are also 'single account guys' as you put it.


Oct 31, 2006
lol you make it sound like some hard luck story. The real story is you couldnt compete through either lack of skill or lack of friends. Most people that run in the good rvr groups are also 'single account guys' as you put it.

Blimey m8. I happen to think I am one of the best players that have ever played this game bar none. What is far different about me - Thugs - is that I have ample proof to show it too. No-one can ever say I have a lack of skill. To think I couldn't move upto level 50 combat when I bloody well ruled Thid whilst unbuffed is plain silly. When all you level 50 guys came back to Thid to teach me a lesson I killed you all - ALL. Now to think I couldn't or can't move up to level 50 combat and do the same is rediculous. I knew I could and I also know I still can. What I lacked is the desire to do so. Months of sc'ing and farming toa and god knows wot. Nope. I proved you could exist on skill by taking you lot apart in Thid. I ain't the same guy now though. I WANT TO BE HELPFUL and that is why I have compassion for new starters and people who solo a lot. The changes I am on about are in other games so there is nothing new about them but they address the need to have multiple accounts. This is the cancer that eats through DAOC - the need for 2 accounts! Why you lot can't see that I dunno.


Fledgling Freddie
Oct 6, 2004
You didnt get the point. I didnt say it was your lack of skill... I said that either it was a lack of skill or a lack of friends (read: unwillingness to group). There is no need to have more than one account to be competitive. I have played with some of the highest RR people in the server and many of them only have one account. Care to explain how it is required to have two accounts when some RR11+ people got there with only one account?

Of course if you want to solo on a TOA server a BB is required unless you are a vamp. But that is not a fault of the game it is a fault of soloing.

p.s Doing well ( or 'ruling') in thid is nothing like playing the level 50 game at the highest level. Playing in a proper set full group requires a far different play style than solo play , low level solo or low level group play. Im not comparing them in skill level or saying that one requires more skill than the other, they are too different to compare.


Oct 31, 2006
You didn't get the point. I didn't say it was your lack of skill... I said that either it was a lack of skill or a lack of friends (read: unwillingness to group). There is no need to have more than one account to be competitive. I have played with some of the highest RR people in the server and many of them only have one account. Care to explain how it is required to have two accounts when some RR11+ people got there with only one account?

Of course if you want to solo on a TOA server a BB is required unless you are a vamp. But that is not a fault of the game it is a fault of soloing.

p.s Doing well ( or 'ruling') in thid is nothing like playing the level 50 game at the highest level. Playing in a proper set full group requires a far different play style than solo play , low level solo or low level group play. Im not comparing them in skill level or saying that one requires more skill than the other, they are too different to compare.

Nice reply m8. Some thought gone into it. But are you saying that people play the TOA server without having a buffbot or access to one? Can't see it. I reckon it is impossible to play on the TOA server now without a buffbot.

I must admit I never group though the times I have I enjoyed it but should the game then ostracize me cos I want to solo? Don't forget you can play nearly all if not all other online games without having to group. Why should DAOC be any different?

Even on the Classic servers the game is flawed. The reason why it is flawed are the ones I have pointed out. No major game play alterations needed, just a few changes for all to be happy. Why upset people when Mythic could alter things in no time at all and peeps like me - who are highly critical - would be satisfied. Don't forget the things I am pointing out have pissed me off from day one of trying this game - 5 yrs or more!


Fledgling Freddie
Sep 6, 2005
Reformed said:
I happen to think I am one of the best players that have ever played this game

Ye, just as I said, its easy to name urself king of uberness


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 10, 2004
Reformed said:
Nice reply m8. Some thought gone into it. But are you saying that people play the TOA server without having a buffbot or access to one? Can't see it. I reckon it is impossible to play on the TOA server now without a buffbot.

Yes, people do. Especially in PvE, though I know people who do so in RvR too. Lots of people in RvR don't have them, but do have buffs, because they have groupmates, guildies or friends that have them. Personally I have characters I didn't tend to play except when people were around to group with, as they were harder to solo. For example, my merc only came out for groups, whereas my reaver could happily solo unbuffed in PvE.

Reformed said:
I must admit I never group though the times I have I enjoyed it but should the game then ostracize me cos I want to solo? Don't forget you can play nearly all if not all other online games without having to group. Why should DAOC be any different?

Well, it was created with the aim of community. Unfortunately the community isn't always the best. Only got to look at your replies for this. Notice how you said that all the issues you brought up are vital, and that mine weren't important. If everyone thinks like this - then no community.


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