Stamina? Endurance?


Oct 31, 2006
Well having dived into US Classic for a bit of a mess about I have tried out lots of alts, all vikings. I must say though that I can't figure out why stamina drops so fast. I mean if these guys were supposed to be warriors then they would be training to become fit and strong. But they swing a weapon 3-4 x even if it is average speed and they are fooked to put it bluntly. A real game spoiler. Why on earth does stamina drop so fast? It doesn't bear any resemblance to how warriors are supposed to be? Pisses me off a bit for sure. Nothing worse than getting the upper hand on a mob only to run out of steam and have to freestyle it, or get jumped when are already low. I mean even a super strong Troll with a slow weapon will be out of end in 4 swings maybe! Think this needs attention if you ask me. Can you address this at later levels? As I ain't really played at 50 I don't know these things.


Can't get enough of FH
May 7, 2004
low level styles are drainers on your end - wait till later levels and the styles which use less end


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 10, 2004
The big change happens at level 15, when all people who use weapon styles get tireless, and the end regenerates a little.

Also other abilities from other classes come into play, which reduce endurance usage from styles, or regenerate endurance. Reactionary and positional styles tend to use less endurance, also, and as you gain in level you often train in shield and/or parry, and thus can use them more.

Finally, for PvE only, there are weapons with style cost reduction, which mean you'll significantly reduce the end cost of styles.



One of Freddy's beloved
Jul 23, 2004
3-4 styles and you're out of endurance? i can do lots more styles till im out of endurance tbh.


Oct 31, 2006
low level styles are drainers on your end - wait till later levels and the styles which use less end

I got me 'new players head on now' since the game is or was dieing. I am now taking a look at the game through the eyes of a new player. For one thing this stamina lark should be altered and quickly. A new player to the game would quickly get cheesed off with the stamina working as it is at the moment for sure. If I can see such glaring faults why the hell don't Mythic. No way should end drop so fast or not recover at all during combat. It should have some semblance to how actual warriors are be they Trolls or Humans. None of them 'conks' out after a few swings of some weapon, unless it happens to be the size of a telegraph pole or something. Where is the sense in it?

Darn the more I play this game the more I pick up on the faults it has. Still it makes you wonder why newplayers don't stay for long. Does anyone from Mythic ever read these forums? Bah. I going back to playing me damn guitar. I gone to old and grumpy I think to play these damn games anymore, or I been too sober for too long and now my brain has cleared - back to full perception. Probably the latter :drink: . Oh well. Maybe a song will come out of it. 'The Stamina Lament'. Shitty title for a new song. Have fun all. Think tis time I take a break from these forums and search pastures new for 'older' topics. Anyone know for some good 'older' forums I can post my crap on?


Resident Freddy
Jan 23, 2005
Reformed said:
I got me 'new players head on now' since the game is or was dieing. I am now taking a look at the game through the eyes of a new player. For one thing this stamina lark should be altered and quickly. A new player to the game would quickly get cheesed off with the stamina working as it is at the moment for sure. If I can see such glaring faults why the hell don't Mythic. No way should end drop so fast or not recover at all during combat. It should have some semblance to how actual warriors are be they Trolls or Humans. None of them 'conks' out after a few swings of some weapon, unless it happens to be the size of a telegraph pole or something. Where is the sense in it?

Darn the more I play this game the more I pick up on the faults it has. Still it makes you wonder why newplayers don't stay for long. Does anyone from Mythic ever read these forums? Bah. I going back to playing me damn guitar. I gone to old and grumpy I think to play these damn games anymore, or I been too sober for too long and now my brain has cleared - back to full perception. Probably the latter :drink: . Oh well. Maybe a song will come out of it. 'The Stamina Lament'. Shitty title for a new song. Have fun all. Think tis time I take a break from these forums and search pastures new for 'older' topics. Anyone know for some good 'older' forums I can post my crap on?

Jesus Christ ... what are you on about man :(

Its just a game ... its not suppossed to be realistic ... and i strongly disagree with your new nick ... as you are not imo ... same old weird ramblings :twak:


Can't get enough of FH
May 7, 2004
Reformed said:
I got me 'new players head on now' since the game is or was dieing. I am now taking a look at the game through the eyes of a new player. For one thing this stamina lark should be altered and quickly. A new player to the game would quickly get cheesed off with the stamina working as it is at the moment for sure. If I can see such glaring faults why the hell don't Mythic. No way should end drop so fast or not recover at all during combat. It should have some semblance to how actual warriors are be they Trolls or Humans. None of them 'conks' out after a few swings of some weapon, unless it happens to be the size of a telegraph pole or something. Where is the sense in it?

Darn the more I play this game the more I pick up on the faults it has. Still it makes you wonder why newplayers don't stay for long. Does anyone from Mythic ever read these forums? Bah. I going back to playing me damn guitar. I gone to old and grumpy I think to play these damn games anymore, or I been too sober for too long and now my brain has cleared - back to full perception. Probably the latter :drink: . Oh well. Maybe a song will come out of it. 'The Stamina Lament'. Shitty title for a new song. Have fun all. Think tis time I take a break from these forums and search pastures new for 'older' topics. Anyone know for some good 'older' forums I can post my crap on?

/roleplaying head on

dont forget that as a young warrior - you have no skilz therefore you dont yet know or understand how to swing your sword or whatever in the most efficient manner - therefore you tire more easily than a seasoned warrior who has killed many many enemies.

roleplaying head off/


Resident Freddy
Jan 10, 2004
If you think the endurance and stamina of a warrior is completely noodle-doodle unrealistic because he's dog tired after a couple of swings, what do you think of wizards throwing fireballs and warlocks with footballs of d00m orbiting thier heads ?


I wish I could live in your version of the real world! I'd not have to bother working for food - I'd beable to go out and beat a few trees up in my back garden untill I've farmed enough gold for food :D


FH is my second home
Jan 4, 2004
Reformed said:
I got me 'new players head on now' since the game is or was dieing. I am now taking a look at the game through the eyes of a new player. For one thing this stamina lark should be altered and quickly. A new player to the game would quickly get cheesed off with the stamina working as it is at the moment for sure. If I can see such glaring faults why the hell don't Mythic. No way should end drop so fast or not recover at all during combat. It should have some semblance to how actual warriors are be they Trolls or Humans. None of them 'conks' out after a few swings of some weapon, unless it happens to be the size of a telegraph pole or something. Where is the sense in it?

when you first start the game, your character is a recruit. it could well be the first time they've lifted a sword/axe/whatever. you don't just pick one up and start waving it about with ease, you have to train up on it. this is referred to in game as "the levelling system"


FH is my second home
Jun 22, 2004
Reformed said:
Well having dived into US Classic for a bit of a mess about I have tried out lots of alts, all vikings. I must say though that I can't figure out why stamina drops so fast. I mean if these guys were supposed to be warriors then they would be training to become fit and strong. But they swing a weapon 3-4 x even if it is average speed and they are fooked to put it bluntly. A real game spoiler. Why on earth does stamina drop so fast? It doesn't bear any resemblance to how warriors are supposed to be? Pisses me off a bit for sure. Nothing worse than getting the upper hand on a mob only to run out of steam and have to freestyle it, or get jumped when are already low. I mean even a super strong Troll with a slow weapon will be out of end in 4 swings maybe! Think this needs attention if you ask me. Can you address this at later levels? As I ain't really played at 50 I don't know these things.

Have you ever used a hammer for warfare? ok pick one up and go smash some stuff...yeah, your fucked after 5 swings right? now go practice alot and watch how your technique means you can swing 10+ times

thats basically how daoc works, your endurance bar gets bigger thus you can swing more often, also your styles use less end (taunt styles normally)

Or are you just posting for a joke?


FH is my second home
Dec 23, 2003
rampant said:
/roleplaying head on

dont forget that as a young warrior - you have no skilz therefore you dont yet know or understand how to swing your sword or whatever in the most efficient manner - therefore you tire more easily than a seasoned warrior who has killed many many enemies.

roleplaying head off/

pffft, he wouldent know what skills were even if it ran up and slapped him with a baseball bat..... :)

makes me wonder tho.. didnt he keep telling us he had a lvl 50 SB or whatever here on EU servers whenever he lost a "look at me i'm so 1337" and ppl answered "go lvl to 50" thread on the BG board? if he did he should know shit like this already.. especially as a SB.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 27, 2003
Your posts are and always have been pollution for the eyes thugs :(


Oct 31, 2006
Well I disagree with you all. Lets consider the game we are playing - a role playing game. The characters are supposed to emulate certain characters you might meet or could 'imagine' meeting, hence they should bear some resemblance to how they look or how they might behave. This helps you to become 'attached' to your character. Simple really and lots of other games are the same. Why then shouldn't stamina work in a similar way to creatures? Bloody obvious to me. Stamina drops faster than a so and so drawers :mad: ., and doesn't recover even if you freestyle. I know you get certain abilities later on but lets face it how many new players are going to aware of them? As far as they know the way the stamina works in the beginning is the way it is going to stay. Wouldn't take much to alter the game mechanics and for stamina to work in a different way than it is at the moment for sure as it is dreadful if you ask me. I think tireless 1 or 2 should be put into all alts right from the beginning as then I think it would appear more 'real'. As for wizzies and all the rest of the blasters then their power should recover faster too though I ain't played one of them for ages.

And I also think bandages should be introduced to help with healing. Stuff that makes sense not tinderboxes etc, though I do use them. Thing is how would a new player know how to use tinderboxes? Hell the only way for a newcomer to understand how to play the game is to hunt down info from some site or other and how many will do that? They download it without a manual and just dive in. What do they find if they solo? Stamina stinks and if you have a high hp type very slow healing.

I am looking at the game through a new players eyes and believe me quite a bit needs altering for sure.

Thugs (Mythic's critic)


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 10, 2004
To be honest, most basic stuff gets explained from your trainer and the starter quests, which are good. A new player will get into them unless they choose not to, pretty much.

Power does recover faster at lower levels.

I agree that tireless should be there from the start for styling classes. It's a right pain til you reach level 15.



Oct 31, 2006
Power does recover faster at lower levels.

I agree that tireless should be there from the start for styling classes. It's a right pain til you reach level 15.

Stop that! You are not supposed to agree with me. You are supposed to say 'go get some psychiatric help', like all the rest :) .

What about bandages eh? Now that would be perfect. Ones you can buy from merchants to help greatly with healing. Something like that and tireless would be job done. A great deal of 'nastiness' would be taken out of the game for a new player who is soloing any melee type.



Fledgling Freddie
Jan 10, 2004
Reformed said:
Stop that! You are not supposed to agree with me. You are supposed to say 'go get some psychiatric help', like all the rest :) .

What about bandages eh? Now that would be perfect. Ones you can buy from merchants to help greatly with healing. Something like that and tireless would be job done. A great deal of 'nastiness' would be taken out of the game for a new player who is soloing any melee type.


A new player wouldn't be able to afford them. It's hard enough to fund armour/weapons for most classes, certainly for the melee ones. There is free armour up to about level 8 stuff, that I've found, but it's hard after that (Raymond/Charles quests, plus the starter quest from your trainer, give decent armour).

Tireless would be good, though.

Something else that's changed and made things harder is the weapons sold in the starter villages. You used to be able to get lots of different bronze weapons (and other levels, but it's most important for bronze ones cos they are much cheaper), so you could buy cheap level 4/5 weapons (the slow lowest level ones), making the early levels much easier. I think they are still available in the main city, but are no longer available in the starter village.



Fledgling Freddie
Jan 10, 2004
If we're really hitting at lower level problems, another one I've seen is that several classes don't get a pull spell or ability (bow, crossbow, thrown etc) til level 15, which is quite a hinderance, as monsters are aggro from around level 8 or so. I don't really class the taunting shout that main tanks get as a decent taunt, short range and AE effect doesn't make a good pull spell.

Most classes get it early, casters at level 1, most of the rest at level 5 (Minstrels and Skalds have to train to 2 in instruments/battlesongs). Those that don't get it then are :

Level 7 - Paladins (5 chants), Wardens, Savages (5 savagery)
Level 8 - Friars (6 enhance)
Level 10 - Mercenaries, Blademasters
Level 15 - Armsmen, Heroes

This could be simply fixed by letting Mercs, Blademasters, Armsmen and Heroes get their bow at level 7, rather than 10/15, and dropping friar taunt to level 5 enhance. Then all would have a pull by level 7.

Also, why do Armsmen have to wait til level 10 for two handed, and Heroes til level 10 for large weapons ? It's a pain, as they don't get a respec til level 20. All other classes get all their weapon specs available at level 5.



Oct 31, 2006
Some good points. I am homing in on 'glaring' faults though. Stuff that should be sorted straight away and is basic. For instance I have a level 14 thane with self con buff. Not timed it yet but I will shortly and that is how long it is going to take to recover all his hits after a hard fight. It is hellish long already at this level. At higher levels? The only way I level melee types is to follow the tinderbox trail and hunt in the areas that I know they exist. Without them it is plainly ludicrous the amount of time your alt sits on his arse. Hell I normally get on with something else like some website designing to take the time up - it is that long!

Stamina. Ignoring the follow up strikes on combo attacks my Thane runs out of stamina in: wait forrit 5-6 strikes max. This really is silly. Halfway through a fight with an orange he could easily run out of stamina.

Sorry the basic gameplay is badly out of sync. There should be added stamina and a method of increasing healing apart from pots. Probably something is required to replenish power loss too at later levels.

I can't really see any new player - or even old player - putting up with the above. How many of you have ditched a warrior say when you are in the 40s? I bet those that solo have stopped playing them before then.


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 22, 2003
but i thought old school slow & boring way is the best way for mmorpgs?! fast exping ruins the game! downtime is an essential part of the daoc experience, atleast to some :(


Cheeky Fucknugget
Sep 30, 2005
Reformed said:
Well I disagree with you all. Lets consider the game we are playing - a role playing game. The characters are supposed to emulate certain characters you might meet or could 'imagine' meeting, hence they should bear some resemblance to how they look or how they might behave.

Who is to say the way you "imagine" a character is the same as everyone else?

Besides as a game there needs to be some sort of growth so you cant have someone you imagine to have uber endurance have that at lvl 1


Oct 31, 2006
downtime is an essential part of the daoc experience, atleast to some

Well if you like that sort of thing then level a warrior solo - one with high con and lots of hits .

Now then my level 15 Thane has been granted tireless! Why? Is this something new to the recent servers? Can't remember getting this on the EU servers. It makes tons of difference. I have to ask myself why the hell are they granting tireless at level 15 and not before?

As mentioned I have been messing about on the US Classic servers. Great to see so many players on. A lot though have played before. New players - and I think of myself as one in a way - just jump in. I have always been lazy about reading up on stuff. I have to go out of my way to do so and very rarely will I bother. I never knew tireless would be granted at level 15 until I was told on Freddys. A new player to this game even if told tireless would be gained at 15 wouldn't know wot the hell it is anyways. By then he would have been equipped in all sorts of the wrong gear and using the wrong weapons etc so fights will be hard for him/her. Ontop of that he will run out of stamina in just a few swings. So why the hell doesn't stamina behave as it does at level 15 but at the beginning? Why chance pissing someone off that is new to the game? If it pisses off a very experienced player like myself how much does it upset a new player? - someone that has never played such games as this? Same goes for healing. Mythic should copy how bandages work in UO and use it in this game else they will lose lots more players yet. The game is starting to show signs of coming back to life. Just needs a bit more thought to accommodate new players.


One of Freddy's beloved
Jul 23, 2004
Reformed said:
Sorry the basic gameplay is badly out of sync. There should be added stamina and a method of increasing healing apart from pots. Probably something is required to replenish power loss too at later levels.

I can't really see any new player - or even old player - putting up with the above. How many of you have ditched a warrior say when you are in the 40s? I bet those that solo have stopped playing them before then.
I never stopped (or even thought of stopping) playing my armsman when tireless was a realm ability! I never thought about realism in the way endurance works, playing a game is a kind of escaping from the real world not playing an imitation of my life. Altho I sometimes wished having more health regeneration, or some ways to increase it, it didn't make me want to stop playing the game in any way.

Oh and btw leveling a character to 15 lets say if u do it in 1 week, I don't think someone gives something up after a week(because of bad endurance/health/power regeneration), if u do there must be some more things u don't like about it tbh.


Oct 31, 2006
sounds to me like you want easy_mode

Nah - easy mode is wot the rest of you do - multiple accounts and have a buffbot/healer tied to your arses! I solo all the time and with one account only! All I want is a nicely balanced game. There ain't no way to describe the length of time it takes a warrior at high levels to get back his hit points without a tinderbox and being solo. I will make a vid and also time it soon. No way should any game expect such downtime. It is just bad game design and nothing else.


Cheeky Fucknugget
Sep 30, 2005
i got nearly all my 50s solo mate, i only recently got a BB and that was for RvR. All my chars have been done the old fashioned way, no PLs or nothing

Some were done before ppl got Tireless. Never had any problems with it.

Nice tip if your so worried about it, get end pots. There job done

Try solo with a mincer waiting for power regen after one fight mate. You will see long. But i accepted thats part of the game


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 10, 2004
Reformed said:
Nah - easy mode is wot the rest of you do - multiple accounts and have a buffbot/healer tied to your arses! I solo all the time and with one account only! All I want is a nicely balanced game. There ain't no way to describe the length of time it takes a warrior at high levels to get back his hit points without a tinderbox and being solo. I will make a vid and also time it soon. No way should any game expect such downtime. It is just bad game design and nothing else.

It's just a game based around grouping, which unforunately doesn't reward grouping sufficiently to get people to do it here. Though of course it helps hugely in this sort of situation. It's not entirely game design, as people pointed out in another thread, people group more on some other servers, no idea why people don't group more here.

Incidentally, most people don't have a buffbot stapled to them 24x7, or are powerlevelled. It's just what you'd believe reading posts here. /who in game will show the lie very quickly.

Levelling solo, I find the best classes are casters and shield tanks. Damage tanks take too much damage, and most healer classes are too slow.



One of Freddy's beloved
Jul 23, 2004
Darzil said:
Levelling solo, I find the best classes are casters and shield tanks. Damage tanks take too much damage, and most healer classes are too slow.

friars, necros and vamps are the fastest soloers imo ;)

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