Spurs, Campbell and Football as a whole.



As an Arsenal fan, im glad Sol Campbell has seen some sense at last in leaving this joke of a club.

Can someone please tell me why spurs fans think their club is 'big'? Surely a club that buys Tarrico, Leonhardsen, Perry and gets Andy Booth on loan cant be deemed a big club??

But Campbell, f me. He wants £130,000 a week!!! Greedy cunt!! Who on earth is going to reach his pay demands?? Dunno if even Barca could pay him that much per week.

I understand that he wants Champs.League footie, trophies etc, but this greed in football has turned the game into a business rather than a sport. Football has so much foul language, controversy, laziness, moaning, groaning, bickering, excuses etc that it is boring me to death and i am glad that Cricket is my no.1 sport other than this joke of a 'game'.

Prove me wrong??


Spurs are shit.

Arsenal are shit too.

Man U are shit as well.


They say he is looking for 100k a week!!!!!!


Football is shit

Cricket is dull

Rugby is for gay fags



I quite like spurs actually.and that's as a notts forest supporter.
(btw I DO realise i am opening myself up for big piss-taking here!)


Its funny. All these ppl these days say cricket is shit blah blah blah, when really, they dont know a thing about the game.


I know lots about cricket.

It's still shit.

Rather like Arsenal, Spurs, Man U etc


i like cricket as well...:)
when england win.but then i'd like tiddly winks if england won at it lol

Mr B

Much as it pains me, I have to agree with glynn3rs on all his points (well except for the one about cricket).

Football is 22 over-paid, over-sexed, testosterone junkies - the language and attitude of whom just makes me want to cry.

I don't deny that theres some element of skill involved, I myself had a trial for Leyton Orient when I was 17 (thinking I was the bees knees, School 1st XI, County team player, etc...) but I got shat on in the training, and told basically I didn't have enough aggression to ever make it :(

TBH, when I was told I wasn't upset or anything, I just realised what sort of attitude was required, and that I'd never have "it".

...anyway, I digress...

I don't think Arsenal players are excempt from the "greed" factor *cough* Viera *cough*...

But on the other hand if someone wanted to pay me the best part of a million quid a month for kicking a pigs bladder around on a Saturday afternoon - I wouldn't say no.



Originally posted by Bodhi
Football is shit
Cricket is dull
Rugby is for gay fags

Basketball however, is decent. Though the people that come up with sports must be deluded (look at the list above, and tell me any one of those games is teh work of a sane man)


Watchin any sport is dull, doing most of them is ok :cool:


He has signed for 140k per week!!!!

He is a very lucky man!


Originally posted by ?
He has signed for 140k per week!!!!

He is a very lucky man!

He hasn't signed any thing as I understand it.....he wanted 100K after tax which works out at about 140k before tax....any club willing to pay that for him is crazy.


I'm listening to Talk Sport now, they are discussing it. He HAS signed definitely.

I say he is offering his services for a price people are willing to pay. Good luck to him.


They will pay that much cuz they don't have to buy him
140 k/per week = 7.28 million a year
4 year contract = 29.12 million over 4 years
Then they'll sell him, and recoup some money

Now lets say they buy him for i recon with todays market he is worth minimum 15 million (debate-able I know)
Wages of 60 K per week
4 year contrtact = 12.48 million is salary
Total = 27.4 million over 4 years
Then they'll sell him, and recoup some money.

So for a sake of 2.12 million they wont argue.
Every one goes on about the greediness of footballers, they are no different to any person working for a company who realises he can get paid better somewhere else or asks for a pay rise. My naive point are:
a) the money is being made in the football bussiness so why shouldn't the players get some of it evry one else is.
b) very few people will work for less pay than they think they are worth so why should they work on a measly 5 k a week when they know they can get 40 k. Specially as they are at their peak earning for x amount of time.
c) Barcelona will pay that much if he would go there.
d) Batistuta was bought for 22million and is on 93 k a week and he's over 30.
Sorrry to all for this longwinded post I hope you all had a good
Me, I love doingmost sports and watching them. Football is the one I love most.:clap:


Originally posted byGLyNN3RS
and i am glad that Cricket is my no.1 sport other than this joke of a 'game'.
At least in cricket you know the result before the teams play, because cricketers definatley aren't greedy.



Originally posted by GLyNN3RS
Football has so much foul language, controversy, laziness, moaning, groaning, bickering, excuses etc that it is boring me to death and i am glad that Cricket is my no.1 sport other than this joke of a 'game'.

Prove me wrong??

a) As an Arsenal :sleeping:Fan you already prove you are not a football fan:)
b)hmm I watch cricket and its also "full of oul language, controversy, laziness, moaning, groaning, bickering, excuses etc"
c) Has any one heard of match fixing in Cricket.
d) Cricket is a game where grown men play in their pyjamas!! I'm sorry but in my book that is scary.


Cricket = Boring shite that is as scripted as WWF, thanks to match Fixing.

Footie = unintelligent, but highly enjoyable sport to play and watch

Rugby Union = You actually have to be rather clever to play this game, as demonstrated by many of the players being lawyers (before it turned pro and they began to get paid for playing)

Rugby League = Utter Northern Toss! Sorry northerners, no offence to you guys but this game is such a pile of shite its unbelievable.

Sent :)


Well reasoned argument about Rugby there. Us northerners are intelligent and can string sentences together you know. Southern... puffs are really... really... puffy. They touch men for money !!!!!!!!!!111111


I never implied Northerners were stupid, but since you've brought the subject up.... :)

Hehe, nah I just don't like League cos its crap! Its a real no-brainer of a sport and it takes away some of the bloody confusing situations that I love about Union :)



Re: Re: Spurs, Campbell and Football as a whole.

Originally posted by Rostam

a) As an Arsenal :sleeping:Fan you already prove you are not a football fan:) .

I am not a glory hunter if thats what you're implying. Ive supported the gooners since i was about 8/9.

Originally posted by Rostam
b)hmm I watch cricket and its also "full of oul language, controversy, laziness, moaning, groaning, bickering, excuses etc"
c) Has any one heard of match fixing in Cricket.
d) Cricket is a game where grown men play in their pyjamas!! I'm sorry but in my book that is scary. [/B]

The point you have made in (b) just emphasies the fact that u know nothing about cricket. If you knew anything about the game whatsover, you would know that if players use any foul language they are instantly issued with a fine and ban, and so you very rarely see them swear.

And as for match fixing, that very rarely takes place as players know the punishment if they are found guilty of it (life bans). The recent speculation is just rumor that probably wont materialise.

And your point in (d) really just makes u look like a knowledge-lacking tit, which you truely are.

Oh and btw Sentinel, is there ANY type of sport that you actually DO like????


I didn't critisze cricket. I stated some facts about use of foul language and match fixing and took the piss out of what they wear.
However my statments were all true, as you probably unintentialy admit to, by saying yes that it doesnt happen as often, severe punishments blah blah blah.
And my opinion of what they wear is my opinion.
Two facts and an opinion. So in what way were my comments lacking in knowlege.
You had complained why I had called you a moron, a tit and a twat before, I explained and then stoped, well since your reply to my post was calling me a knolwedge-lacking tit then dont expect me to be polite in the future. I dont want to have to insult you constantly, so sort your attitude out and grow up.


Re: Re: Re: Spurs, Campbell and Football as a whole.

Originally posted by GLyNN3RS

Oh and btw Sentinel, is there ANY type of sport that you actually DO like????

Hmmm, maybe if you read my posts....


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