Film SPOILERS: That Star Wars film


FH is my second home
Dec 22, 2003
As an action film I thought it was alright, as a Star Wars film I thought it was rather meh. So slightly better than average and slightly worse than average.


Part of the furniture
Dec 22, 2003
They played it safe. Lots of nostalgia for those of us old enough to watch Star Wars the first time it was played on TV. Some parts were good some parts were just a bit meh really. Overall an enjoyable yarn a solid 6.5 / 10


Down With That Sorta Thing
Dec 22, 2003
Dragged myself to see it tonight. I didn't hate it (and I really hated the last one). It was chock-full of fan service (probably too much) and it probably failed every basic rule of scriptwriting (but Star Wars has done that a lot over the years), but it was good to look at and I didn't find myself rolling my eyes or looking at my watch and the good guys won and it all came together in the end. Job done.


I am a FH squatter
Dec 23, 2003
failed every basic rule of scriptwriting (but Star Wars has done that a lot over the years)

Star Wars was a basic, bog standard plot. Young male protagonist, learning experience, bad guy, impending bad event, protagonist saves the day. It just switched a few things around in setting and some of the main characters being droids.

The prequels are a different matter. Broke all the rules and sucked big fucking arse.


Giant Thundercunt
FH Subscriber
Dec 22, 2003
Shite tbfh.

When they turn Palpatine into some big bad Marvel planet and magic fleet destroying villain, make the force into some life-sapping devil's bargain and the "lightspeed hopping" crimes at the beginning then they stop it being anything to do with Star Wars other than in the name on the tin.

Han Solo, New Hope, blasting out of Mos Eisley and on the run from Star Destroyers (from memory): "Travelling through hyperspace ain't like dust in crops, boy. Without the coordinates from the navicomputer we might bounce to close to a star or fly right through a supernova and that'd end your trip real quick".

Latest "Star Wars" - Falcon on the run from Tie Fighters (which shouldn't have lightspeed, which necessitates their being karted about in Star Destroyers): Oh look! Forward go quick! Backwards go stop!....Forward go quick!....

Just. Fuck. Off.

It's JJ Abrams, and he fucked Star Trek the same way (money??!!) - and whilst he got the emotional notes right at the end of the story, so it's undoubtedly a better film than the last one, it's still gash.

Star Wars skinned film. Utter shite.

The prequels may have been less fun - but at least they were Star Wars films.


I am a FH squatter
Dec 23, 2003
The prequels may have been less fun - but at least they were Star Wars films.
You mentioned the P word. Begone foul evil :eek:

In my opinion there are 4 actual Star Wars films. The original 3 and Rogue One :)


Giant Thundercunt
FH Subscriber
Dec 22, 2003
Yeah. But Rogue One had religious woo and shit music.

But still. Agree.


I am a FH squatter
Dec 23, 2003
Yeah. But Rogue One had religious woo and shit music.

But still. Agree.
The Seven Samurai re-done in the Star Wars universe that actually looks like Star Wars. What's not to like?

(Well, apart from CGI Leia :/)


FH is my second home
Dec 22, 2003
I quite liked new one, not outside realm of possibility that TIE fighter types had gotten hyperdrives (if i remember my wookiepedia lore some of them did have hyperdrives already by original trilogy)

The hyperspace skipping was... weird, yes but nothing compared to weirdness in the "Legends" books (species that can move ships without needing engines or hyperspace at all for example just whop their way around by using the force)

If you had some sort of coordinates preset or precalculated or incase of TIEs coordinates you could follow... Then maybe

Looking forward to see what they do next :)

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