[spoiler] How to find the Morag Tong.



Posted it in a new thread since it's a large part of the fun. Think nocte was getting a bit mixed up.

The Morag Tong are the elite imperial assassins, all hits are contracted, you get 2 or 3 contracts before promotion, as well as doing side missions.

I seriously suggest you find them yourselves. Talk to NPCs, get whatever information you can, and go looking. It's much more satisfying :) For those that can't be bothered to, read on..

To find them head to Vivec, then to the Arena. Go down into the Canalworks. One side of the canalworks has the vault/store room. Go into there. Over on the right is a door, locked and trapped (v.nasty trap at low levels, get some fire absorb/resist if poss). Once you get through that door there's a trapdoor (locked again, might be trapped). Head down there and you've found the Morag Tong.

They're so impressed with you finding them they put you on a trial period.


i was not getting mixed up m8.

morag tong are in Balmora in the building in the north west corner. the interior has a reddish glow to it.

Maybe you can only gain entry when u have found them in vivec, but they are there.


See what you mean :) I presumed the question meant "how can I find the guildmaster (to join) of the Morag Tong" - which involves all the Vivec malarky.

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