Spirit of Rezz.



Originally posted by leorin
talkin about the realm etc....just face it there is no realm anymore.

There r guilds and friends, but no realm.

sooo true reme
anyway about the rezz thingy
yes i found it gay of there is a rezzer near you and do not rezz you
just remember all of you that you ASK for a rezz
and if the other is on bad mood can DENY it
gay or not this is the sad truth
but guys remember that behind the screen there are ppls....maybe the man you ask for a help is in really bad mood....


Originally posted by knockout
23 rezzes in 7 hours is ridiculous ???

thats an average of 3 rezzes per hour.

wow thats a lot.

Using 5 min on each rezz wil take away 25% of the rezzer own xp each hour played if he say yes to all rezzez :rolleyes:


tbh.. when u are in lyon urselfs, pl'ing something/somebody/whatever , and you constantly have to run around to rez the loads of cabbys whos not having their cleric, is pretty frustrating


"unlike most people you actually care somewhat about the matter of assholes ruining the game for you"

Assholes like yourself you mean?


hmm conversation (in snowdonia)

"excuse me, could you possibly run one hill over and give me a ress?"

"sorry too far, and I'm suiciding anyway"

(all of 20s walk away... ho hum)


I know I don't live in Alb but I can tell u we have the same problems in Mid. I always try to rez people when they ask me because I know it's a pain in the butt when you die, especially if you can't get a group or can't afford a buffbot. Sadly I can't always expect the same from rezzers if I happen to die. For the most part, if I send a tell to someone they will be nice and attempt to rez me, and I will /hug spam because, hey, it's a nice gesture.

Sometimes I like to go around noob dungeons with my shammy and rez people. I don't mind doing it at all... but if someone asks me to PL them, well that's when i start ignoring :p

The nicest thing anyone did after I rezzed them was they gave me a few silver. It was a little pre-teen noob and I had recently dinged 50. Reminded me that there are still some nice people who play this game :clap:


worst thing is when you're dead and you see a pally run straight past you :eek7: then you pm them saying wtf didn't you rezz me? and they reply with something stupid like "i don't have time" wtf? :eek7: take's what? 20 secs MAX


I dont mind rez requests as long as they are civil and within 2 mins walk of where I am. People who spam me with:

"Rez plz!!!!111" over and over again get /ignored, and people who expect me to travel half way across the realm to rez them also get kindly told to find someone else.

I once got a rez request when i was in sidi to rez someone in cornwall...


As a rule I always rez people I see dead.

I will respond to rez requests that are in the general direction I am headed.

I won't walk 3 zones out of my way because it's pointless in terms of time saved and puts my actual group at risk.

Also, I don't respond to people who can't use /loc. I can't be doing with vague directions based upon landmarks - been on too many wild goose chases. If you can't use /loc - ask your guild for help.

These seem to be about the same rules every other cleric is using - and I don't think they are unreasonable, and nor do I think for a moment that any other realm is different in this regard.

Do note, however, that you will get bugger all response if you pm a buff bot - obviously. If you're having as much trouble as the original note suggests, and you aren't asking people to walk pointlessly across half a zone just to save you a few gold and no xp, then you are probably messaging afk buff bots - in my experience.


Originally posted by dunny_dunny
"unlike most people you actually care somewhat about the matter of assholes ruining the game for you"

Assholes like yourself you mean?

I honestly fail to see how I am an asshole in the game. You DO NOT know me in game and if you did, you would know I am more likely to be one of the nicer people you would ever meet. I fail to see how when someone rants on the public message boards about an issue that should have been dealt with a long time ago you immediately assume that they must be one of the players who enjoy ruining other people's time. You have no idea how stupid you just made yourself look and unless you can actually come out with a constructive comment, I would like you to stay quiet, and to stay in the darkness where you can play with yourself behind the monitor. IMO the DAoC experience would be a whole lot better if people who had the more positive attitude in the game actually existed, but no. Unfortunately, we are stuck with the kind of moronic players who think they know it all such as you. No, I hold nothing personal against you. However, you seem to hold some deep psychological issues with me. Please, no one wants to hear your one-line arguments with no evidence against me. If you cannot even see the issue behind the post please do not bother to read anything, because you obviously do not have the intelligence to help. Unlike yourself, I would have more people in game who have known me a lot longer than you Mr. Level 48. I am a very helpful and fun person in game and it is people like you who ruin people like my self’s day. So, when you have actually tried to help and done something useful toward the game and actually help some newbie somewhere and become the highlight of their day you may come back with your pitiful one-lined spams of which obviously, to you hold deep meaning and value. You sir, are what is universally known as a retard.


if you wouldnt have noticed this game evolved into a state where 50%of the clerics are buffbots(if not even more) for necros or any other kind of soloing char
other 50% are just passing by on a horse in your zone or have been afk for ages cuz they fell asleep on the keyboard or are grped and when they ask their grp to follow, nobody cba to answer yes to move cuz they might lose their xpspot where they have been xping with 8ppl not talkin to each other

better to ask a friar or a paladin if you ask me
but then again most cba to risk their own lifes or even time if you die in a far forgotten area of our realm


and btw
Originally posted by Ekydus
If you didn't want to Rezz people... DO NOT MAKE A REZZER.
ppl dont run a cleric anymore for healing/rezzing
its all about buffs

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