Spirit of Rezz.



Hi. Please remember that when someone PMs you asking for a Rezz it generally means they need one. They'll try many people and they would REALLY appreciate an answer because people do not like to lose XP.

It's one thing to ignore the poor bastard who's lying dead on the ground somewhere, but it's another thing to fucking MT a message to someone else to them then carry on ignoring them. No wonder this realm is in pieces. It's players with this sort of attitude that ruin it for the other people who like to help. When i'm asked to Rezz someone i'll 90% of the time go out of my way to Rezz them. It's very very sad indeed that hardly anyone else in the realm views this matter this way. If you didn't want to Rezz people... DO NOT MAKE A REZZER. Don't just stand there and ignore the PMs you get, these people remember your names and when the tables are turned you'll be the one who's screwed.

Thank you for reading this, as it means unlike most people you actually care somewhat about the matter of assholes ruining the game for you. Help and be helped. Help others so as they can enjoy their time. Bastards.


Aye mate I agree with you.

If arms could rezz I would rezz u ^^


I was in Lyonesse buff-botting and stunning to help a necro friend of mine to PL quicker i was there for about 7 hours on and off... i got a total of 23 "rezz me" requests while i was there, i refused 17 as quite frankly i was busy and 23 requests in 7 hours is ridiculous... If you want a rezzer bring a cleric/pally/friar in your group... if your going to hunt solo you stand a large chance of dying without a rezz... now i'm being forced to go on /anon and /afk while in Cornwall and Lyonesse.

I certainly don't mind rezzing in RvR or the occassional rezz in PvE but alot of the people that hunt in Lyonesse were being ridiculous.

Also your comment about "do not make a rezzer if you don't want to rezz" is quite hilarious. It's like saying Paladin's/friars made there chars to rezz people? No they made there chars to fight. Clerics made there's either to smite/buff or heal... everyone of those classes has rezz it doesn't mean we're the realms slaves!


Of the possible X amount of Rezzers that are in local areas to your death, a player may PM all of them in desperation and only receive 1 answer, being of which is "no sorry". This is ridiculous. THIS is why you get so many requests. THIS is why it is a problem. It is a realm problem not just an individual problem to me and you. I'm sorry to hear you had such a bad experience but it would not be so bad if more people who had a kind heart would just step forward and help a little. So what if you lose 2 minutes of your time, you'll save the poor player who's died a possible 10 minutes+

This realm has some serious issues and maybe it would be better if we all went to a psychologist who can identify what is wrong and perscribe some sort of little red and white pills to help make us better.



I also think that ressers sould help pll out, but those that ask for a res sould also renember what they are asking for.

I you have a cleric lvl 30+ you are not soloing -ever-. So when ppl ask for a res they are putting a whole group on hold, not just one person.

And also, most ppl that ask for a res dont tell you where. Just because you are in the same zone doesent mean you are close.

If ppl ask I will go help, but I wont leave my group for 5-10 min (including regen of mana), to go a long way to res someone.

Just a few things to keep in mind, before you state that the whole realm is fucked!


I'm sorry, being a group player I often solo a lot and I totally missed the point of the group needing the player.

The Cleric / Friar/ Paladin could say "No me no can help :/ in grpz0rs".


23 rezzes in 7 hours is ridiculous ???

thats an average of 3 rezzes per hour.

wow thats a lot.


To be honest I can't be bothered asking people for a rez, by the time they find me, rez me, and rez sick wears off I could have released, come back and made the xp I lost. The only time I really ask is when I can actually see the rezzer as I also know it's a pain in the arse trekking across the zone every 5 mins to rezz some feckless idiot. (that being me for not having a rezzer, no offense) ;)


Yes but it makes you wonder... doesn't it?

If the Rezzer helped you right away you'd gain the benefit from being Rezzed as apposed to releasing.
It still boils down to the attitude of the realm.


You guys do realise that you don't actually lose any xp by releasing, right?

All you lose is cash for the Con you buy back and time for your trip back. But you lose the time anyway PMing every rezzer in the area, waiting for him to find you and then waiting for rezz sick.

Release, visit a healer, pray at grave, continue. Much faster in many cases.


Originally posted by Ekydus
It still boils down to the attitude of the realm.

And as for the "attitude of the realm". You aren't much better coming here and bitching about them.


No, Pin, as you die the amount of XP you lose increases and the amount gained from the grave decreases. In other words, it's preferable to get a Rezz.


Originally posted by Pin
And as for the "attitude of the realm". You aren't much better coming here and bitching about them.

Sorry mother.


Originally posted by Ekydus
No, Pin, as you die the amount of XP you lose increases and the amount gained from the grave decreases. In other words, it's preferable to get a Rezz.


The first time you die on a level you lose 1 unit of exp (varies how much depending on level).

The second time you die on a level you lose 2 units of exp.

The third and subsequent times you die you lose 3 units of exp.

If you are resurrected after death nothing further happens except you have resurrection illness for a certain amount of time (which now varies depending on which rezz you get).

If you release after death you again lose 1, 2 or 3 units of exp (exactly the same amount as you lost upon death), but this time it goes into your grave and can be restored to you by returning to your grave and praying.

In short, if you release and pray you have lost EXACTLY the same amount of exp as you would have lost by dying and then being resurrected.


Why does it never appear so on my bar then?
Can I have this in writing pretty please.


Originally posted by knockout
23 rezzes in 7 hours is ridiculous ???

thats an average of 3 rezzes per hour.

wow thats a lot.
Considering most if not all of them were on opposite sides of the map it was inconvienient to say the least.


Originally posted by Ekydus

Read The Fucking Manual


Death and Resurrection


Should your health bar become completely empty at any time, your character will die. When in the state of death, your body takes form of that of a ghost. You can see other players, but you can’t move around. If you are 5th level or lower, you may rejoin land of the living by typing /release with no penalty. This will return you to your nearest bind point with full health. After level 5, your character will lose experience for death by monsters and NPCs (though the experience loss will never cause you to lose a level).

In addition to the experience loss, you will lose up to three points of constitution. Death caused during PVP (player versus player) combat does not incur an experience loss, though you will still lose constitution. You must pay an NPC healer, found in most towns, to have your constitution restored.

You lose only one point of constitution per death per level, up to a maximum of three. For example, at 5th level, you will lose one point of constitution on your first death, two on your second, and three on every subsequent death.

After 5th level, you can resurrect in one of two ways:

Resurrection Method 1: At any time that you die after the 5th level, you will lose experience equal to 5% of the total experience required to attain the current level, unless this is the first death on this level, in which case the experience penalty is only half that amount. If you type /release, you will return to your last bind point and lose more experience, but no more than 10% of the total experience for that level. A gravestone will be erected at the point where you died. You can return to that point, select the gravestone and type /pray to regain the second part of the experience penalty. You will also incur a up to a 3-point penalty to your constitution, which can be replaced for a fee (which goes up each level) by one of the healers found in various places around the Realm. Finally, you will suffer from “res sickness,” a condition that lowers some of your stats temporarily. Res sickness wears off over time, or it can be removed, free of charge, by an NPC healer.

Resurrection Method 2: The second alternative is to have a cleric use his or her resurrection command, which they learn at higher levels. Resurrection by a cleric avoids the second aspect of the experience penalty, the constitution penalty and the gravestone. You will also resurrect at the spot where you died instead of at the last bind location. In short, the only penalty you pay if you are resurrected by a cleric is the 5% experience penalty and temporary res sickness.

There is a time limit after death.If this time limit is exceeded, your character will automatically release to its bind location.The formula for calculating how much time you have is simply 1 minute per level.So, if you are level 10, you will have 10 minutes before you auto release.


(This is the original manual, and the percentages have changed since then, but the 2-part exp loss concept remains - you either don't lose the second part when resurrected, or you have it returned to you upon praying)


pins right with that

ekydus is right more people should res

acei is right about the number of res requests can get too much.

You loose nothing more apart from the con loss from releasing and praying then you do getting ressed.

I haven't really had a problem with lack of ressers about but thats because I only ever use the ones that I KNOW are very close or are in my clipping range. Of course there have been exceptions if I'm bound half way across the globe but you get my point. I have however heard of a lot of people getting annoyed at people ingoring them. It's not the fact that they don't res it's the simple fact they don't even respond (not talkin bout buffbots here).

Ok 23 res requests in 7 hours is about average for a cleric in lyonesse, a few an hour etc. Now imagine he had taken all of them. You say it only takes a couple of minutes to get to them but it doesn't. Most deaths are people randomly pming you just cause you are in the same zone but are in fact miles off. So 5 minutes to get there, 5 mintues to get back and then you rest. Lets say 10 minutes it takes. The people can also bind at avalon and it will only take them 10/15 minutes to get back. 1 res request every 20 minutes, thats half of the ressers time down there (3 1/2 hours just ressing other people) out of 7 hours he was there. This was all for mistakes OTHER people made.

Basically when it comes to ressing, if you are close then res. If you are 10 minutes away and it will stop your group from pulling (8 people stopped for 10 minutes when they havent done anything wrong or 1 person stopped for 15 minutes cause they made a mistake) then don't res. If you are next to em, close or whatever then res. In the past groups have got annoyed at me cause I res too many people. So as a resser you will always get people annoyed at you, jsut learn to balance it.


It's a shame people aren't more polite then. When I play my alt cleric, I often go out of my way to rez someone and sometimes not even the slightest thanks are offered.

Not even a 'ty' or 'thx' or a /bow

This pisses me off and often I won't rez the next person who asks. Granted, not all people are like this, but people like this spoil it for the 'genuine' players who really are grateful.


Rezzing somebody near your level takes a good bite out of your power bar - the person rezzing you will be facing some downtime (in addition to the time taken to get to you). It's not something you should demand as some sort of right - it's a favour that another player MAY do for you, because most of the people who play rezzing classes tend to be helpful friendly people.

Bear in mind that they guy you're PMing could be AFK, could be in the middle of a fight, could have a discussion in their /g or /gu spamming across their screen so they didn't see your message. They may be on the other side of the zone from you... or 50 yards away but it's too dangerous to reach your body. Make sure your conscience is clean - if you've treated their character badly in the past, or their alt, or their brother or their guildmate, you could be on that special 'no-rez' list that lots of us keep. Maybe their just having a bad day, or just maybe they really are an asshole.

Ask for a rez by all means, just be grateful if you get one because it means another player has gone out of his way to do you a favour - it's not some entitlement. I happen to like helping people, but I'm not paying whatever GOA are charging this month to be nothing but a rezzbot.


Yes ignoring gets on my nerves. However when the player has the audacity to then go and MT and say "MT", followed by more ignoring they should be treated in kind.


At 50, the xp thing is no issue. I couldn't care about losing xp, i'll even suicide to drag agro from people so they can get to a safe place. The difference at 50th is the case of the gold for con. 18 gold a death can mount up quick.


Originally posted by mestoph
At 50, the xp thing is no issue. I couldn't care about losing xp, i'll even suicide to drag agro from people so they can get to a safe place. The difference at 50th is the case of the gold for con. 18 gold a death can mount up quick.

PvE at 50 and not for cash or items? If not then o_O If so then 18g isn't much at all...


talkin about the realm etc....just face it there is no realm anymore.

There r guilds and friends, but no realm.


if i can rez i will, if i can't (for whatever reason) i won't - but i will respond with an answer.

think thats fair enough, think its the ignoring a request that annoys



/pray ? ^^

or make a lvl 40 cleric with 40 rejvu for rez & ½ Rezz ilness ? ^^

there is a lot of options ...

but tbh with my cleric I don´t mind rezzing others.... but if I have to run a long way... or risk my own life... sry then I don´t do it...

welll that is just my opinion....

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