Anyone got a pic of it in action from US plz?
Originally posted by Frair
Wizzies does cold dmg - was told that cold dmg ressist is easy to find/cap. In PvE lot of mobs are resistant to cold (talking about hib now)
Spiritmasters does Spirit dmg - again, lot of people builds up Spirit resists, as well as in Hib is lot of wardens with at least 16% spirit resist buffs.
Eldritch and Enchanter does Energy dmg - if i'm correct (at least in hib) +energy resist items are not so common. But it may be diferent in other realms.
Originally posted by Frair
Spiritmasters does Spirit dmg
Originally posted by Taggart
Strange that it isn't anything special, cos in catacombs it says that the spiritmasters pbaeo does more damage than the chanter or ice wiz one :>
Don't really know much about it, but it sounded good.
Originally posted by Frair
About dual specced casters - i know that there are some caster in hib, that are dualspecced (something like 38/38) and still they are very powerfull in RvR. I don't think that caster who have little lower dmg cap is gimped. Everything is about team play after all. All depends if dual spec will help your group as well.
Eldritches are, for example, not good when dualspecced since they should be dmg dealers. Mentalists aren't, as they have lot of group benefits which compensate it. Not sure about chanters.
Same thing is in other realms, some classes are good dualspecced, some aren't.
So once again Albion gets screwed over.
Our only PBAE caster gets the slowest casting time, in a type of damage almost everyone has high resistances to, and in a spec line that makes them pretty much a one trick pony. Great.
Originally posted by mobiusmid
I pbae'd a grp of albs in emain yesterday, got a few pms about the nice death spam