Spirit masters pbaoe..

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Silent Shadow

I tried it once (don't have any screens).
Nothing special really...
Was kind of disapointed tbh.


Strange that it isn't anything special, cos in catacombs it says that the spiritmasters pbaeo does more damage than the chanter or ice wiz one :>

Don't really know much about it, but it sounded good.


well.. the 49 sup spec arent that good...
I dont think SM pbaoe will be much of a trouble..
and we will have gtaoe when SM's get pbaoe.


Yeah, tbh I think all pbaoe'rs won't be able to boast in next patch.

When is it, btw?


Well speccing sup fully is gona cause me problems - the darkness auto train line pretty much sucks and atm using it i nuke for 20 > 175 its very random and far from reliable :/ - sup line needs a DD too - speccing it will make sm's the ULTIMATE!!! debuffer :/


Ice Wizard

Lv. Spell Name: Damage Cast Cost Targ. Radius

7 Burst of Steam (Minor) 52 3 sec. 5P PB 300
11 Burst of Steam 74 3 sec. 7P PB 300
15 Steaming Blast (Minor) 104 3 sec. 9P PB 300
20 Steaming Blast 133 3 sec. 12P PB 300
26 Steaming Blast (Major) 176 3 sec. 16P PB 300
32 Steaming Wind (Minor) 214 3 sec. 20P PB 300
39 Steaming Wind 265 3 sec. 25P PB 300
48 Steaming Wind (Major) 325 3 sec. 31P PB 300

Spirit Master

Lv. Spell Name: Damage Cast Cost Targ. Radius
8 Soul Dissipation 59 2.5 sec. 5P PB 300
14 Soul Dispersal 96 2.5 sec. 9P PB 300
20 Soul Blast 133 2.5 sec. 12P PB 300
26 Soul Explosion 176 2.5 sec. 16P PB 300
34 Soul Banish 228 2.5 sec. 21P PB 300
41 Soul Destruction 273 2.5 sec. 26P PB 300
49 Soul Annihilation 331 2.5 sec. 32P PB 300


7 Lesser Disenchanting Emanation 52 2.5 sec. 5P PB 300
11 Disenchanting Emanation 74 2.5 sec. 7P PB 300
16 Lesser Disenchanting Emission 111 2.5 sec. 10P PB 300
20 Disenchanting Emission 133 2.5 sec. 12P PB 300
26 Lesser Disenchanting Burst 176 2.5 sec. 16P PB 300
32 Disenchanting Burst 214 2.5 sec. 20P PB 300
39 Lesser Disenchanting Eruption 265 2.5 sec. 25P PB 300
48 Disenchanting Eruption 325 2.5 sec. 31P PB 300


2 Lesser Mana Ripple 15 3 sec. 2P PB 300
7 Mana Ripple 52 3 sec. 5P PB 300
11 Mana Eddy 74 3 sec. 7P PB 300
15 Mana Splash 104 3 sec. 9P PB 300
20 Mana Burst 133 3 sec. 12P PB 300
26 Mana Flux 176 3 sec. 16P PB 300
32 Mana Billow 214 3 sec. 20P PB 300
39 Mana Surge 265 3 sec. 25P PB 300
48 Mana Flood 325 3 sec. 31P PB 300

this info is taken from Classes of Camelot

this being an american site, the information is based on the current US patch, but if you compare them you can see that the spirit master hits a bit harder, but also requires a higher spec, to get the last one.

you will also note, that wizards and eldritches cant seem to cast this baby as fast as SMs and chanters.


i jsut went to look into SM and it says SM get res! thats a very cool ability but the bad think is is that its at level 23 (spiritmaster spec line) and you can only get 22 if you have 49 sup


Well only problem with casting speed have Wizzards to be honest, since Eldritches are Elves or Luris, which both have high natural dex, making easier to hit cast speed cap. Though it's right that Elf/chanter is whole world of pain (/em points on USP :)).
Wizzards have 60 base at best, too bad that saracens can't be elementalists, and how can Aval. have 70 in quick? :)

Where is probably biggest problem is dmg type.

Wizzies does cold dmg - was told that cold dmg ressist is easy to find/cap. In PvE lot of mobs are resistant to cold (talking about hib now)

Spiritmasters does Spirit dmg - again, lot of people builds up Spirit resists, as well as in Hib is lot of wardens with at least 16% spirit resist buffs.

Eldritch and Enchanter does Energy dmg - if i'm correct (at least in hib) +energy resist items are not so common. But it may be diferent in other realms.

So dmg output could be much lesser due to people resists (fear upcomming spellcrafting).

Btw who says you have to spec fully in supp? You can end at 41 pbaoe, rest in spirit, still doing nice high dmg, no? And with RAs it will be even better. I think it's choice about to be specialist or utility char :)


Originally posted by Frair
Wizzies does cold dmg - was told that cold dmg ressist is easy to find/cap. In PvE lot of mobs are resistant to cold (talking about hib now)

Spiritmasters does Spirit dmg - again, lot of people builds up Spirit resists, as well as in Hib is lot of wardens with at least 16% spirit resist buffs.

Eldritch and Enchanter does Energy dmg - if i'm correct (at least in hib) +energy resist items are not so common. But it may be diferent in other realms.

all those resists are easy to find in albion, my energy is 23ish and cold is caped and so is spirit.

Roo Stercogburn

Originally posted by Frair

Spiritmasters does Spirit dmg

Cold damage. No I don't understand either. SM Mez is cold, so is DD. Don't know if this changes though in future.


> rest in spirit

Don't mislead people. Guys, you make a spriritmaster, never ever EVER put a single point in summonin spec unless you are very very sure of what you are doing. That high summoning spec contraption that can duo WoW's in Raum is mostly just an exotic curiosity rather than a viable RvR template.

Caster classes in this game are typically considered to have ONE spec. Spreading spec too much is said to be the surest way to gimp ones char. Have not played casters that much but it does sound true even if spiritmasters in next patch seem to be slightly exceptionalt to that rule.

> Cold damage. No I don't understand either. SM Mez
> is cold, so is DD.

Darkness DD's are cold. Supression PBAoE is spirit. Good thing too ;)


Roo Stercogburn

Yep, sorry the nuke will be spirit damage when we get it. I was looking at the current stuff in the SM toolbox where pretty much everything is cold for lifetap/dd/mez.

Most SMs so far take summoning to at least 4. And I do know generalised SMs that do very well in RvR, even without the pbae nuke and I can think of at least 2 off the top of my head that have specced summoning to 23 to get the rez. Its possible to have 1 spec line very high, and still be able to spec a 2nd line quite reasonably. I have darkness 47, suppression 21, summoning 15 at the moment which certainly isn't the classic template (will admit specced summoning to 15 before I realised the pet damage shield was broken/useless. Roll on 1.52) I have the choice if I wish to put the leftover spec points after darkness into summoning or suppression - can get a reasonable pbae nuke or rez if I wanted. Won't be rushing to respec though.

/em smacks head off wall when thinks about having to spec to get rez.

I really hope 1.52 rebalances SMs (nuke, ranged area mez, bug fixes), 1.50 took a hell of a lot away by bumping up what everyone else can do to either resist or negate completely what SMs currently do. Been playing my little cave/aug shammy most of the time since 1.50.


About dual specced casters - i know that there are some caster in hib, that are dualspecced (something like 38/38) and still they are very powerfull in RvR. I don't think that caster who have little lower dmg cap is gimped. Everything is about team play after all. All depends if dual spec will help your group as well.

Eldritches are, for example, not good when dualspecced since they should be dmg dealers. Mentalists aren't, as they have lot of group benefits which compensate it. Not sure about chanters.

Same thing is in other realms, some classes are good dualspecced, some aren't.

Silent Shadow

Originally posted by Taggart
Strange that it isn't anything special, cos in catacombs it says that the spiritmasters pbaeo does more damage than the chanter or ice wiz one :>

Don't really know much about it, but it sounded good.

Cold dmg.....
With everyone running around with caped coldresist it's not anything special :D
But that's just my opinion.
Gonna make one anyway :D


cant remember where i think is was camelotlore or a post here, they had a screenie where it had a middie SM and about 30-40 albs around her, dead


Spiritmaster Pbaoe looks kinda sweet though :D


So once again Albion gets screwed over.
Our only PBAE caster gets the slowest casting time, in a type of damage almost everyone has high resistances to, and in a spec line that makes them pretty much a one trick pony. Great.


Post a pic plz :) in at work and cannot get on daoc to check myself, 1hr to go!


dammit save yourself! don't spec Suppresion when you could spec dark and get loads of aoe mez's and a lifetap that deals almost as much damage as a darkness runies


Originally posted by Frair
About dual specced casters - i know that there are some caster in hib, that are dualspecced (something like 38/38) and still they are very powerfull in RvR. I don't think that caster who have little lower dmg cap is gimped. Everything is about team play after all. All depends if dual spec will help your group as well.

Eldritches are, for example, not good when dualspecced since they should be dmg dealers. Mentalists aren't, as they have lot of group benefits which compensate it. Not sure about chanters.

Same thing is in other realms, some classes are good dualspecced, some aren't.

Light/Mana Chanters. Can debuff their own dmg type so DD for the most of any Hib mages, as well as still having a powerful PBAE spell for those keep defenses.


So once again Albion gets screwed over.
Our only PBAE caster gets the slowest casting time, in a type of damage almost everyone has high resistances to, and in a spec line that makes them pretty much a one trick pony. Great.

well, no. ice wiz is not a one trick pony.

they get AOE root if they spec excess in earth.

they get GTAOE. granted, not a lot of damage, but still usefull for interupting PBAOE.

they get a base DD with a dmg of 179 at 50 and a casting time of 2.6. looking at all other base DD's in the game, you will find that 180 is fairly standard.

single target Root, 73 seconds. fairly standard root as well.

They get a spec DD that has snare and 179 dmg, altho a bit slower with 3 secs. Descent DD for 1on1

they get a spec DD with reisist debuff and 171, also 3 secs. damage is a bit smaller, but the resist debuff is handy. fire this one, the DD+snare for increased damage.

and finally, they get a standard AOE, with resist debuff, again.
if you compare this line to the fire, you will notice, that the ice is actually BETTER.

the last ice AOE is lvl 46, has dmg of 130 + resist debuff, a 4 sec casting time, radius 350 and power cost of 39

the fire has last level at 32 (!!) damage 115, 4 sec cast time 350 radius and 20 power cost.

so, overall, the ice damage on the aoe, is alot better, and it has resist debuffs, for a good show when they are in range of pb. the power cost is ofc noticably different, but i'd much rather pay double for the ice than have the shabby fire one.

So no. i dont believe ice wizards are shafted in any way.
people have alot of ice resist, but fire resist aint that hard to get either.

in the end? i think ice is more versatile (earth being fairly more AOE minded though lacking any useful DD)


I pbae'd a grp of albs near mpk emain yesterday, got a few pms about the nice death spam :)

Its nearly impossible without a healer stunning though.

j000 d000d

Originally posted by mobiusmid
I pbae'd a grp of albs in emain yesterday, got a few pms about the nice death spam :)

Nothing new :sleeping: :sleeping:

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