Whilst I agree with Ch3tan that it's a bit "meh" is it a total do over? I took the references to Oscorp to mean that it's set after the last 3?Seems a bit stupid to me that they build all that back story with the green goblin, his best mate etc in the first 3 films, give themselves somethingto build from, and then start again.......
My bet is that the reboot is so they can bring Spiderman in to avengers 2
My bet is that the reboot is so they can bring Spiderman in to avengers 2
Sony own the film rights to Spider-Man, so unless Sony cut a deal with Marvel (Disney) to licence Spidey back, it ain't gonna happen (Same with X-Men and FF crossovers). io9 were speculating about this a couple of weeks ago in an "anything's possible these days" vein, but I really wouldn't bet on it.
Seen it, liked it.
Better than the last two, slightly better than the original Toby Maguire reboot.
It was slightly darker, less humour, good conflicted bad guy.
The story we all know, so there wasn't anything massively new, you all know his uncle is going to die, and roughly how etc. I liked the hints about Osbourne, quite clearly setting up for some Goblin action on the future.
What I would like to know, from the comic book readers; did this follow the plot of the Amazing Spidey comics? Gwen as the love interest instead of Mary Jane?
Just had a look, did it really flop? IMDb says it made like $600m http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0413300/spidey 3 flopped, they screwed it up, all the actors won't sign up again, hence re-start.
The story was very similar to the Toby-Spiderman as well...
Man robs convenience store, Parker lets him go, Man runs into Ben Parker, Man shoots Ben Parker, Peter goes on a vengeance against said Man. The only difference is that Peter doesn't get his man in the end.
Also some after-credits as wellSpiderman 2 by the sounds - Green Goblin again?