Film Spiderman 2012 Trailer


I am a FH squatter
Dec 23, 2003
Seems a bit stupid to me that they build all that back story with the green goblin, his best mate etc in the first 3 films, give themselves somethingto build from, and then start again.......



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FH Subscriber
Dec 22, 2003
Seems a bit stupid to me that they build all that back story with the green goblin, his best mate etc in the first 3 films, give themselves somethingto build from, and then start again.......

Whilst I agree with Ch3tan that it's a bit "meh" is it a total do over? I took the references to Oscorp to mean that it's set after the last 3?


FH is my second home
Jan 23, 2004
Like said earlier, it's a do-over as much as different variations of batman, superman etc in comics are. Stuffings the same, topping different.


Part of the furniture
Dec 19, 2003
My bet is that the reboot is so they can bring Spiderman in to avengers 2


FH is my second home
Jan 23, 2004
My bet is that the reboot is so they can bring Spiderman in to avengers 2

That would be really great. Spiderman and hulk banter, not to mention ego clash with Stark :D

Stark and spiderman Parker in ultimate showdown of comedic oneliners.


Down With That Sorta Thing
Dec 22, 2003
My bet is that the reboot is so they can bring Spiderman in to avengers 2

Sony own the film rights to Spider-Man, so unless Sony cut a deal with Marvel (Disney) to licence Spidey back, it ain't gonna happen (Same with X-Men and FF crossovers). io9 were speculating about this a couple of weeks ago in an "anything's possible these days" vein, but I really wouldn't bet on it.


FH is my second home
Jan 23, 2004
Sony own the film rights to Spider-Man, so unless Sony cut a deal with Marvel (Disney) to licence Spidey back, it ain't gonna happen (Same with X-Men and FF crossovers). io9 were speculating about this a couple of weeks ago in an "anything's possible these days" vein, but I really wouldn't bet on it.

Yeap, though IP is part of the reason new spiderman is coming. So sony can keep it from marvels hands. As long as they keep churning iout movies, good or bad, they keep the rights. Reason why the new 60s xmen came out too.

And who would sell spiderman back :D

DC doesn't make so many movies 'cause they are completely owned by warner.


FH is my second home
Dec 25, 2003
Went to see it just now, good movie.

Only things that pissed me off was how Parker was just showing off his identity to every guy willy nilly, as if he couldn't wait to show them. The story was very similar to the Toby-Spiderman as well...

Man robs convenience store, Parker lets him go, Man runs into Ben Parker, Man shoots Ben Parker, Peter goes on a vengeance against said Man. The only difference is that Peter doesn't get his man in the end.

Also some after-credits as well
Spiderman 2 by the sounds - Green Goblin again?


I aer teh win!!
Dec 22, 2003
Seen it, liked it.

Better than the last two, slightly better than the original Toby Maguire reboot.

It was slightly darker, less humour, good conflicted bad guy.

The story we all know, so there wasn't anything massively new, you all know his uncle is going to die, and roughly how etc. I liked the hints about Osbourne, quite clearly setting up for some Goblin action on the future.

What I would like to know, from the comic book readers; did this follow the plot of the Amazing Spidey comics? Gwen as the love interest instead of Mary Jane?


Down With That Sorta Thing
Dec 22, 2003
Seen it, liked it.

Better than the last two, slightly better than the original Toby Maguire reboot.

It was slightly darker, less humour, good conflicted bad guy.

The story we all know, so there wasn't anything massively new, you all know his uncle is going to die, and roughly how etc. I liked the hints about Osbourne, quite clearly setting up for some Goblin action on the future.

What I would like to know, from the comic book readers; did this follow the plot of the Amazing Spidey comics? Gwen as the love interest instead of Mary Jane?

I don't think it was Gwen Stacey first in any of the comic lines, this is a new thing. I enjoyed it

There was definitely more of an Ultimate Spider-Man feel to it, particularly the Curt Connors relationship and his parents' backstory, and I thought Garfield was much more engaging and less dweeby than Toby McGuire, although as he's 29, I'm not sure how many films they'll squeeze out of him as the 17 year old High School Spider-Man. And Emma Stone is a fox


Cockb@dger / Klotehommel
Dec 11, 2003
Loved this iteration but I went to see it for Rhys Ifans :p.

In terms of love interest Gwen came first in the mainstream marvel universe , Mary Jane came along later....


Part of the furniture
Sep 14, 2011
I really enjoyed this :) A vast improvement on the previous cycle and I think they do well to re-cover the old ground (as they had to in order to remain loyal to the comics). Some of the early parts felt like they moved a bit fast for character development, but I don't think they had a lot of choice with so much to cram into one movie. Looking forward to the next :)

(I don't consider this a spoiler): Only bit that I didn't like was the blatant attempt at a 3D gimick at the very end. I watched it in 2D (obvs), and it looked crap as a final moment - I'm surprised the producers let that through.

Good movie, better lead actor for the role, and I think they made Spidey way cooler - looking forward to more even if they re-do the later movies too.

I just hope Marvel / Sony agree some sort of license for Avengers, etc., that'd be sweet :)


Hey Daddy Altman
Dec 24, 2003
Dunno why but I didn't think it was all that. Especially after some of the other comic movies that I enjoyed more :(


Part of the furniture
May 15, 2004
Was better than I expected it to be. Good special effects, the bad guy was great and Emma Stone is so hot I might forget I'm twice her age. If only she would too :( Didn't think it had the same emotional resonance as the Toby Maguire films though, the actor in the lead role was too confident and cocky as Peter Parker, too good looking. There were some good moments but nothing as good as 'with great power comes great responsibility' or the upside down kiss. So, all in all, good but not sure why they bothered?


Part of the furniture
Sep 14, 2011
The old series was dead. And they'd allowed it to progress into complete shite - they needed a fresh start.


FH is my second home
Jan 23, 2004
Liked it very much and pleasantly surprised. Very loyal and thank titty-f*cking-god, one liners were abundant.

Old ones were good when there was really no comparison, but this one beats them every way.
The story was very similar to the Toby-Spiderman as well...

Man robs convenience store, Parker lets him go, Man runs into Ben Parker, Man shoots Ben Parker, Peter goes on a vengeance against said Man. The only difference is that Peter doesn't get his man in the end.

Also some after-credits as well
Spiderman 2 by the sounds - Green Goblin again?

Can't really mess with that story, it's core spiderman really and as it was loyalto the comcis, would've been wrong to do it different.

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