Spellcrafting, ironic an add on has made me finally give up



Today I found out the only LGM SC in Mid/Pryd taking orders has apparently given up playing (dont blame her btw), this means after weeks of looking and waiting none of my chars are any near to an SC suit than before. With so many enemys wearing 'best' gear now my survival rate in the frontier gets less and less by the day to the point where I finally decided it's not worth the effort anymore. It's a sad situation when an add-on designed to improve the game finally makes you want to give up....


If it's that important to you and utterly crucial to your continued enjoyment of the game...then become an LGM SCer yourself.



i am active LM SC (swamped with orders at the moment)
come alb :p

on a serious note:
i can understand retiring crafters
it is a big timesync and the money is not so good
i can barely make 300gp an hour crafting which is not so good

well for about 16 plat you can become LM SC yourself and make a nice profit since there is a huge market and no SCers

(i must be too cheap, 5 gp a point, 20 gp an o/c point)



There is more to the game than what you just sum up here. Maybe you could try start SC yourself? All you need is money and patience, and you'll provide good services to your entire realm if SC's are indeed as rare as you state (which is NOT the case btw).

It's a game, wake up.


Originally posted by Apathy
If it's that important to you and utterly crucial to your continued enjoyment of the game...then become an LGM SCer yourself.




Well, can only agree with the other posters - if you want SCed gear that badly, then take up the craft yoruself. I don't think people understand just how much time/effort/frustration is involved in doing an overcharge SC order.

Making 8 (six armour pieces, one sword, one shiled) x 4 99% gems can take several hours - especially since after the last patch. I'm not sure if they actually nerfed crafting or not, but it sure seems like it's a helluva lot harder to get 99-MP gems tehse days - and you as a spellcrafter can often get absue for charging 'too much' for the work. Many people will complain loudly when you charge them what they feel is too much money compared to the material cost of the gems. Yeah, like I can make a living by charing SC cost based on the 5g material cost.

Oh, and the situation is very similar in Alb as it seems to be in Mid. There are very few active SCers that will take orders (and those people are usually very busy with backlog orders), so I don't think the number of enemies wearing the best gear is as huge as you think...


Someone told me that with 600 SC you can make a very respectable set of kit for your level 50 character that uses all the imbue points available, with no overcharging - I mean do you really want to risk blowing up that masterpiece plate vest af 102?


there's more than one LGM SC in Mid/Pryd... just no one can be arsed to SC a full suit.

took me about 4h real time to make the gems for my Skalds gear.
4h of frustration (thanks to the lovely randomizer) and waiting for that <insert random swearing> green bar to fill up.

serious, it's easier to get SC to 871, than finding someone to make the gems. At that skill you can make most of the gems you'll need yourself anyway. And finding a LGM SCer once you got the gems ready is easy.


I have 500pts in SC, 800 in AC, 450 in Alc, to maintain my 'utterly crucial enjoyment' do I have to hit LGM in all of them? The so called end game is RvR last I heard, not repetitious clicking and endless farming, I surprisingly want to RvR but cannot compete any more because of a badly thought out add-on (which followed equaly badly thought out realm abilities).

The 'old' crafts require a massive time sink to reach the top but once there you can craft in short bursts and get a saleable item, SC requires you to maintain that time sink forever and the item created is only of use when sold in a set quite often. Lets say I want a 99% suit of armour, i'll assume a basic 1 in 6 chance of a 99%, times 6 pieces that's a theoretical 36 crafts ( I know this isn't right btw!!). Now do the same for SC 4 99% jewels per item = 144 crafts per set, 400% more time required to acheive the end product, no wonder SC's disappear without trace, remain anon, dont reply to sends is it. Maybe Prydwen needs 2000 LGM SC's so we can all do our own sets?

BTW I know it's a game, thats why when the fun stops I decide to move on. Planetside and SWG are now providing me that fun, of course the grass is always greener on the other side but for now i'll happlily play on that grass.


ThE TrIcK is..dont get all gems made at the same time.. tell the SC'er make the gems when u got time one here one there.. get the gems that a lower lvl sc'er can make from a diff person..or yourself.. that way the LGM dont have to use 4-5 hours on your suit but maybe only 1,5 hour..and is more likely to accept the order. I had all my gem's made for my shammy suit made from a SC'er that cant imbue the suit , but was ok with making the gems , maybe he made a few points skilling up too ??? It's much easier to find some one to make say..5-6 gem's and imbue the suit.. than making the whole thing..Just my thoughts.. but then again I'm silly...


Originally posted by old.windforce
(i must be too cheap, 5 gp a point, 20 gp an o/c point)
Does that mean a 33/28 item is 20g*33 = 660g or 5g*28+20p*5 = 240g?


Originally posted by Cush
it means.. you say how much? then you pay
I already have all my SCing done so. :m00:

(BTW I wouldn't say 240g is all that cheap for a 99% item :p)


Originally posted by old.Tbird
I have 500pts in SC, 800 in AC, 450 in Alc, to maintain my 'utterly crucial enjoyment' do I have to hit LGM in all of them? The so called end game is RvR last I heard, not repetitious clicking and endless farming, I surprisingly want to RvR but cannot compete any more because of a badly thought out add-on (which followed equaly badly thought out realm abilities).

If you can't find people who will do the SC for you...then yes, you must get LGM in that skill if without SCd armour you won't be able to play and you do actually WANT to play. Fairly obvious that one.

Otherwise just quit the game and take the whining with you. How you can manage to simultaneously complain that crafting is repetitive and boring whilst complaining in surprise that you can't get what you want because noone else will give it to you...are you an LGM in Shortsighted Tantrum-trinketing or something?

Blame SI, blame RAs, blame the ex-LGMs...but also blame yourself because the solution is right in front of you, whether you accept it or not.

Maybe Prydwen needs 2000 LGM SC's so we can all do our own sets?

It only needs one so that you can get yours, which seems to be all you really care about. But since you don't care enough to get off your bum and do it for yourself, don't expect any sympathy. Have fun in the next game you go to play until you find some aspect of that which requires either serious commitment of time from yourself.



Originally posted by Danyan
I already have all my SCing done so. :m00:

(BTW I wouldn't say 240g is all that cheap for a 99% item :p)

ask mysteh / solarflare what it would cost if they do it


Got mine done by Sarum, 1.2 plat for 9 pieces 33/28 overcharged. Got a wreath done recently on hib/exc 32/28 for 165g. :p


Originally posted by old.Tbird
I have 500pts in SC, 800 in AC, 450 in Alc, to maintain my 'utterly crucial enjoyment' do I have to hit LGM in all of them? The so called end game is RvR last I heard, not repetitious clicking and endless farming, I surprisingly want to RvR but cannot compete any more because of a badly thought out add-on (which followed equaly badly thought out realm abilities).

The 'old' crafts require a massive time sink to reach the top but once there you can craft in short bursts and get a saleable item, SC requires you to maintain that time sink forever and the item created is only of use when sold in a set quite often. Lets say I want a 99% suit of armour, i'll assume a basic 1 in 6 chance of a 99%, times 6 pieces that's a theoretical 36 crafts ( I know this isn't right btw!!). Now do the same for SC 4 99% jewels per item = 144 crafts per set, 400% more time required to acheive the end product, no wonder SC's disappear without trace, remain anon, dont reply to sends is it. Maybe Prydwen needs 2000 LGM SC's so we can all do our own sets?

BTW I know it's a game, thats why when the fun stops I decide to move on. Planetside and SWG are now providing me that fun, of course the grass is always greener on the other side but for now i'll happlily play on that grass.

to summon up...
U cant be arsed to sit hours on end clicking the same button, and u quit DaoC b/c noone else will do it for u...
Except ofc in albion where everyone runs around in 5pt OC suits...?


got a full set 5pt OC done myself. only cost about 400g.

ohh wait i know why.. i have an lgm sc`r already o_O


With very little in SCing (500) you can make most of the gems for a well planned suit yourself. If you contact a LGM spell crafter and say that you have all the gems for your suit then you will get a far better response, takes 5 minutes to imbue a full suit rather than 4 hours for gem makeing


Did'nt I just say that..in a more complicated and harder to read kinda way ?? But then again I'm silly :p


Tell me Apathy are you an LGM in being condascending?

I'm complaining about a system, designed by someone at Mythic to be an addition to the game, to make the game more FUN. Sorry if you cant see that but fun is the name of the game, yes I could get to LGM no problem if I wanted, but crafting is supposed to be part of the ECONOMY, it is supposed to be part of the interaction between people, it shouldn't be a multi-day compulsary time sink just because they screwed up the balance of the game. I made my fair share of n00b suits on the way up in AC, hell I gave them away dirt cheap, what I want to do now is play and enjoy RvR, the supposed end game, but I cant do that without levelling my own personal LGM, you dont think thats wrong?

And you know I love that 'quit the game & take your whine with you' line, if you dont agree with it, it's a whine and I should leave. Well i'll leave in my good time, i'll whine here as much as I want just like 99% of the rest of BW do, in fact if all the whiners leave you'll be sat here replying to yourself.


Find me the Mythic statement that proclaims that SC is supposed to be fun.

I could get to LGM no problem if I wanted

Then what, exactly, is your problem? Is it actually just that you want someone else to do it for you because "I made my fair share of n00b suits on the way up in AC, hell I gave them away dirt cheap"?

So other people have SCer friends and you don't. So many guilds have their own SCer but you don't have access to one. You can easy solve your own problem and you admit this. But...how dare another player stop doing something that you want done for yourself? Pah.

There's no A in condescending, but there is A in asshole and A in lazy.



Originally posted by old.Tbird
Tell me Apathy are you an LGM in being condascending?

I'm complaining about a system, designed by someone at Mythic to be an addition to the game, to make the game more FUN. Sorry if you cant see that but fun is the name of the game, yes I could get to LGM no problem if I wanted, but crafting is supposed to be part of the ECONOMY, it is supposed to be part of the interaction between people, it shouldn't be a multi-day compulsary time sink just because they screwed up the balance of the game. I made my fair share of n00b suits on the way up in AC, hell I gave them away dirt cheap, what I want to do now is play and enjoy RvR, the supposed end game, but I cant do that without levelling my own personal LGM, you dont think thats wrong?

And you know I love that 'quit the game & take your whine with you' line, if you dont agree with it, it's a whine and I should leave. Well i'll leave in my good time, i'll whine here as much as I want just like 99% of the rest of BW do, in fact if all the whiners leave you'll be sat here replying to yourself.

Nothing whatsoever stopping you going rvr. Mix it up with working your sc. Spend some time rvring, then do a little scing, you'll get there in the end. Don't be so hung up on having your full sc stuff before going rvr. You can still go rvr and have fun - a full suit of mp sc gear isn't compulsory ya know. Or is it that you just think that you HAVE to have that uberl33t suit so that you can pwn everyone in RvR or it just won't be fun? If it's the latter then I have a feeling you're going to be sorely disappointed by the "end" game, as you describe it. (RvR might be the "end" game, but it's only a part of "the" game) ;)


Originally posted by Apathy
But...how dare another player stop doing something that you want done for yourself? Pah.
Did you read my post? No didn't think so, at no point did I criticise any spellcrafter (I know the effort needed and admire those that made it all the way), I criticised Mythic for a screwed up system, but you're head is is so firmly embedded up your own arse you can see that.
There's no A in condescending, but there is A in asshole and A in lazy.
There's also an A in twat, but I didn't realise I was discussing your new found LGM spelling ability.


Originally posted by bracken_woodman
Nothing whatsoever stopping you going rvr. Mix it up with working your sc. Spend some time rvring, then do a little scing, you'll get there in the end. Don't be so hung up on having your full sc stuff before going rvr. You can still go rvr and have fun - a full suit of mp sc gear isn't compulsory ya know. Or is it that you just think that you HAVE to have that uberl33t suit so that you can pwn everyone in RvR or it just won't be fun? If it's the latter then I have a feeling you're going to be sorely disappointed by the "end" game, as you describe it. (RvR might be the "end" game, but it's only a part of "the" game) ;)
I have a SB 3L6 99% of the time unbuffed, a week back I got the jump on a Hib caster managed 4 good shots with my 99% weapons before his friend nuked me to death. I had him at 40% health and my best hit was 158, when I cant kill my target class what else is left for me.


Yes, it is Mythic's fault that you don't have any SCd armour. The system is so bad that there are no SCers around and nobody can get their itamz SCd, apart from everyone else in RvR from other realms.

Are you just setting up a BW papertrail for when you come back to whine about how RvR is sucky thanks to SC when the reality is...it's just you? :-o

It's good you can spell twat, though I expect you have more cause to read that word than to write it.

So stop logging on and off BW to check your wittle fwed and GET FUCKING CRAFTING YOU WHINING TWAT!



Originally posted by old.Tbird
I have a SB 3L6 99% of the time unbuffed, a week back I got the jump on a Hib caster managed 4 good shots with my 99% weapons before his friend nuked me to death. I had him at 40% health and my best hit was 158, when I cant kill my target class what else is left for me.



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