Speccing a Friar



Can someone kindly tell me the optimum way to spec a friar ? I'm looking to create a well-rounded character, but one that kicks arse in combat.

Thanks for any help u can offer.



My friar will be

39 Staff - for secondary evade chain. Loses the three-move chain that starts with a side positional (Not very good for RvR.) and loses the lvl 50 style performed after parry.

45 enhancements - Loses the top self-haste instant and top resist buffs but gets top of everything else.

25 rejuvenation - This is the thing that I thought long and hard about. My main char gets healed by friars in RvR a fair bit and they have between 7 and 18 rejuv. 25 rejuv will give the third best spec heal, less variance on base heals and a steady spec heal of almost 300.

12 parry - Base parry is 5% and 0.5% per point you put in parry, so 11%. RAs are available to increase this and I don't have the after parry style anyway.

Take a look at www.drunkenfriar.com. I wouldn't recommend making a friar with no idea of what to spec. And is it likely you will even get to lvl 50? My friar is almost lvl 42.

I would advise that you spec enh/staff to begin with and get 7rej for BG1 to cure DoTs etc. Get 29 in staff ASAP because Friar's Boon will change your world!

My spec at lvl 41 is 31 staff, 35 enh and 18 rej. I heal for 215 with spec heals and fast small heals on the base are always 100 or so. Very balanced, I think. :D Going full staff till I get 39 staff then will get my 45 enh and then the rest into rej/parry.

Think about what kind of role you want to play in a group. With the lack of clerics at lower/middle levels you will often be asked to heal and not fight.



Oh, popular specs are...

39 sta, 48 enh, 18 rej, 13par

44 sta, 47 enh, 15 rej, 7 par

44 sta, 48 enh, 7 rej, 7 par

But don't just COPY someone else because you think it will be "uber". Don't start a new char thinking only of level 50 because, let's face it, it's a LONG way away.



the last haste at 48 is well worth it imo.

mabey it would be best to spec rejuv and enh till 40 then respec to your uber tanking friar for RvR ? :)



nah tbh with spellcrafting coming you dont need that high staff and as for mosyt used style in rvr well they are lvl 21 and lvl 29 styles the 39 style just inst used its pretty pointless 44 style requires a genious to pull it off and or by the time you do a slam tank has already stunned it. i have played with many friar specs my first was 39 staff 45 enh 25 rejuv 12 parry
2nd was 47 enh 39 staff 18 rejuv 16 parry (thats a nice stable spec)
current and one im not very fond of is 45 staff , 47 enh 7 rejuv 8 parry

when i get the chance after killing dragon i will respec to 34 staff 47 enh 25 rejuv 18 parry after reading boards etc your dmg will not go down (i never noticed a difference from 39-45) and especially with spell craft rr6 and you can get 50 staff your heal will be 300hp and no varience which i dont think any group in rvr will say no to. You will have resist buffs of 24% heat 16% matter and 16% cold.
and you will have the last abs buff, af sheild and haste shout. A good amount of parry imo
seems the best post 1.54 friar spec


my spec is as follows:

18 rej: decent healing (downtime only, can't heal during battles, don't know how many times people have flamed me for not healing them for a whopping 215 while they were being blasted down by enchanters) and 2nd rez (not that bad)

44 staff: You hit hard (and yes you DO hit harder if you have more than 50 staff, contrary to common belief) you have the stun style (kinda worthless in rvr, but in pvp, ie: prince and etc it's useful).

45 Enhance: all the last self buffs, +16 to all resists, and 70% haste.

7 parry: leftover points, parry a decent amount.


@ apathy that second spec is impossible

@ trin 70% haste??? dude the top haste is 38% and its at 47spec in enhance tilda not 48 HERALD LINK

imo like vireb i will switch to 34staff once i hit RR6 and spellcrafting is out

currently at 39staff 48enhance 18reju 13parry

really i cant complain its a versatile spec, but leaning towards group enhancement (with all top resists bar the matter 24% one) and melee offense (with 50+staff with bonus and a ton of self buffs)

just a little fyi: my healing pretty much sucks even if i put on some reju gear and have 18+10 you can't keep anyone alive in RvR with 18reju, but its DAMN useful for a quick heal up of yourself on downtime.


That second spec is the one Quicksilver told me he uses. Teehee.

I'm going 39 staff for the chain that starts off an evade. Counter Evade (Hindered) and then Friar's Fury (Bleeding).

And if it all goes horribly wrong I will respec at some point.



he has more spec points due to a mini ding bug that affected all friars 40.5+ when we patched to 1.46


Sticking with my current spec:

staff 44 enhance 45 parry 12 rejuve 15

No i'm not healer - if i was i'd have instas. I do downtime healing that is all.

In between running saints vigour to boost my styles output and 10 min recasts on 7 or 8 self and group buffs i rarely, if ever, have the mana to heal until the fight is over. No I don't feel selfish and probably true enough to say that 3 friars standing at the back of a group is equal to one rejuve cleric in the majority of cases as far as healing goes.


My spec is 39s 48e 18r 13p and i like it alot. Dont have staff to 50 with items, so my dmg is a little waggy still, but when we get sc i should be done quite easy.
And can still heal the cleric in group when he/she gets a tank on em. The final cold resist is nice too.
Anyway, use catacombs and find a spec that you like, after all, its your char :D


Originally posted by Cabo-
My spec is 39s 48e 18r 13p and i like it alot. Dont have staff to 50 with items, so my dmg is a little waggy still, but when we get sc i should be done quite easy.
And can still heal the cleric in group when he/she gets a tank on em. The final cold resist is nice too.
Anyway, use catacombs and find a spec that you like, after all, its your char :D

yeh i can vouch for cabo's cold buff, very noticable decrease in dmg from ppl like tyka and kallistor.

40staff 48enhance 20parry 6rejuv looks good to me, 0 left over :D

but good point with respecs now in the game spec grp friendly to lvl40 and then respec battle friar for rvr if u want. remember going overspec on a melee skill DOES increase dmg and more importantly average dmg.

EDIT: also remember dex is the dmg modifier for staff and u dont get any as u lvl, qui is a modifier for evade. i'd go 15dex 6qui 4con at roll.


cold buff...
What, did he re-respec back to void or something to deliberately gimp himself? :)


im speccing mine ;)

44 staff
48 enhan
10 parry



i'm kind of thinking have heat damage in ur baseline and cold in ur spec is a bit OTT

i mean they changed sorc all to body from body base and energy spec because

no wait

ffs i forgot its a hib class...


ITS THE WAY OF THE MAGIC YOUNG JIGGS THE WAY OF THE MAGICCCCC>>>>>.......................................


apparently our buffs are getting pushed to 15minitue timers now!!


u know why?

because the new valewalker class are complaing about the same thing Friars have been saying for the six months!

and valewalkers lets see, thats a...

yes thats a hibernian class :D

so if hibs got a problem they fix it *snaps fingers* w00t!


bah it was late, i was tired etc ;)

the difference is VERY noticable, trust me.


Originally posted by Jiggs
apparently our buffs are getting pushed to 15minitue timers now!!


u know why?

because the new valewalker class are complaing about the same thing Friars have been saying for the six months!

and valewalkers lets see, thats a...

yes thats a hibernian class :D

so if hibs got a problem they fix it *snaps fingers* w00t!

the quote says the spell guy was 'working on it but hasn't have time yet'... but hey :) it was probably low priority till the hib class had the problem


Just like Necromancer's no-los pet. :p

"FFS Albion can nuke through walls now FIX asap!"



45+ enh for not being gimped :p a friar without buffs is a cleric without heals...
39 or 44 staff, depends how much in enh u want
15+ rejuv, for the 2nd rezz, first rez is useless in rvr
rest in parry

I'm gonna be 49enh (all teh buffs!!) 39staff, 15rejuv, 13parry

Gotta love the resist buffs ;)


Apathy I don't quite understand your sig....

As far as I'm concerned Kylie has a nice arse, but no talent whatsoever...


Originally posted by old.Mitsu
Just like Necromancer's no-los pet. :p

"FFS Albion can nuke through walls now FIX asap!"

The necromancer pets were worse for one reason - you could sit them inside a wall where they were completely invulnerable.

The enchanter pets are buggy beyond all cheese but they're not as bad as that.

Of course instead of doing something intelligent to the necromancer they just make them unusable if there's a pebble within 1000 miles.


my friar will be 48 enh for last cold buff for Konah ;)
and 44 staff and 10 parry.

i found a thread on VN boards that said points over 50 spec in a weapon help more than points under 50.



"i found a thread on VN boards that said points over 50 spec in a weapon help more than points under 50."

funny only found posts saying the other thing, that staff over 50 is like longbow over 50, not worth the points.

anyway, its your class, not my bag of coins :D


as for the 50 spec thing only thin i gather and have heard of that someone who is 50 staff + 0 with items WILL do more damage than someone who is 39 + 11 this was done on drunken friar boards as it seems you gain more weap skill per properly specced level in staff that a + item lvl in staff its not alot but there is a difference imo the difference is negligabe for the cost in points. Getting 50 spec staff in the first place is kinda seriously not a good idea as you lose out so much and gain so little but still think 34 staff 47 enh (maybe 48) 18 parry 25 rejuv is going to be the best spec for the future . you will own 95% of classes 1vs1 (champs will still kill ya) and you can be very versitile within a group. And as soon as i get the chance im respeccing to that

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