Speak Friend And Enter

  • Thread starter Roo Stercogburn
  • Start date

Brannor McThife

Blood, you sure it was Zargar? ;)

Careful who you might insult.
<makes note to PM Zargar to toast Blood first with the dragon>




1. thats atleast what a small bird whispered

2. the dragon is no match for a kobold of my size, last time we went to kill Gjalpinulva, she found it very hard to target li'l me, as i stod on the bodies on my fallen comerades http://www.stovring.net/stuff/daoc/BloodVsDragon.jpg

3. im getting a feeling i better shut up now ;) (undskyld Zargar næste gang er jeg sikker på at din bjørn også har AF 100 armor, så skal du nok slå Blejsarus)


in the event Hendrick mentioned, i was one of the planners.

What we found, was that it took about 4-5 people with alts to organize an event, that involved about 30 people. it is not that difficult, really.

What i WOULD like to see, however (im actually quite confident, that this is something that can be done already. just not tested yet)

Utopia really wnna continue the story, with Ziera. but what would be REALLY cool, was if the event planners at GOA would help out.

Imagine player aranged events, being backed up by real event stuf?

writiing a big email, containing info, and story bits, and time and place, might trigger them into helping out, with whatever it is you need.

now THAT would be MASSIVELY fun!!

Roo Stercogburn

I have no problem spending time to help other peeps in other realms put together stuff. It works both ways. Sometimes you just want peeps you can bounce stuff off because a certain part of the plot has got you stumped or whatever and a fresh perspective on something driving you nuts is often welcome. There's nothing to stop this being cross-realm and server since it doesn't affect RvR or interfere with the code of conduct.

BTW, I'm thinking that the day a player-run event takes place (if we get it going), there'll be a post on the 'tavern' entry for the appropriate realm and server, in the style of either a journal entry or a short description of some action, which will give peeps the clues they need to figure out where to go if they want to join in.

Might as well use the forums to work for us in-game too ;)

I've got a plot together for a short quest now, with lots of dark undertones for a longer campaign if it all comes off.

Looking at it properly now, I can see a need for peeps to use their imagination at times to fill in the blanks. Already I can see plot-related action which isn't handled by the game mechanics so there will be a bit of 'This is what you're seeing, but THIS is what is actually happening' type of thing. In my experience the peeps that will be interested aren't short of imagination anyway, so I don't think this will be a problem.

All we need now are volunteers...


Roo that osund like at great ideer, iv tryied to do some pure item huntings to gat away from exping but now im right back where I started. What I realy need is an event to kick things up to make the blind see and the deaf hear. The problem as I see it is that midgard with its brute force and rather native primitiv races have pulled in quite a few of the old CS/quake/d2x players who only play to kill other people and havent the slightes ideer what rpg is.

But i'll be happy to work with you on some player events (that is if youd want me on your team :D)

*wonders what kemor is doing over in the back*

Roo Stercogburn

We ran our first little quest a couple of weeks or so ago now, it went quite well though the turnout was low (actually, a blessing in disguise) because the other 2 realms decided they wanted all the relics just about the same time we were kicking it off. We had a good chuckle and some fun charging around Midgard. We ended it by pulling all the werewolves in Askheim at the same time to simulate a pitched battle. Much chaos and fun. Harder to organise the second one with so many of our player-gm team being on hols at different times, but we'll get back into it soon enough. We left a lot of plot threads dangling.

Krill started a thread on the Midgard Tavern which launched it, and we used for some follow-up afterwards. There will be more...


At first when I started playing this game I was happy with just levling my char, getting exp and new items and meet new people. I did not roleplay mostly cause I never met anyone that roleplayed.

As it is now I am no longer happy with just levling and gaining exp and items - to be honest those things mean almost nothing. Thats why I started roleplaying my alternative characters more and more and now I have even come to the point where I'm considdering leaving my GM-title in my guild, to join a roleplaying guild were I could enjoy the game more (unfortunantly my guildmembers in the current guild were not all positive to the 'lets make it an RP-guild' idea).

Originally posted by Brannor McThife
Looking back at the EoB event, and how people responded. At first, the greater proportion of people in Midgard wanted nothing more than to kill the Prophets and the Stones, not really caring about the event as such. A few took part completely, to the point that they emersed themselves in the roles as messengers of The Chosen (I recall a few running off to bring friends to see me).

Now, the question is, would you guys simply respond to the event if you happen to be there and only as it happens? Or would you, like these people did, change your character to emerse yourselves in the event? Like, running around with the staff permanently, not slaying anything, maybe even forming a "Children of the Chosen" guild. That kinda thing.

I mean, isn't that true RP'ing? Not just RP'ing when the event is on, but carrying through with it so as to change your character?

I did not make it to that event as I started playing DAoC late beta, and finished at level 17 or so. In the case of a great event, that has impact on the game itself (all realms), I would probably change my chars personality during or after an epic event. Creating a new guild based on the event would be a good idea.

That 'assasin stalking your guild' thingy a few replies back was an excellent example of how I would like the 'perfect' MMORPG to be - eg. dynamic. How come those druids don't have assasins after me already. Are they content with my friar just killing their people over and over again? I'm sure they atleast have scouts tracking me? ... I know that you can, for example, make friends with rooters by killing boogey's in DAoC but I'm looking for a bit more than this. I want my actions to have impact, even if it's not always a good thing!

Still looking forward to my first event - wonder what one of my chars I will bring? (friar no doubt since thats the one I usually roleplay with).

Just venting... :)


I remember a friend of mine told me that when the servers was reset for the retail there was something wrong in midgard on excal. The wast undead army that was part of the EoB event still had soldiers running around a killing lowbies who never knew of the EoB and there for diden't know the mobs.

Dont know if its true :)


One thing I've thought of you could try in cross realm RP is have someone from your realm being held prisoner by a force from an enemy realm, ok this will mean that the enemy force will give those that kill them realm points when they die, but if its set up properly, it can be done for all 3 realms. It means those who are running these events will have to find an out of the way spot, so those who are doing normal RvR wont stumble across this event, also those running the event give the group clues as to where the kidnapped person is, if they dont find them by a certain time, then the kidnapped person is killed by the enemy force and the group forfeit any reward they would have gained for the rescue. Not only that, but have say an enemy force that is holding a certain area in say your realms frontier, and your group has to go and break the enemy force, again, this will earn realm points, but is also a good way to RP, specially if your force may be outnumbered by the opposing force.

note: I made this up as I was typing it, I've not been on any of the events put in by GOA yet, so don't know if I'm stepping on their toes or not, but might be worth thinking about and will provide an element of danger for all concerned :)


Of course the above example will involve alot of time and effort on everyones part, from those who actually come up with the story, to those who play the parts of the enemy forces (who will probably spend alot of time standing/sitting about waiting for something to happen, unless of course the kidnapped person is female <smirks>), but IF done right, could certainly make for a fun day for all who participate. I am quite happy to be one of those enemy forces, or be part of the group that has to retrieve said kidnapped person, you could even have all 3 realms participating at the same time, so instead of having one enemy force to kill, you have two, one from each realm.

Um, better go rest now, before my brain melts with all the ideas buzzing about. ;)

edit: spelling mistakes (what would my english teacher think ;))

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