DroP DeaD
Well today August 1st 2003 Went into BG1 with Ankh and had a little fun Middies camping ATK so I decide to go behind them... I shot 1 Norse healer dead 3 times in a row after rezz for some fun and shot a Valkn (whatever) thing dead twice while they swam in the water with someone killing him inbetween and after (eg. I kill, I kill again, othe person kills, I kill, other person kills again) all after Rezzing.
Sorwie if I pissed anyone off you got me a few times and you be happy to know I gone off to do a few quests with Drop
>Group hugz<
Btw for any 'What is the point?!?!'... It wastes healers power (like it matters really) and slows them down to rez and rez again.
Sorwie if I pissed anyone off you got me a few times and you be happy to know I gone off to do a few quests with Drop
>Group hugz<
Btw for any 'What is the point?!?!'... It wastes healers power (like it matters really) and slows them down to rez and rez again.