Sort of complaint



Not a full complaint really, but i'd like to ask that the admins take more consideration of the fact that many people have slower computers.

Both times last night during our game (asf) the admin did a sv_restartround before asking if everyone was ready. The first time he corrected this at our request by restarting again. But the 2nd time on the team swappover the map had changed to oilrig due to the timelimit. He changed it back to train but then started the game immediately, without asking if we were ready. At that time we only have 4 players because the others hadn't yet had time to load up the maps. I tried to get him to restart but he just went off. Which reminds me, could the admins please stay in the game. Its very disconcerting when the admin leaves immediately after starting the map. Anyhow, by restarting too early the other team already had armour as if u buy armour during prematch b4 the sv_restartround u keep it into the first round. As we were slower coming back after map change we had no such armour and so were at an unfair disadvantage immediately from the start, which we were unable to bring back.

And also can all clans adopt a policy of not using messagemode 1 (say) during a match unless it is to direct the admin. It is very difficult keeping players in check when other players provoke rioting and it can only lead to bad feeling between the two clans. In ASF we have a couple of, how shall i put this, less mature players who don't conduct themselves well to others. The clan can talk to each other using say_team whether dead or alive and mm1 should only really be used for talking to the admin.

Back to the timelimit thing, it said on the newspage that the admin would use a stopwatch to control the match, shouting last round when applicable. I have told admins many times to use mp_timelimit 0 to control the match, using restartround instead of a full map change as it greatly reduces the overall time a game takes up and reduces the chance of ppl crashing.

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