Sorry for bumping old threads...



Damn so many old old memories.

I remember going as a guild all the way to mid and camping the portal keep gates taunting the mids, until Nolby Pride came and killed us (took 3 charges as I recall).

Going to Sheeroe Hills before PBAoE and getting uber pulls from Deathwatchers and Knights (this noob called Matinex thought it was fun to pull and get double scouted!! :)).

Getting pmed by Wuren and saying come to Ligen, got some uber BM gloves for you (Masterful Moonglade Gauntlets) and when I got there he gave em for free!!

When quest rewards were worth getting cos nothing could beat em (Pestilent Sickle etc)

Being the first to have two Luminescent Sickles of the Unicorn (thx Nova and Mati) by far the best weapons around at the time.

Solo farming Coruscating Mines and dishing out all the drops I got to guild mates etc (Nova's ranger, Harle's warden etc)

People like Eble and Motor who went hunting Bee in the gorge so us lowbies could XP in relative peace.

Like everything in life, looking back always seems better, but usually it isn't. Things change (not always for the better) and it just makes it seem that the good old days really were that good.


Yup, love the past, 1000 healrange, no mcl for pve/rvr, running around on speedchant and cursing when jumped and i couldn't change to bubble/dmg add/end regen. Loved being chainmezzed/stunned, loved having only 8 slots on bars. Loved not being able to craft anything higher than af 78!

Things change and you remember the good things, and you often neglect the bad things because they're usually not fond memories.

I don't like it when people say it was all better before, sure it was all new, things surprise you, but a game evolves, and in the eyes of the people it always evolves for the worse and not the best. Sure there's lots of things I don't like, but there's also a lot of things I do like. The fun thing about an evolving game is you need to find new tactics, currently the tactic to beat for hibs is a mid melee gank group or an alb sos group (using it properly). Things like these make it fun for me to play, thinking of how to beat the other side without having to resort to outnumbering them.

This game is just an environment, the game itself is what you make it.


I remember dinging my druid 50 at breifine fins. Was doing some RvR with Lavelle, Temperance, Gahldir and a few others when they discovered I was 0.5 from ding. So off to the fins we went. 10 Mins later we got jumped mid pull by albs. 1fg of em died b4 they knew what had happened. I dinged in all the excitement and to this day I dont think they expected a fg of lvl50's ( yes I am counting myself as 50 ) to be xping :).

One even tried to escape by running down the hill....straight into the wraith drakes...oh dear.. :p

I remembver buying a cobalt shortsword that was purple and uber :)

I remember getting squished by Olliepheists at lvl 16 that I went to look at with a guildy :(

Hehe I also remember running round in leather armour cos I didnt realise I could wear Reinforced :p

I remember thinking how far away level 50 was... and now I have 2

It's not the same anymore is it?


Anyways i remember when Nicky/Brennik/Zana and Lanvar took me for the first ride to rvr in 1fg just roaming and we got a fair bunch of rps, i was of course a noob breaking mez without slam cause i did'nt have it back then lol..

:clap: :clap: :clap:

Regards Nicky.


ah the good old days when drops were actually worth something.

Did a Tur suil raid yestaday and all 20 drops were worthless and no one really wanted them. It could certainly be debaited whether the game has changed for the good.

Tyka your getting sentimental in your old age. (though senile may be a better word :p )

Do remeber Matinex giving me a Reaver bow though as a lowbie Ranger. I thought it was the dogs bollacks at the time.


Ye Good Olde Days

Well Moriaana reminded me of my two favourite memories at Crim.

First quite similar, we were exping at Crim Fins, i think the bard we had was called Daigh. Anyway we pull, a fg Mids attack, bard mez'es em, we kill fins, bard dings 50, we kill Mids. Was so sweet :D

Second was at Crim itself. I was dead at gates with a huge number of Albs attacking. Tylar pulls the Wraith Drake. The rest is history. When we thought all was lost one brave Lurikeen saved the day. In all my time of DAoC i never laughed so much.

I say bring back the good old days when Albs were stupid enough to agro a mob pulled by someone else.


LOL nova yeah i remember me and you had 1000 different arguements about all kinds of things, after all we enjoyed doing same kind of thing in this game and always someway or another we ended up in same group or same place...

remember when kainz helped me lots on hero epic, killing bran the giant and being chased over half the bug by some siabra raider guys.

You could be so individual, not like the rest of the crew like its now, if you item farmed alot you would get rewarded in rvr, now everyone get to 50 in 2 days and sc in next day, i had 40 days /played when i hit 50 with mati now beat that.

Everyone knew when a new guy hit level 50, almost no one was down in CM pit because it was impossible to get there unless you had a 1fg. EZ was great and very hard as well with 1fg cause of scouts.

CF drops was the best.. because it was 91% quality and the rest of things in the realm was either 89% and 90%, nothing was 99% and wtf is MP ? lol

Bring 2-3fgs to kill a single mob in CF that drops a 1 91% wpn with so so stats that even a lvl 44 now would be embarrassed to wield.

Anyways glad that some people get my point with this thread, not complaining about how crap things are today since its different, but just comparing what we've been through and what made us enjoy the game back then, compared to now.

Game is still fun for some but things that kept us playing back then was other things than it is now :)


I remember the uber hib zerg in beta which ported to alb frontier. Nerys and Syrah took me along and we attacked a keep.
All went WTF, a single dwarf can keep us back .... unfortunatly we didn't realize that it was the mid tele keep ;)

I remember running around in emain in a group of 3-4 peeps having fun without encountering a zerg. Just Sun and Teza who pwned us badly.

I remember my first CF raid with Matinex, Gargo, Nerys and a few others. O'rey one-shotted most of us ;) Gargo got away, came back for rez. Then we easy peasy killed the unicorn and got wasted by the uber chicken ;)

Meeting Niljindil as lvl 10 menta in front of mage trainers and he adviced me how to spec (light). From this time on we stayed in contact and he became my mentor regarding mentilists ;) /hug

the old days where better because of 2 things:

-) all was new to us
-) individual specs (since noone knew whcih was the right spec)

today only my friends in game keep me playing - I enjoy the chat and the ocassional grouping ;)

perhaps we can revive the old enthusiasm in an upcoming mmorpg.


Yep... who doesnt miss the days when everything was quite unknown... i remember my first trip to emain in beta... we met single purple con highlander and zerged him to death and got our first rp´s... later we had a huge fight at amg which seemed to last for hours... some of us that died released just to get more arrows to our uberrangers...


yep, old times were damn good ;|

remember the day i met up that cock matinex xD saved his green con ass from 2 invaders at ligen and right after he started explaining me that he had a champ on beta, but rerolled hero on release cos champs were about to suck ass with patch :D such a loving cunt.

No but seriously, had our differences at start then things went smoother tho ;), had my differences with nova too, and with almost every hib as i still do now oftenly :D am such a bish :rolleyes:

Been one of the very first high lvls and ranks(3rd one above 40 or something then started rvring like a maniac and delayed my last ding, which i dont regret at all) gave sum experiences which are just impossible now, been able to solo emain for hours as a tank, slag fg enemies down by oneself and stuff;p But the best were the first skirmish grps with 3-4ppl and the so emotive first keep takes, first relic raids, defences, gathering high lvls at ligen/cain cos those nasty trolls were camping again... all that sort of stuff, a realm playing as a unit etc etc we all had our differences but still worked together and every1 respected each other

I still enjoy the game today tho.


Haha Lofff i will never forget when i told you champs were teh suq and you went banana on me :p


yeh lol, was preety annoying, its like hijacking sum1 and he complaining bout ur car xDDDD


talking about champ debuffs, i remember when Cuth was debuffing my targets (orange con) outside siopa (close to alain binn) and they were so much easier to kill. easy xp.

What happened to champ debuffs :(


Some Avalonians complained we'd one shot them after debuff ;)

Guess when they meet a zerker now, they regret that time too :p


ahh back in those days everything rocked so much lol

not gonna get into any old stories but lvl50's being worshipped like seme-gods was funneh:clap:


I loved the beta :) Especailly on my druid. When it came to retail I rolled a druid again, and for a time was the highest level druid tied with eble, but i got bored and so became a shade. Playing both those characters was the most fun I had in the game, especially taking Aeiedel out for a spin in rvr at level 13 :) I think its a shame that its no longer possible to go rvring in the frontiers at any old level. If i was to have started Aeiedel now then i would have never gotten him to 50, it was the ability to bugger off to yggdra to hunt yellow-red con xp'rs that kept me semi-sane :)

As for screenies, I have one of my early daoc sites here : and theres some beta screenies in there :)

I think its a shame now that everything is the same, but I guess thats what happens in the later life of any game. People find out what works and what dosen't, and so people go for what works because they would rather have a good char than a gimp :) ah well :)


Originally posted by Tyka
Well if you love the game and hate me so much maybe dont bother replying to this thread as this was not meant for you anyways? Ambitions or not its mine and not yours, if i put them higher than yours and still reach them maybe this means i got more out of the game than you did? Running around in epic still lol. Piss of this thread if you got nothing good to say btw, if you want to moan about how bad person i am you can make your own, retard.

In other words.. i quit the game.. so should you all


Want to try to bring some of it back?
Could get a group of 30-40 characters and go exploring..
Try some different spec.s mentalism mentalist? CD shades? they both work.
It's worth a try isn't it, more fun than slogging another up to 50?
You can never be "the best" any more, but if that's all you want I cannot and willl not help you :)
But you can still have some fun, old style :)
Personally I like to run around Mitha with my lvl 20 paladin tearing through greys and greens screaming out my deranged forest-paladin doctrine, just to wierd out the newbies and PLers.


Originally posted by Alkoran
Want to try to bring some of it back?
Could get a group of 30-40 characters and go exploring..
Try some different spec.s mentalism mentalist? CD shades? they both work.
It's worth a try isn't it, more fun than slogging another up to 50?
You can never be "the best" any more, but if that's all you want I cannot and willl not help you :)
But you can still have some fun, old style :)
Personally I like to run around Mitha with my lvl 20 paladin tearing through greys and greens screaming out my deranged forest-paladin doctrine, just to wierd out the newbies and PLers.

give it a few weeks and ill join an oddball group if im not in the DE beta :) i'll roll up either the mentalism ment or a staffshade :D or an enchantments chanter :)


Could make it a roleplay group too :)
use group chat for stuff like "INC" and "AFK 2 mins"
and /s /yell for general weirdness, battle crys and giving advice to beggars on how to weild a sword and loot the fallen :D


sounding better all the time :)

can i make a voidie for the group actually :D i haven't got one of them yet :) or maybe i'll be the obligatory bard :) (nurture/music of course for the old-style mezzing)


SC killed daoc.

More than anyone realises.

It instantly rendered 95% of the zones useless to lvl 50 and took the meaning out of the PVE element.

And killed RVR.

Imo the whole concept of player crafted weapons being greater than magic mob dropped ones is a crock of shit. Abs and dots for the win!

Make the player ones 90-95 qual and give ability to SC them accordinly.

still like daoc though.


Imo still allow crafters to do the best stuff or it is frustrating after so much time, but require high level crafted armor, SC gems and procs to use dropped ingredients (that you can NOT buy anywhere) thus players will still have to hunt them.

Make the legionnaires or templars drop one and might even bring RvR to Hadrian :)


I lost old.daoc , so sad :( would be nice if u post here some old screenies.... really i want to see like thing was before.

Plz GOA /demote daoc ver. 1.34!!

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