sorc: 40/36 or 31 / 44 and why



get whatever walkie has , he's annoying as hell for us middies~~


Aeroot: yesterday in odins, spam mezz on grp of mids, two trolls are still moving mezz again... crap they are almost to me, aeroot, trolls neutralized... After battle look at logs: blah cannot have that effect again spam....

THey were just about to hit me, one had hamstered already... luckily i had aeroot at my disposal.

Now, I see people saying 44 mind because you better help your grp with the new spells. At 44 mind you get the 39 grp mezz reduce chant.. 10% grp mezz reduction...
Take a look at how it works:

*Note: This reduction is applied AFTER the groupmates resists deterimina his/her mezztime, not stacking, they nerfed that on pendragon before it went live*

Intitial Mezztime * w/39 chant * w/49 chant * w/29chant
40s 36s 34s 38s
30s 27s 25.5s 28.5s
20s 18s 17s 19s
10s 9s 8.5s 9.5s

Most people seem to think if we do not have 39 mind we miss out on a 10% reduction.. NEver taking into account all we lose is 5% in reduction.. The difference we lose without the 39 mind chant is the 39 chant - the 29 chant

If you want to make a real noticeable difference imo you need to go for 49 mind. (not to mention the 45 mezz reduce self buff should be VERY excellent, trick is just keeping alive when u are unmezzed AGES before your grp is, and getting the aemezz in and demezzing your grp as quickly as u can if they havent purged)

As i said before, you lose some very valuable utility going the full way, but ofc if its your character and it makes you happy.. Also if you would be tempted to nuke (like spathi said) instead of doing your job as a sorc first then assisting in nuking if needed/possible, then yes maybe its not good for you to have higher body that does dmg with nukes if you would be tempted to nuke rather than cc.

ALL speclines are viable, I really do not think one is better than the other because of this or that.. The differences in resists between 34-44 aemez is minimal. It all just depends on how much you are willing to sacrifce in one line to get a little better in another line. I am, and have been, for the past year the split spec, and am very very happy with it. I do not want to lose my nice fire debuff, or the aeroot I can stake my life on working 99% of the time. But to those of you just leveling up sorcs, try the new stuff, you wont know what you are missing, and if you LOVE it, well then, that is all that matters :))


Basically, so long as you have some form of mez: the rest doesn't matter. A short mez is enough to complicate things for most groups and people with purge/determination arn't going be affected too much by a mez-difference of about 20 seconds (24mind-44mind). Likewise the mez-resist chants are usefull but your never shaving more than 7 or 8 seconds off the mez.

Increasing your body-spec not only opens up aoe roots which are equally has strong as an opening mez mid-battle, or for getting lots of tanks off a running cleric etc, but increases your own survivablity by upping the power of your q-cast lifetaps when you get jumped and your overall damage with stronger nukes.

The resist debuffs are of questionable use in rvr but if your sorc does any pve resist-debuffs are extreamly potent.

Personally (from experience of old-style sorcs) I would go for 40body/36mind. That gets you all the things you need from mind (including lvl50 pets) as well as opening your options for nuking and more efficent rooting when need be.
(also, a very decent dex/qui and str/con debuff is a lot better than a strong str/con one and a feeble dex/qui one)


Originally posted by old.linnet
Enh, try reading his post before you say that. Krillin said that there are lots of effective ways to spec a sorcerer, which is _true_. Effective means effective.

Just because you got guilt tripped into playing a character you don't like, doesn't mean we all do. (And if you like playing your bard, stop whining about it ;) )


Remember its your char and not your guilds or your friends so spec how you like.

This is a selfish statement, i dont know him, am not calling him selfish, but he made a selfish statement which does not suit the thread, any1 thinking that way wouldnt come ehre and ask for advice.

And am not whining about my bard.. i enjoy playing my bard cos i enjoy playing with my friends.. Altho i enjoy more my champ (no doubt) thingie is, id rather bard for my ppl if its needed than play "whatever i feel like whenever i feel like"


Originally posted by Krillin.
Oh please if you want to start calling me a selfish person go find some things out about me and my chars and there specs - you know the sorc spec so go find out my other and see if its not group orientated. So why not post your comments somewhere else you stupid prat and stop making assumptions.

What i was actually saying before you started up was that he should choose which ever spec suits him and if you actually read my post you might actually see I presented specs identifying weaknesses and advantages to each, it is difficult to enjoy a toon that you have not specced because thats how you wanted it.

as said above i was not "making assumptions"

U made a selfish statement, and u were suggesting him to ignore any1 but "experienced sorc players".. Now u are calling me names.. donno whats ur problem but u can go have a wank imo :great:


Gotta say since read wyleia's and spathi's posts i would say 22body 49mind, since 31body wont help ur dmg and the 42aeroot and 15%debuffs wont b that usefull.

Also, i always loved the body sorcs;p (specially when 24mind was enuff to get a proper mezz - looong loong ago:) )


Originally posted by lofff
as said above i was not "making assumptions"

U made a selfish statement, and u were suggesting him to ignore any1 but "experienced sorc players".. Now u are calling me names.. donno whats ur problem but u can go have a wank imo :great:

How many times did you practise saying that in your head and did it sound funnier in your mind than it does on here?

Maybe I lost the joke in my translation skills as I struggle to understand what you wrote above...

If you look at your reply to my advice I think you will find you started the insults. I stand by calling you a prat as your post above shows that you are obviously are one.


[21:10:52] You cast a Superior Essence Consumption Spell!
[21:10:52] You hit for 277 damage!
[21:10:52] You cannot absorb any more life.
[21:10:52] You begin casting a Superior Essence Consumption spell!
[21:10:52] You are already casting a spell! You prepare this spell as a follow up!
[21:10:53] Mutley casts a spell!
[21:10:53] The succubus is stunned by a flash of light!
[21:10:53] You cast a Superior Essence Consumption Spell!
[21:10:53] You hit for 255 damage!
[21:10:53] You cannot absorb any more life.
[21:10:53] You begin casting a Superior Essence Consumption spell!
[21:10:53] You are already casting a spell! You prepare this spell as a follow up!
[21:10:54] You cast a Superior Essence Consumption Spell!
[21:10:54] You hit for 212 damage!

~taken just now on a purple succubus in DF, i was buffed with a red dex buff


Originally posted by Krillin.
How many times did you practise saying that in your head and did it sound funnier in your mind than it does on here?

Maybe I lost the joke in my translation skills as I struggle to understand what you wrote above...

If you look at your reply to my advice I think you will find you started the insults. I stand by calling you a prat as your post above shows that you are obviously are one.

what sort of retard are u?

you are the fucking prick insulting here, i made no joke at all, was trying to find a polite way to ask u to fuck off, instead u just keep insulting and make stoopid comments about my english.. well, i would like to see u talking any but ur mother language as good as i do. And really theres no effort needed to understand what i mean.

Anyway u are just talking crap.. i dont give a fuck so err.. have a cow and crawl back to ur hole :m00:

ps: no i dont "practise" what am about to say, neither i check spell/grammar mistakes, fyi those are just a game's forums


49/21 seems like the best spec from my pov

Seeing as your main purpose in a group is (anti-)cc you might as well go all the way.

You get the last annoying mezz duration buff, some nice pox to give and you only miss out on the aeroot and the resist debuffs which are both lvl 2x-3x and therefor rather easy resisted.

You might say that that makes a pretty boring caster, but if you want too nuke play a wizard or a theurg


It's never a body-cab....

always a Wiz or Theurg....


Originally posted by lofff
what sort of retard are u?

you are the fucking prick insulting here, i made no joke at all, was trying to find a polite way to ask u to fuck off, instead u just keep insulting and make stoopid comments about my english.. well, i would like to see u talking any but ur mother language as good as i do. And really theres no effort needed to understand what i mean.

Anyway u are just talking crap.. i dont give a fuck so err.. have a cow and crawl back to ur hole :m00:

ps: no i dont "practise" what am about to say, neither i check spell/grammar mistakes, fyi those are just a game's forums

someone ban/gag this loser pls...

SoulFly Amarok

TBH: One should spec a char so that he/she get's the most out of it. Sorc being the only viable ae mezzer of this realm equals to having the last ae mez, yes, it rocks the hell out of any spec there is, believe me.

and what comes to the instant ae str/con debuff: the hp it drains off is insane, and you do not gain the lost hp back, this being an active bug afaik, and it doesn't even show on your HP bar. >_<

And yea, if you want to solo roll a stealther :eek:


For the last time I never said anything about soloing i simply stated that a sorcerer has the choice of several specs so you have the ability to spec your sorc how you would like. Thats not to say you shouldn't spec mind or for group play but simply that you have a choice and at the end of the day it should be yours.


I agree, as said on my very first post thats true, and never insulted u (till u did - guess u woke up on a better mood this morning) The way u said it first (dismissing guild and friends..) made it look as if u were "suggesting" to care only in ur self, i just pointed at the group-play needs.

So again, i apologize if my poor "unpractised" english was confusing, but there was no offense intended and there wont b.


Ok, I have to give my point of view to then as so few Sorc have.

Im 49 mind 21 matter 8 body

The 15% Group Mez Duration Chant is great. Been told so from groups i been in as they get out of mez much faster. (even 5sec kan make a diff) :)

Next the 55% Self Mez Duration Buff is truly unbeliveble good. I never been mezzed for longer than 20 sec or so and if I are lucky not dead in that time.. And with 49 +15 not much resist my mez after im free.. Ofc I cast first so i dont have to be mezzed at all :)

And the Mana Regen 5 makes palas run forever with End Chant up.....

Still as high Mind spec you are truly a support class.. Cant solo good... Cant do much on your own but you are a great asset to a group. PPL just love me now.. Before they didnt want to touch me with a fork. :) (And dont be a smart ass here) :)


full mind sorc (or at least 44) is the most powerfull caster in the game imo

Just watch walkie in action for 30 mins and you will see why :eek:

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