Sony Patent hinting at PS5 backwards compatibility


I am a FH squatter
Jan 27, 2004

"Sony has registered a new patent that seems to be suggesting support of backward compatibility for the PS5. Read on see why the patent could suggest we could be getting the ability to play our PS4, PS3, PS2 and PS1 games on the Playstation 5.

The patent was filed privately before, probably as a placeholder, but updated on October 2nd, 2018.

The patent titled “Remastering by emulation” is registered to Sony Interactive Entertainment America LLC, the parent company of the Playstation brand.

As summary of the patent is as follows:

  • Each asset such as a texture called for by legacy software such as a legacy computer game software has a unique identifier associated with it. The unique identifier can be rendered by imposing a hash on the asset, and then the asset stored with its identifier in a data structure. An artist remasters the textures for presentation on a higher resolution display than envisioned in the original software, and stores them back in the data structure with their identifiers. The original software is then played on the higher resolution display, with asset (such as texture) calls being intercepted, identified, and the data structure entered to retrieve the remastered asset having a matching identifier. The remastered asset is then inserted on the fly into the game presentation.

Sounds awfully like Backward Compatibility doesn’t it? It also seems to suggest that Sony will be foregoing the “Remaster” route that they went will the PS5. The Xbox One is held in high regard due to its massive support of Xbox and Xbox 360 games, with Sony going the same route with the PS5, it’ll only be beneficial for us gamers.

Recent rumors have been suggesting that Sony is working on a lot of things for the PS5, the PSN for example is said to be upgraded.

Developers too have been making comments on what they want from the PS5 and Xbox Scarlett notably more memory and storage.

What do you think of the rumor? Could this patent be about the PS5 having Backward Compatibility? Let us know in the comments."


FH is my second home
Jul 5, 2004
Emulation with ability to update graphic assett so yes backward compatibility and hopefully better looking games than the original

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