Something serious for a while.



Oh and your actions judge how you live your life

Per example

"I punched the geezer in the face!"

Action: Punching

So this guy is living his life through Violence

Action: "I calmly persuaded the guy to calm down"

Action: Diplomacy

So the comment seems like an oxymoron to me

Karma is where its at, be nice to people and life will be nice to u

I retort with a quote from a well known man

"Seriousness is the only refuge of the shallow."
Oscar Wilde (1854 - 1900)


Life is too important to take seriously.
Corgey Siegel


Not a shred of evidence exists in favor of the idea that life is serious.
Brendan Gill

tons more but u see my point


Opinions, as i said, freedom of choice. Not judging but be careful if you go into the religion discussion. Those things start wars that can't be won.

Just a fact since unline Ibn Fadlan and Kerger, we cannot do as they did:

"I cannot understand his religion and he cannot understand mine but we still respect eachother." (non accurant quote)

Cap'n Sissyfoo

Originally posted by Belsameth
as I once saw on another forum
"Live your life like there is no God.
And when you meet your God, hope it is a benevolent one, who judges you on your actions notr on how you lived your life"

I just hope God isn't a chicken!

~bastes roast chicky in garlic and butter~


I didn't actually mean to be religious, or come over like that.
I do not, nor have I ever believed in a God, or Gods.
however, I do really like the idea behind that quote, it has a lot more content then just of a religious type :)


Soon as people realise they arent who they
think they are theyll improve.

Someone mentioned heaven and hell etc and a reason for living a good life.

"Be a light unto yourself"
Some bald indian fella from the 60's

Lead a good life dont expect to get anything for doing it though other than the satisfaction that you are leading a good life. But when you look around you, at others and there lives, that satisfaction can mean the world to you and define you.
I wouldnt say that lead a good life and good things happen to you per say but the bad things you can take in your stride and they make you stronger for it.

A funny thing happened to me recently that reminds me of a bible tale/metaphor.
A man looks back on his life and sees it as a road. He sees two sets of footprints in the sand, one his and one is the presence of jesus as he walked with him through his life. At a dificult period in his life the ground shows only one set of tracks. He asks jesus

"Why did you abandon me through this tough time in my life?"

to which jesus replied

"You are mistaken i did not abandon you ... I carried you"

Im not religous so dont take this literally but try to see the meaning to it.
I mention this because its kinda the opposite to what i say about lead a good life and dont expect anything back.
When things arent going your way and you find the strength to get through it just beware that perhaps the universe is helping you in ways you cant quite see unless you try really hard.
It wont help you out all the time but when you need it to, when you really need it to. it proverbally throws you a bone :)


I'd trust someone who's being nice because it's what they think they should do more than someone doing it out of fear of some punishment.

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