Something serious for a while.



For every avatar, there is a human being behind it.

For every name on IRC, there is a lifestory.

For every player you see in DAoC, there is a soul.

It's something that evades our minds every so often. We say things, halfhearted and possibly hurt someone deeper then we know. We flame without thinking further, we blame others for a minor thing without seeing how it effects the other. I too have flamed, blamed others for something i could've just shrugged my shoulders at. Maybe at times we need to just stop for a while before we raise our fists in anger and attack people. We live our lives, thinking of our lives, thinking of our problems and never we think about the man standing behind us in the line in a bank. Never we stop to wonder what brought a woman to a shop that day. Where did she come from? Who would miss her if she went away? I don't write this for attention. I don't write this to blame. I don't write this so something would be gained. I write this to wake up thoughts. If this is a crime then lock me in a dungeon. So before you write a reply, before you decide to contribute to this, think for a moment, read this again and then say what you will. I won't judge. I won't take offense. It's your thoughts and you too, like me, are a part of a whole planet with 6 000 000 000 people. Big number, makes us small in comparison but no smaller then the ones besides us.

Thanks and have fun.



no bigger then the one besides us either...

class post :)

old.Gombur Glodson

At the end of the game the king and pawn go back into the same box.


*nods head*

Argh, this reply is notabley spammy.


normally i'd say something about clubbing, but thats a cool post imo.




Should look for the word realist in the dictionary Tohtori, bloody shame, but a fact


I don't think his post has anything to do with idealism.

it's all too well known that the reality of today thrives on selfishness and greed. nothing idealistic about reminding everybody about such a thing...


So... So.... OLD!


You even bore my friends.

:bore: :bore: :bore: :bore: :bore:


OMG, I better run and hide now :eek:

50 Krakatau CrazyCrafter™ <LGM Weaponsmith capped @ 1085 skill> -gimped warrior
50 Medicus The Melee Healer™ <LGM Spellcrafter capped @ 1049 skill> - aug healer
50 Onoi <LGM Tailorer capped @ 1165 skill> - summoning SM
50 Ronniejames <Noob in clownish colours> - gimped SB
50 Dream - shaman Buffer supreme
50 Medicusa - healer pac/mend
50 Greensleeves - dark RM
50 Caveman - savage
50 Medicinae - shaman cave
50 Bavald - thane
45 Loreley - berzerker (people say they're gimped - I'd say they kill fast as hell :] )
43 Ritchie - hunter
41 Candice - My love - <LGM Armorer capped @ 1165 skill> <AFK on vacation in Hagall> - skald
40 Krakel - BD
+ a few more....

You can run, buuuuuut looking at that list I'd say you can't hide ;)

Nice post Tohtori, for sure it's idealistic and realism lies somewhere else, but that doesn't mean that one shouldn't try to think about the other side too at times. Improve.


Guest carebears here please :p

I actually don't think it's idealism either, it may seem like that 'cause it's written in a positive way. But if you look closely Lonewolf, you notice i'm not trying to "save the world" or anything. Just, as stated, rising thoughts.

Well..i guess it's idealistic in the sense that it would be fun if noone flamed and we thought about others. But i wans't asking for that. I just asked for people to think before acting.

AS i said, Lonewolf has hsi right to his opinion, so does Cloudd_PMS, Lonewolf atleast did it with some adult kind of behavior. :D


Originally posted by Belsameth
I don't think his post has anything to do with idealism.

it's all too well known that the reality of today thrives on selfishness and greed. nothing idealistic about reminding everybody about such a thing...

And that my dear is called Pessimism

The world does not thrive on Greed or selfishness its Haribo


Originally posted by old.Tohtori carebears here please :p

I actually don't think it's idealism either, it may seem like that 'cause it's written in a positive way. But if you look closely Lonewolf, you notice i'm not trying to "save the world" or anything. Just, as stated, rising thoughts.

Well..i guess it's idealistic in the sense that it would be fun if noone flamed and we thought about others. But i wans't asking for that. I just asked for people to think before acting.

AS i said, Lonewolf has hsi right to his opinion, so does Cloudd_PMS, Lonewolf atleast did it with some adult kind of behavior. :D

Constructively beautifully and a just explanation I sir commend you

Your a nice guy

Cap'n Sissyfoo

Originally posted by Belsameth
I don't think his post has anything to do with idealism.

it's all too well known that the reality of today thrives on selfishness and greed. nothing idealistic about reminding everybody about such a thing...

That is called 'realism'.

Originally posted by Lonepuppy
The world does not thrive on Greed or selfishness its Haribo

That is called umm...Conspiracy Theory #10034

Nobody REALLY believes that Haribo are coating all their sweets with mind altering drugs in a sick but ingenius attempt to use the children of today to take over the world of tomorrow! That is just crazy talk! ...isn't it?


Originally posted by old.Tohtori
For every avatar, there is a human being behind it.

For every name on IRC, there is a lifestory.

For every player you see in DAoC, there is a soul.

It's something that evades our minds every so often. We say things, halfhearted and possibly hurt someone deeper then we know. We flame without thinking further, we blame others for a minor thing without seeing how it effects the other. I too have flamed, blamed others for something i could've just shrugged my shoulders at. Maybe at times we need to just stop for a while before we raise our fists in anger and attack people. We live our lives, thinking of our lives, thinking of our problems and never we think about the man standing behind us in the line in a bank. Never we stop to wonder what brought a woman to a shop that day. Where did she come from? Who would miss her if she went away? I don't write this for attention. I don't write this to blame. I don't write this so something would be gained. I write this to wake up thoughts. If this is a crime then lock me in a dungeon. So before you write a reply, before you decide to contribute to this, think for a moment, read this again and then say what you will. I won't judge. I won't take offense. It's your thoughts and you too, like me, are a part of a whole planet with 6 000 000 000 people. Big number, makes us small in comparison but no smaller then the ones besides us.

Thanks and have fun.


Im glad we dont pay to read this ;)

Roo Stercogburn

The goals and drives of individuals are as varied as people themselves (fundamental you might argue to making people varied) but commonly most people are self centred to varying degrees and fairly insensitive to the needs, cares and wishes of others. The degree of this usually determines how much thought will be given to others in different circumstances but in most social situations other factors come into play to limit this as well, such as base cowardice or timidity or fear of reprisal.

Additionally we behave differently at different stages of our development as we form our own way of dealing with the world around us. Children are mostly by their nature self-centred. Everyone knows that children can be incredibly cruel when left to their own devices (not all of course).

When you remove factors, for example being timid or a coward, and make it possible for people to act uninhibited then inevitably some of their inner nature leeks through. Peer pressure to be accepted can work both ways. Basically though, people become safely anonymous and free to act in ways if they so choose they would not get away with elsewhere.

In the electronic playground we see lots of manifistations of this as many of the inhibitions are removed and flaming to various degrees of fun or nastiness appear. Users know that they have very little chance of paying in any way shape or form for any mental harm they do to someone and can sit and be as nasty as they want if they so choose.

Interestingly, I believe for some people the only thing that keeps their behaviour in check in forums and DAoC is peer pressure to be accepted into this imaginary community. Some of course delight in getting a rise out of others no matter how far they have to push and no matter what hurt they cause. The consequences are invisible to the person doing the harm and hence not worth worrying about. Out of sight, out of mind.

You'll note at no point in this do I judge, merely discuss what I belive are some of the factors which can come into play.

Its a difficult subject to discuss without sounding like you are moralising or preaching but all this is from observation and none of it just pulled out of a hat.


never mind that shit this needs to move to Off-Topic PRONTO


Nice post Tohtori. :)

Oh and look it's your infamous stalker, Cloudd. Will someone ban that retard please. Less of the people like Cloudd will make more of a community.

Roo Stercogburn

Lonewolf, I don't see how this is offtopic since it discusses the behaviour of the community.


Glad you saw that as a joke, some people take life too seriously

Nice one Ekydus :clap: :clap:


Originally posted by -Lonewolf-
Glad you saw that as a joke, some people take life too seriously

Nice one Ekydus :clap: :clap:

just stretch the imagination for a second - supposing the bible is 'truth' (biiiig stretch), then your behaviour and decisions in this life actually determine whether you spend eternity in heaven or hell. Maybe we should take life seriously?
scary thought :D


as I once saw on another forum
"Live your life like there is no God.
And when you meet your God, hope it is a benevolent one, who judges you on your actions notr on how you lived your life"

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