Something Fishy going on....


Part of the furniture
Jan 30, 2004
Taken from Warhammer Online :

What is the game all about ?

Here, we express the core idea of the game. We outline the backstory, overall setting, and general game play. We also talk about how WAR will be designed as a Realm-based PvP (we call it Realm vs. Realm, or RvR for short) game from the ground up. Every aspect of the game, including PvE content, will be geared towards the greater war between the Realms in some important way.

Mythic have the perfect game to beta-test ideas, and get the "balance" right....yes you guessed it, daoc.

All the "love" a lot of classes seem to be getting right now ( and its not finished yet I guess) seems a bit overdue, and generally the changes most will agree are obvious and will make the game better ( remedy for all ?).

The behemoth that is WoW got the PvP/RvR totally wrong, but with regard to class balance and abilities - varied but balanced. I think Mythic have looked to WoW as to how to do a big game, as lets face it - Warhammer will be 1000 times bigger than DaoC has and will ever be.

Will Warhammer be the death of DaoC ? probably.........


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
Yeah mythic shot themselves in the foot when they said there would never be a DAoC 2, just DAoC continualy growing and expanding.

Fingers crossed that W.A.R is "DAoC 2" though :cheers:

cant wait :clap:


Fuck the Tories!
FH Subscriber
Dec 27, 2003
well i think its natural progression, daoc has to die eventually. i will deffo be trying it out, mythic must be doing something right to keep me playing daoc for as long as i have. very true that they are to late in bringing in the good patches, i think they have learnt a lot from the mistakes they have made with daoc. TOA was the biggest fuck up they made, tbh though nowadays its not that bad, i just think at the time it was far to much at once.


FH is my second home
Jan 31, 2004
daoc will have the best pvp / rvr for a loong time imo.

although warhammer online may compete since they will have very similar ideas to daoc.


Jan 22, 2005
I'm not sure whether it will be the death of DAoC but I am certainly worrying.


Dec 22, 2003
Well its the same company, so with a bit of luck, mythic will learn from their experiences in daoc and make WAR 1000x better than daoc. I think a fair number of people will leave daoc for WAR.
D000000MMM!!! :D:D


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 9, 2004
Tilda said:
Well its the same company, so with a bit of luck, mythic will learn from their experiences in daoc and make WAR 1000x better than daoc. I think a fair number of people will leave daoc for WAR.
D000000MMM!!! :D:D

i do also belive that WAR will get a much bigger player base because like with WoW its based on something very popular.


Fledgling Freddie
Aug 7, 2005
yes, lets call another daoc is dead crusade because there is an upcoming mmorpg

this happends every time, same thread, same theories, same sayings about the game will die, same sayings about that saying it will die is always said with new releases.. you get the point.

does WAR have swords?


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 23, 2003
wasnt swg/ps/wow suppose to be the death of daoc? everytime theres a new mmorpg out its suppose to be the "death" of daoc, but it never happende :p

so doubt it will this time tbh

bleh missed MadsKaizer post :p


Fledgling Freddie
Aug 7, 2005
hehe :p

but then again, mythic says WHO is planned to release in 2007, thats atleast a year, so lots of time for daoc still :D


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 24, 2003
Sparda said:
Yeah mythic shot themselves in the foot when they said there would never be a DAoC 2, just DAoC continualy growing and expanding.

Fingers crossed that W.A.R is "DAoC 2" though :cheers:

cant wait :clap:
Disagree that announcing no DAoC2 was a bad thing for DAoC. Mythic aren't Sony and I doubt they could afford to keep developing W.A.R., DAoC and DAoC2 so if there was a DAoC2 it would pretty much mean the death of DAoC regardless of how many people were still playing.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
When DAoC was released sure mythic was a small time company first big venture into MMO's ect

On the otherhand mythic is now a Huge company, and imo they could suport runing daoc and "daoc 2" as there gunna be supporting daoc and w.a.r.

On the otherhand no daoc 2 means daoc does get improvments and not like sony and left for the next "sequal".


Part of the furniture
Sep 5, 2004
Sparda said:
When DAoC was released sure mythic was a small time company first big venture into MMO's ect

On the otherhand mythic is now a Huge company, and imo they could suport runing daoc and "daoc 2" as there gunna be supporting daoc and w.a.r.

On the otherhand no daoc 2 means daoc does get improvments and not like sony and left for the next "sequal".

Lol Sony as a mmo copany

SWG anyone? :cheers:


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 23, 2003
There is a couple of things Mythic must do with WAR to make it outstanding:

#Classes must be versatile and individually viable. They must not be any worthless classes or classes that noone plays because they are percieved as (or are) inferior. They must be balanced for 1 on 1 first and group/zerg second. You can say what you want about this but its a damn fact that the large mass of people want to feel individually viable, and not just be usefull in groups/zergs. WoW does this good, DAoC does this bad.

#The PvP/RvR must feel like its leading somewhere, and have objectives that have a lasting effect on the world. There should be capturable points of interest, that have an effect on the world (although not much on pvp since otherwise the already dominant side will have it even easier). Nothing feels so pointless as winning a battleground in WoW and then it all resets and its exactly as it was next time you fight it etc, and you see no effect on the overland world. A pvp ranking/advancement system also needs to be in place, and one that doesnt penalize you if you do not play for a while, and where you do not compete with your realm allies. It also must not overpower players significantly (no IWIN abilities). WoW does the pvp setting and ranking badly, while DAoC does the IWIN stuff badly (but the setting pretty good).

#Ideally the power gap between lowest and highest level shouldnt be very high, and you should be able to reach maximum pve power relatively fast so you do not have to grind pve to be viable in pvp. If a game wants to do great pvp/rvr then concentrate on that and make sure people stay in the game for the great pvp and not just because they have to grind to stay viable. You can make interesting pve without giving rewards that unbalance pvp etc. If its fun people will play it, if its not then why the hell include it just to create artifical timesinks in order to reach the content you want (i.e. pvp). Both WoW and DAoC fail in this aspect, although DAoC has tried to reverse it. Guildwars is at the other extreme.

#It needs to be able to run smoothly on a computer that wasnt bought 6 months *after* the game was released, and it also needs to look relatively good, and have alot of love in the world design. Loadscreens are evil. It needs to have stuff thats there not for killing but just to make the world feel alive. It needs to have a non predictable mob AI. It needs regular events that advances a story. It needs a crafting system that can co-exist (and interact) with looting, and that doesnt feel like work (and that actually produces money while skilling, just like combat exping produces money). It needs a robust and streamlined interface.


Loyal Freddie
May 8, 2004
I have a sneaking suspicion that warhammer will actually be very close to doac2 (or what it would be percieved as being) but under the whole popular warhammer license.

I would drop daoc in a heartbeat for warhammer shoudl it prove to be any good and they keep the reactionary styles mode of play. (<-- this is the most important part). Without any reaction based combat it simply becomes a series of repetative button presses to cause damage over set length of time. (which tbh is skillless). Yes we have repetative button mashing classes but you get into stealth combat and miss a style and it can be the difference between life and death. To me at least that is the excitment of playing, that sort of edgy combat. WoW had a totally different interupt system (from the little i played) and just wasnt geared up to pit your wits against another player.

I hope and pray that this shines through in WAR else it will hold little appeal past the initial "newness" of areas and mechanics.

On a side note i think the new reactionary mechanics with the 3 second rule that are due to come in could make many of the players that enjoy similar combat to myself take another look at why they are playing.

<gets off soapbox>
Phantomby Yourside 50 NS


Fuck the Tories!
FH Subscriber
Dec 27, 2003
apart from class balance issues i think daoc pvp is spot on, its the players that make it bad sometimes, not the game.
I dont like the relics, it should be based on population for a bonus, people may say, you would say that your a hib, but i think it makes sense, it would perhaps attract people from other realms to switch sides thus balancing the populations eventually, to late to do anything like that now ofc, i imagine few people would want to make the big leap and change realms at this late stage.
They need to make keeps and keep warfare much more interesting. bashing a door or watching a siege timer is not fun. they have added "spikes" for heavy tanks so we will be able to gain access to the courtyard which will add some fun for tanks.


FH is my second home
Jan 31, 2004
are there any ss's or summit from testing?

there was some game someone in local inet cafe was talking about that has a dungeon that takes like 4 rl days to get through :x


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
Himse said:
are there any ss's or summit from testing?

there was some game someone in local inet cafe was talking about that has a dungeon that takes like 4 rl days to get through :x

sure you not on about World of warcraft? W.A.R is still very early in development, hell i havent even seen a screen shot of it never mind know about the games contents :)


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
Himse said:
are there any ss's or summit from testing?

there was some game someone in local inet cafe was talking about that has a dungeon that takes like 4 rl days to get through :x

4 days??? i remember getting tired of caer sidi after 6 hours (every week) ><

must be some silly korean game, they always come up with that kind of stuff :rolleyes:


Fledgling Freddie
Sep 13, 2005
Zede said:
Will Warhammer be the death of DaoC ? probably.........


Hillarious how every game there is is going to be the death of daoc...

The previous 25 games that were gonna kill daoc haven't .. heck some have even died themselves by now ... and yet there is always someone that's convinced that the next game is going to.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 7, 2004
Raven said:
I dont like the relics, it should be based on population for a bonus

You need to have some reward for the players on the same side working together though. In a realm based system you need 2 types of reward 1) Personal char development and 2) Realm strength. And they need to be interlinked. Relics aren't perfect, but they do give something to defend and something to work for as a realm, simultaneously benefitting individuals through bonuses. If we didn't have relics we'd need something else to encourage people to work together.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 19, 2004
Personally I think of mythic as a fairly conservative company, so I wouldn't be too surprised if warhammer is very much DAOC2. Which would be good :)


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 24, 2004
exponentiaL said:
Gib now plx. Bored. Keke. :(

Come play WoW, I've just bought it few days ago and playing a Warlock atm (damn happy that they aren't overpowered as in DAoC :D). Not that I enjoy WoW that much but it's something different...Actually DAoC is 100 times better than WoW but after 3.5 years you want something different :(

Can't wait till Warhammer Online gets released. It doesn't matter that much if DAoC will die then, cause it's from the same company and I'm sure Mythic has learend from the mistakes and the good things of DAoC...Will be pretty much DAoC 2 I guess ;)


FH is my second home
Jul 5, 2004
Fana said:
#Classes must be versatile and individually viable. They must not be any worthless classes or classes that noone plays because they are percieved as (or are) inferior. They must be balanced for 1 on 1 first and group/zerg second. You can say what you want about this but its a damn fact that the large mass of people want to feel individually viable, and not just be usefull in groups/zergs. WoW does this good, DAoC does this bad.

/agree with just about all you stated. Not sure they can make every class versatile and individually viable though. It would make balance extremely difficult. How would you spec healers for instance? The last thing you would want in your realm is all healers spec'd for damage instead of better healing abilities.

There will always be chars like stealth classes that are not great in groups and other classes that won't cut it solo. People choose these classes based on the way they want to play the game. Some chars will always be OP in certain situations. To be honest in most cases that is good thing. Its the differences in the classes that make the game a challenge. I would agree that no class should be worthless but when you have stealth classes taking out heavy tanks in solo fights it's a bit of a joke.

Vive le difference.

Afraid I am one of those that hated WoW played it for two weeks and realised very quickly it was not for me.


FH is my second home
Jul 5, 2004
Bracken said:
You need to have some reward for the players on the same side working together though. In a realm based system you need 2 types of reward 1) Personal char development and 2) Realm strength. And they need to be interlinked. Relics aren't perfect, but they do give something to defend and something to work for as a realm, simultaneously benefitting individuals through bonuses. If we didn't have relics we'd need something else to encourage people to work together.

Totally agree, relics in DAOC are nothing more than large scale 'capture the flag' war game senarios. There has to be some reward for the effort and realm bonuses make more sense than anything else I can think of right now.


One of Freddy's beloved
Jun 26, 2004
Fana said:
There is a couple of things Mythic must do with WAR to make it outstanding:

#Classes must be versatile and individually viable. They must not be any worthless classes or classes that noone plays because they are percieved as (or are) inferior. They must be balanced for 1 on 1 first and group/zerg second. You can say what you want about this but its a damn fact that the large mass of people want to feel individually viable, and not just be usefull in groups/zergs. WoW does this good, DAoC does this bad.

Nice post, gotta agree on most. Thou ofc WoW got ballanced classes in pvp.... you forgot they got 8 alike chars? Even same class name, 99% of the same ablitys, the diffrences got nerfed to hell (racials) so its just the same. Shaman and Paladin is kinda the same to, just abit diffrence, this is what makes the classes very very bad in wow, imo. Daoc did good in making diffrent classes for each realm. Some might say abit to many, but i think its working fine :clap:


Aug 25, 2005
Tilda said:
Well its the same company, so with a bit of luck, mythic will learn from their experiences in daoc and make WAR 1000x better than daoc. I think a fair number of people will leave daoc for WAR.
D000000MMM!!! :D:D

It won't be just daoc players leaving for it, but players who payed monthly to see some PvP/RvR action in other games, like WoW etc. They should all leave since the games they play are either crap, or just pve orientated.


Part of the furniture
Jan 30, 2004
Wazkyr said:
Nice post, gotta agree on most. Thou ofc WoW got ballanced classes in pvp.... you forgot they got 8 alike chars? Even same class name, 99% of the same ablitys, the diffrences got nerfed to hell (racials) so its just the same. Shaman and Paladin is kinda the same to, just abit diffrence, this is what makes the classes very very bad in wow, imo. Daoc did good in making diffrent classes for each realm. Some might say abit to many, but i think its working fine :clap:

its balanced in the way that all classes can solo effectively if they want to - I have a L60 shadow priest and I could solo AND get invited to groups no problem, something a smite cleric here would would have great diffuculty achieving !

your right though, racials and other stuff was nerfed when the pvp rewards came in, like that little item that made you immune to fear for a bit :)

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