some things never change| do u want buffbots ?


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 9, 2004
imo, the only ways to fix bb-problem after all this time are:

1. remove ALL buffs from the game (and give buff classes new abilities) as even selfbuffs/grp buffs makes unbalance.

2. remove stupid bufflimit/conc limit from bb:s so they can buff unlimited amounts of ppl (or increase limit so they can buff significantly more ppl).

3. don't be a cheap little bastard and get a second account, lvl your bb like the rest of us and stfu. QQ

PS. there is no such things as classes that won't benefit from buffs. Impossilbe to achieve a class like that if current system stays the way it is. Endgame advantage in daoc are stats, items, rr and MLs - not skill (assuming you are not a complete n00b and/or retarded). So even "a little" benefit from buffs can make a difference - enough to make ppl QQ.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 16, 2004
In my opinion, just make it so buffs work on a range type of effect. You get out of range and you lose those buffs.

I've used buffbots in the past, but just found it as waste of time and waste of money which can be spent on more important things.


Fledgling Freddie
May 10, 2004
When NF was first talked about, there was a general rumour that buffs were to be ranged. There was general agreement amongst many that this would help the situation. Not ranged and only available to those in groups, but ranged, full stop. If you get a buff, you have to be in range of the the toon that buffed you. This, i believe would help, but wont generate Mythic any extra money.

Now this is the thing, it's generally accepted that Mythic want to get every $ they can out of the population, and they are very successful at this. Take ToA for example. Get everybody back on the levelling grind by introducing new races - old classes + new races. Make ML's as painful to complete as possible, artifact encounters that pop in ridiculous amounts of time - all these work to extend the playtime and therefore the income of Mythic.

Of course, making it invaluable to pay to stay on an even playing field is what Mythic do - many people feel they have to have a second account for buffs.

Well along comes catacombs - new classes and new play areas. You'll have to pay to get the expansion - fair play you say, they've put the time and money to develop it. But lets not forget what the main thing catacombs is there to do - upgrade the graphics, which are starting to look a tad tired when compared to other mmo's out there. Normally a company would release something like this as a free expension, as in many people's eyes graphics are the first pull when looking at a new game.

Here comes the coup-de-grace though. With the latest patch (to us) Mythic introduced buff stripping to a few toons. You need to test that code over a long time to get something working properly, and removing buffs is going to be a fair bit of added complication for a game system as complicated as DAoC. I think the main three new classes will be buff strippers. Removal spells, probably AOE, targetted and GTAOE. What better way to squeeze a few more bucks out of everyone than to introduce something that keeps the buffbot situation as it is, and everyone will be falling all over themselves to buy, just to stay on an even playing field of course.

Of course, there is no such thing as an even playing field until the servers start getting balanced on an individual basis, but thats another thread.


Fledgling Freddie
Aug 26, 2004
Kagato said:
I used to be quite happy playing without buffs for most of the time, and took great pride in the times I beat people that did have buffs.

But then a friend quit and gave me his account so I tried buffs, and its a whole new world, your on even ground again and no more excuses etc. Now its impossible to play without, I can only remember killing 1 person in the past 6 months or more who did not have buffs, and to be honest he did actually drop 1 buff even, so go figure. If you solo and want to stand a chance you need some sort of buff access.

As to the point of the thread, i'd be much happier if there were no buffs, i'd happily give up my own bot if I could be garunteed the enemy were unbuffed too but thats not going to happen.

Getting rid of buffs is not the answer though, it would harm the buffing classes to much its not fair on clerics etc but there are ways around it, such as making them only work on grouped members (sure the enemy could stay grouped with the bot, but if they do there going to be getting half rps so its its own penalty).

Basically its to late to solve the BB problem, its a core design fault and they'd have to redesign all buff classes and the buff system entirely to truely solve it.

Exactly what he said.


Fuck the Tories!
FH Subscriber
Dec 27, 2003
i use a buff bot, i dont care if people dont like it. 95% of the people you kill drop buffs so why shouldnt i use a bb?
I also wouldnt mind if they somehow got rid off buffbots as it would still be an even field.


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 3, 2004
i dont have a bb myself , though im normally buffed in RvR by guild bb or cleric and it really does make a massive dif, id love my own, though as a mincer if u get the drop on someone <pref after they sit down to rest> u really dont need buffs, but to have a BB id need to buy ToA and SI again and download all the patches <i think, not sure if id need to tbh but im pretty sure id need to buy a second copy due to the cd-key> and thats not something im prepared to do.

Give them more cash?

nah, id rather stick it to the man

or stick it into lasercry ^_^


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 3, 2004
a cheap solution is to allow logging a sec char on the same account


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 5, 2004
simple way to get rid of BB's is to have merchants selling buffs intune to your lvl, so a lvl 24 bg1'er could not access lvl 40+ buffs. but say buy grey buffs 1g per buff 5 g for green 10g for blue ect ect but make reds 50g per buff 75g for specs


Fledgling Freddie
Mar 19, 2004
Spix said:
bet they give mids a new "self buff" class that have to spec in a line to get a dex/quick, useless AF buff and if lucky a blue con pet that runs slower then a snared scattle bug and hits like wet glove , very attractive indeed and do very good without a buffbot, /sarcasm off

If you play on Camlann, Hunters (and Rangers) do better as there are no buff bots well not unless it's stuck on someone’s ass :) .

Infils, NS and Shadowblades don't evade all my arrows, Scouts hit jack shit (no buffs), the wolf actually hits its target and is much more of a pain for the enemy.

The Ranger with self buffs is king of PvP rvr, take a look at Tixx, 37th in the world last week for RPs... .

Having a Hunter on both Excal (with 47 Aug BB) and Camlann (No BB) has really opened my eyes to how the game should be played, it's far more fun without a BB....


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 22, 2003
anioal said:
a cheap solution is to allow logging a sec char on the same account

now THAT they will NEVER do.

why keep bots (which most players dont like) and take from their moneyflow, which is probably the main reason they keep bots in the game? :eek:


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 24, 2004
You only wine cos your to cheap to buy a second account to PL a BB...

I love my BB, i enjoy the game mutch moore cos of my BB and i happily pay for 2 accounts because i enjoy playing the game...

the ones who starts all theese "i hate bb threads" doesnt have their own BB (lol)... prolly to cheap to even consider to buy a second account (or bullshit about "i cant afford 2 accounts")

enough said


Dec 24, 2003
yeh why not.

It can be argued that the aviability of buffbots balances certain group setup imbalances also between realms allowing 1-2 spots in groups being opened forsupport and or damage dealing classes.

Some realms will be alot more impacted by a "buffbot" removal then others.

At first glance Midgard will be the most impacted/weakened. however how it will affect hib "fotm" caster grps is interesting thing also, as i think dr00ds will be more towards nurture then regrowth overall for buff shears. same goes for its "counterparts" in other realms, but hib are in a dilemma when it comes how to spec dr00d i think.

Personally i dont think buffbots is a bad thing, it is a design flaw however that the difference that having a buffbot towards not having one is so huge.

basically the game would be very much different balance wise without buffbots. As i am quite shure they designed the current game state with buffbots in mind.

Teh FnoRd

Fledgling Freddie
Dec 23, 2003
Quality said:
You only wine cos your to cheap to buy a second account to PL a BB...

I love my BB, i enjoy the game mutch moore cos of my BB and i happily pay for 2 accounts because i enjoy playing the game...

the ones who starts all theese "i hate bb threads" doesnt have their own BB (lol)... prolly to cheap to even consider to buy a second account (or bullshit about "i cant afford 2 accounts")

enough said
Such blattant bullshit tbh! :twak:
I don't have the money, nor the time, to get a bb. I ain't cheap. I'm not jealous. If you need a bb to enlargen your tiny e-penis and to be able to play this game be my guest. :kissit:


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 9, 2004
Teh FnoRd said:
Such blattant bullshit tbh! :twak:
I don't have the money, nor the time, to get a bb. I ain't cheap. I'm not jealous. If you need a bb to enlargen your tiny e-penis and to be able to play this game be my guest. :kissit:

I'm not jealous i just like to QQ, right?


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 21, 2004
move all stat buffs to baseline unaffected by spec lvl, and put em on a 30min timer, and remove conc. thou keep spec buffs as endregen, shield, melespeed resists in specline..


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 24, 2003
introduce new buff potions in alchemist line, base and spec potions, with same quality as say a 50 enhance bb with MoA 5 and 25% toa bonus, on a 30 min timer, then they gotta get rid of reusing potion timer etc.not wep/armour charge timer. will add to server monetary system as long as alc's don't charge too much, then u can turn all the bb's standing at the TK's into pot holding char's :p

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