Some simple manners please


Fledgling Freddie
Mar 2, 2004
Recent months have seen what I can only describe as a breakdown of all common decency in many players of the 2 realms i play on the cluster (Hib&Alb). Please note that 99.9% of the time i am simply an observer and as such this is not a whine about someone being rude to me directly.

The straw that prompted this was, however, an incident where a female player was threatened in a manner that would get the two players making the threats arrested in real-life.

They thought it was funny and may not have realised the gravity of their threats, but it is simply not-on! Online gaming should not be a breeding ground where people can exercise their ability to be abusive unchecked. This does not bode well at all as the impressionable young players seeing this go unpunished could in all probability think this is perfectly acceptable behaviour outside the confines of the game.

I have never in 4 years of play come across such widespread rudeness and general bad manners as I have over the last 3-4 months.

Encountered this more times than i can count and it is not limited to RvR.

Bickering in alliances, bickering in battlegroups, blatant slagging off of realm mates in battlegrounds, belittling comments over broadcast chat, threatening behaviour in RvR...the list really is a lot longer than this.

What the hell is wrong with people at the moment or has the community in Camelot always been heavily populated with such assholes but i've just never noticed it before?


Resident Freddy
Jan 10, 2004
Tallen said:
The straw that prompted this was, however, an incident where a female player was threatened in a manner that would get the two players making the threats arrested in real-life.

I do hope they didnt say what I think they said, fucking disgracful if they did, hope she screenshotted it and rightnows the tossers.

agree though, the rudeness ingame has seemed to get worse in recent months for me also.


FH is my second home
Jan 31, 2004
Pretarded said:
haha, thats funny.
go away

its retards like you, that are put into this category(sp?) my english is sux ffs :<


Jan 22, 2005
well said Tallen. Pretarded, keep such comments out of this thread, go back to Camlamn.


Can't get enough of FH
May 7, 2004
there is no excuse for being rude in-game - its just childish, and shows how immature these people are!


FH is my second home
Jan 31, 2004
Im rude to people ingame, like Netcode, because he's a stupid retarded fuck.

sometimes im nice, depends who it is tho.
Dec 31, 2003
Tallen said:
Recent months have seen what I can only describe as a breakdown of all common decency in many players of the 2 realms i play on the cluster (Hib&Alb). Please note that 99.9% of the time i am simply an observer and as such this is not a whine about someone being rude to me directly.

The straw that prompted this was, however, an incident where a female player was threatened in a manner that would get the two players making the threats arrested in real-life.

They thought it was funny and may not have realised the gravity of their threats, but it is simply not-on! Online gaming should not be a breeding ground where people can exercise their ability to be abusive unchecked. This does not bode well at all as the impressionable young players seeing this go unpunished could in all probability think this is perfectly acceptable behaviour outside the confines of the game.

I have never in 4 years of play come across such widespread rudeness and general bad manners as I have over the last 3-4 months.

Encountered this more times than i can count and it is not limited to RvR.

Bickering in alliances, bickering in battlegroups, blatant slagging off of realm mates in battlegrounds, belittling comments over broadcast chat, threatening behaviour in RvR...the list really is a lot longer than this.

What the hell is wrong with people at the moment or has the community in Camelot always been heavily populated with such assholes but i've just never noticed it before?

People are frustrated. I noticed an increase in everything you mention aswell and I tie it together with the growing frustration of the games state. The game is fucked up basically, and has been since NF :p


Part of the furniture
Dec 23, 2003
Matriarch|Sneakers said:
People are frustrated. I noticed an increase in everything you mention aswell and I tie it together with the growing frustration of the games state. The game is fucked up basically, and has been since NF :p

I get frustrated with the game alot, but i dont go insulting people who are not to blame. The problem is alot of the good people have left leaving the majority of idiots to be heard.

Things like this happen then do screenshot and rightnow it, even if it isnt related to you directly and it is going on in a public channel take note and report. It the only way you can punish the people about it.

My language is awful when playing, but i keep it to guild chat (unless they ask me to stop if im being really bad) or to private messages to friends who know how frustrated i can get, possibly group chat if once again, it a bunch of friends in it. But this language is not directed at them as they know and it just releasing frustration when annoyed with others actions. That is the best way to deal with it if you dont want to log and do something else, attacking another person is not on and at a guess about what people said then you will find they probably get a permanent ban for it.

And i agree, Gamah is an old granny compared to alot of the vocal people now, thats how bad it getting :(


Himse said:
its retards like you, that are put into this category(sp?) my english is sux ffs :<
lol, so you will now take your self-righteous ass and stalk me in game to watch if i will say something bad to someone ? omigosh :D
u just called me a retard, so u are basicly no better than the people the guy was whining about ^^

btw, there is /filter in this game for a good reason, also you can make screenies and rightnow it. But instead, you go on public forum and cry about it, making an ass of urself. Now thats really mature.


Dorimor1 said:
well said Tallen. Pretarded, keep such comments out of this thread, go back to Camlamn.
Good job, u finaly discovered what my nickname is about !
Some1 give him a medal ~~


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 22, 2004
Dorimor1 said:
well said Tallen. Pretarded, keep such comments out of this thread, go back to Camlamn.

z0mg, such generalisation!



Jan 22, 2005
Bugz said:
Wrong forum megam8


Bugz.. Considering I have a char higher realmrank than your rr4, I'd say that you've just maken a fool of yourself. Now can you please not turn this into a whine thread.


Fledgling Freddie
May 18, 2004
Dorimor1 said:
Bugz.. Considering I have a char higher realmrank than your rr4, I'd say that you've just maken a fool of yourself. Now can you please not turn this into a whine thread.


bdrly? :D


Fledgling Freddie
May 18, 2004
Dorimor1 said:
rr4 and rr3


If you a) take a look at how much I RvR (very little - due to lack of good groups / duo partners, and b) how badly I do indeed suck at RvR, you'll find there is a lack of care currently present... go get bane of albion on that skilled thid bd of yours... :m00:


Jan 22, 2005
Bugz said:
If you a) take a look at how much I RvR (very little - due to lack of good groups / duo partners, and b) how badly I do indeed suck at RvR, you'll find there is a lack of care currently present... go get bane of albion on that skilled thid bd of yours...

Bugz... I don't see why you feel the need to come into threads and have a go at me, maybe because you took a beating in that other? I don't understand why you're using the old thid insult again, I have fun in thid and you need to respect that, but then again with age comes maturity and one day you'll hopefully learn to be more respectful. You're quite lucky you use the internet as a backbone because irl someone will come and kick your teenage arse, and your mum or dad won't be able to stop it.

Btw, I am very close to bane of albion, thanks for the encouragement. Now please, just get out of this thread and live it remotely whine free.


Fledgling Freddie
May 18, 2004
Dorimor1 said:
Bugz... I don't see why you feel the need to come into threads and have a go at me, maybe because you took a beating in that other? I don't understand why you're using the old thid insult again, I have fun in thid and you need to respect that, but then again with age comes maturity and one day you'll hopefully learn to be more respectful. You're quite lucky you use the internet as a backbone because irl someone will come and kick your teenage arse, and your mum or dad won't be able to stop it.

Btw, I am very close to bane of albion, thanks for the encouragement. Now please, just get out of this thread and live it remotely whine free.

I merely replied to a post where you tell someone 'go to back to camlann' when you urself only seem to play the battlegrounds.

I could branch this off and turn it into a full scale arguement where you get endlessly pwned, but I have a hero to ToA.

As for the rest: no care present but if you wish to try your luck, location in sig ^^ :m00:

Oh ye, btw, you contradict wayyyyyy too much xD


Jan 22, 2005
Bugz said:
I merely replied to a post where you tell someone 'go to back to camlann' when you urself only seem to play the battlegrounds.

I could branch this off and turn it into a full scale arguement where you get endlessly pwned, but I have a hero to ToA.

As for the rest: no care present but if you wish to try your luck, location in sig ^^ :m00:

Oh ye, btw, you contradict wayyyyyy too much xD

Getting pwned on a forum



Dec 22, 2003
LOL Dorimor1 trying to win an argument using realm rank as a factor..OH MY GOD BUGZ HE HAS A RAVEN ARDENT! Better concede right now! and lets not forget he's close to bain of albion, thats a lot of bridge hours clocked up my man.


Jan 22, 2005
Gamah said:
LOL Dorimor1 trying to win an argument using realm rank as a factor..OH MY GOD BUGZ HE HAS A RAVEN ARDENT! Better concede right now!

Another e-stalker :(

I am just using that as an example, because he thinks I am lower than him in some way because I play the BGs. Tbh I never asked this to turn into a flame thread, and as Marrok said your posts have shown why, now maybe we can stop posting? Either way I'm just not going to bother to reply to your next post so say what you want.


Dec 22, 2003
Dorimor1 said:
say what you want.

Fundamental Particles

The concept of a particle is a natural idealization of our everyday observation of matter. Dust particles or baseballs, under ordinary conditions, are stable objects that move as a whole and obey simple laws of motion. However, neither of these is actually a structureless object. That is, if sufficiently large forces are applied to them, they can readily be broken apart into smaller pieces.

The idea that there must be some set of smallest constituent parts, which are the building blocks of all matter, is a very old one.
Democritus (born about 460 BC in Abdera, Thrace, Greece) is often credited with introducing this idea, though his concept of the building block was quite different from ours today. He introduced the word which in English translates as atom to describe the parts, whatever they might be.

History plays tricks with language, however. The word atom has acquired a meaning today that only partly matches Democritus' idea. Certainly we know that matter is indeed composed of the objects we call atoms. Atoms were originally thought to be indivisible, that is, the smallest particle. However we now understand that atoms are built up of smaller parts. These parts are electronsGlossary Term and a nucleus. The nucleus is much smaller than the atom and is itself composed of protons and neutrons.

What Does "Fundamental" Mean?

In the 1930s, it seemed that protons, neutrons, and electrons were the smallest objects into which matter could be divided and they were termed "elementary particlesGlossary Term". The word elementary then meant "having no smaller constituent parts", or "indivisible" -- the new "atoms", in the original sense.

Again, later knowledge changed our understanding as physicists discovered yet another layer of structure within the protons and neutrons. It is now known that protons and neutrons are made up quarks. Over 100 other "elementary" particles were discovered between 1930 and the present time. These elementary particles are all made from quarks and/or antiquarks. These particles are called hadrons.

Once quarks were discovered, it was clear that all these hadronsGlossary Term were composite objects, so only in out-dated text books are they still called "elementary". Leptons, on the other hand, still appear to be structureless.

Today, quarks and leptonsGlossary Term, and their antiparticlesGlossary Term, are candidates for being the fundamental building blocks from which all else is made. Particle physicists call them the "fundamental" or "elementary" particles -- both names denoting that, as far as current experiments can tell, they have no substructure.

What are Fundamental Particles?

Elementary particles and the three families of matter In the modern theory, known as the Standard Model there are 12 fundamental matter particle types and their corresponding antiparticles.
The matter particles divide into two classes, quarks and leptons. There are six particles of each class and six corresponding antiparticles.

In addition, there are gluonsGlossary Term, photons, and W and Z bosonsGlossary Term, the force carrier particles that are responsible for strong, electromagnetic, and weak interactionsGlossary Term respectively. These force carriers are also fundamental particlesGlossary Term.

Are Quarks and Leptons Structureless?

All we know is that quarks and leptons are smaller than 10-19 meters in radius. As far as we can tell, they have no internal structure or even any size. It is possible that future evidence will, once again, show this understanding to be an illusion and demonstrate that there is substructure within the particles that we now view as fundamental.

Tesla Monkor

Fledgling Freddie
Jan 1, 2004
If you are confronted with someone showing unacceptable - as in breaking the CoC - behaviour, either log it or screenshot the conversation. Contact an E&E or go directly to RightNow to get it sorted out.

The sooner you react, the faster it can be resolved. Unfortunately, every game has people with less patience than average. Threats are entirely unacceptable, though.


Fledgling Freddie
May 18, 2004
Dorimor1 said:
Another e-stalker :(

I am just using that as an example, because he thinks I am lower than him in some way because I play the BGs. Tbh I never asked this to turn into a flame thread, and as Marrok said your posts have shown why, now maybe we can stop posting? Either way I'm just not going to bother to reply to your next post so say what you want.

The word wrong springs to mind.

and lmao @ gamah >.<

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