some random whine about Nott yesterday



Originally posted by fl_gorre
i has in midgard frontier since 8am till 10pm
and about helping albs getting a CS up for ur rps np i guess

Yes it was all you. No one else had a part in it. And you got no RPs either, did you? In fact Herbal claims he got 93k RPs in the whole day and he was in midgard from about the same times as you so I guess either you had a shite team or you have nothing to whine about. :m00:


Originally posted by *Hienrich*
Annoys the feck out of me tbh chippy. Yes, paladin rezzes aren't as good as your average cleric rez, but it's a rez for fucks sake. Beggars shouldn't be choosers.

Thing that annoys me is paladins crowding round the Corpse Summoner, camping it for 'res RP'. Not the fact that they are ressing people, but the fact that there were at least 5 40 Rejuv full-heal res clerics ressing there and the pallies were overriding our superior resses just so they can get RP, so they were being the selfish ones and wasting our mana at the same time. We also get more RP per res than them, so even more selfish to your realm mates tbh.


Yep, Paladins should not rez at the CS unless there is too much work for regular clerics. Hate getting a rez from a cleric, and then having a pally override it.
But blaim Mythic, they made it so you can override the rezzes. Do not know why though...
Regards, Glottis


Originally posted by Glottis_Xanadu
Yep, Paladins should not rez at the CS unless there is too much work for regular clerics. Hate getting a rez from a cleric, and then having a pally override it.
But blaim Mythic, they made it so you can override the rezzes. Do not know why though...
Regards, Glottis

Yep all they need to do is make considerd rezzes work like any other spell, highest dmg/buff/lvl wins.

If i rezz with my pally i try to pick the rouge classes first then pure tanks, leave the casters for rejuv speced rezzes


As usual, it is very difficult to understand much of the semi-literate stuff Gorre is spouting, but I can detect a whine when I see one. So, stop whining already, Sunday was one of the coolest RvR days in all of Excalibur's history.


Yep all they need to do is make considerd rezzes work like any other spell, highest dmg/buff/lvl wins.

Unfortunately all spell overwrites in the rest of the game are based on spell level, not on value.

So, thanks to rather shortsighted coding, if conditional rez overwrites were in, pally rezzes would be considered level 30. And so would overwrite everything except the 100% cleric rez. :/

Of course the correct answer is to develop proper spell overwrites based on value in all cases.

As regards pally rezzes in general...

I tend to agree that when 623,847,546,254,318 clerics are sat at the CS it's a bit silly for pallys to be attempting rezzes. And in this situation I half consider declining pally rez, simply because coming up with no power, and extended rez sickness, is of dubious value compared to the cost/benefit of waiting 4 seconds for a cleric rez (particularly since the cleric 100% rez actually costs the realm zero power, since it costs 50% cleric power and gives me 50% cleric power, as well as giving out more RPs).

Following a pally rez on the other hand, one of those clerics will still have to blow almost half their mana healing the target up from 10% HP anyway, but without the benefit of the rezzed target having power, or getting the realm any rp.

But out in the field, away from the summoner, or when there just aren't many clerics nearby I'll take any rez I can get and be grateful.


Originally posted by optical-

Please tell us how the fuck we are supposed to take a keep with 100+ albs dug into it.

and btw didnt you see the constant waves of mids trying to take the keep all day long or are you a blind fuck?

hes right btw ... mids were trying that keep for at last four hours as far as i know (hibbie ranger here) you fecekrs were between me and me meeting up with me group .. suffice to say i didnt make it there heheh but tehre was even number of mids and albs there ... i saw albs zerg out as mid was pushed back and wipeout the mid zerg then i got killed by middy stealthers =/


Originally posted by optical-

Please tell us how the fuck we are supposed to take a keep with 100+ albs dug into it.

and btw didnt you see the constant waves of mids trying to take the keep all day long or are you a blind fuck?

weren't you the same guy whining about albs night raiding?...


Originally posted by old.Ramas
Unfortunately all spell overwrites in the rest of the game are based on spell level, not on value.

Its not like that in all cases, my little reavers sellf dmg buff overwrites an high lvl eb, and the bt on my cabby overwrites any theurg pbt if the theurg is lower level then me


maybe the whole who should rez argument should have its own thread.

Apart from the greedy clerics or buffbots camping the summoner and not being out HEALING PPL IN THE FIRST PLACE one of their arguments is they get more rps for the rez, so they should do the rezzes? do you detest us pallys healing ppl in battle too? its only ghetto heal, rezzing is in the game for more than one class so get over it clerics if you put the amount of effort you do in camping CS and shouting at any pally rezzing into being in rvr and healing people, maybe we wouldent be so lame at rvr, or maybe it would make little difference since the mids are so overpowered now :)


Just curious but do you mids and hibs have this trouble at the CS?

also, did I hear that once the transfercorpse has been used, you do not make any rps from battle for the next 5 minutes from being rezzed? This would cut out all the bullshit from clerics, but make cs camping even worse.

How about pallys rez any1 without any mana (pallys included), clerics do all the casters, no arguments? Of course following something like that wouldent ever happen coz people are just greedy bastards who wanna do their own thing 24/7 as they have the RIGHT TO since they pay for the game.

a rez is a rez and a mouths a mouth



Originally posted by dimerian
I T S O N L Y A G A M E !
Same here :)

ps : Be happy to get a rezz from a cleric/pala/friar , i always will and i die a lot :p ( i'm a sorc :p)



since i play a rej cleric myself...i can tell you i hate the number of times i "waisted" 1/2 bar on a 100% rezz....and you see your teammate being rezzed by a pala or 10% or 30% hp (thank god they changed 12 sec rezz to 4 sec).

most of the time i cast a rezz...dead guy is about to push accept...and he gets like 3-4 new rezzes....and if he is unlucky..he gets a rezz from a pala when there is a 100% rezz casted in the first place (and with adding rp's for least everyone gets rezzed now...)

of course a rezz is a rezz...but when you are near a cs...surrounded by 100 albs... i think pala rezz isn't really needed, unlike in normal RvR...were a pala rezz on a cleric can get a group back at full hp with 1 groupinsta.

about the nottmoor farming...well i was there with my scout, and i had a great time...started at RR2..ended up RR3 (with even logging off for couple hours to eat etc. 20k -> 80k at the end)

it has been a long time since i enjoyed rvr that much (of course the loads op rp helped), 2 doors down..cs dead (omg at sb zergs hehe).....all albs gathered and focused on inc felt like a real war at that time...will they crush us now...or can we still win this?

For once we albs won the battle...and i wanna thank all mids for trying to get it back... and albs for defending it (woot on assist for scouts...bye bye the BT)

I was able to convince a group of scouts my side of the keep to use assist on 1 "main" scout...and from that moment all inc sb's, casters etc went down in no time... was great to see some teamplay in there..even if we weren't in the same group :p

And to those mids thinking it was a relic attempt...
if it really would have been one..we would have taken a lot more keeps to make our lifes with the relicguards a bit easier :p
It was just a great rvr day...for bth sides i think (hibs were asleep i think) :)


Tazzewazzewooo =) thanks for standing on the wall so my shammy could ae dot you all over and over again =).

Nice battle anyway, abit frustrating tho...



when you fire 100 arrows in 1 min...
some DoT's won't hurt...since i had 2 clerics well hidden behind me...out of aoe DoT i knew i would get a heal :)

you can't win all battles...but i think i killed 80% vs being killed 20%... so it wasn't that bad :p



Corpse Summoners are intended to help retrieve relics - some players are using corpse summoners to camp out in keeps and simply defend it, gaining Realm Points all the time. This had led to a situation where some Realms actively do not want their Relics. We're making two changes in this version to incent Realms to want to keep their Relics and to not over-use their Corpse Summoners.

1. Characters who are defending their home frontier against invaders with a corpse summoner in their realm will now receive a 15% RP bonus for each enemy relic they currently control (Up to a 60% total bonus) to recognize the added difficulty of defense in this situation and as an additional relic reward.

2. Characters now will not earn Realm Points in the 30 minutes following a resurrection at a corpse summoner.

It was added to stop things like this basicly as i must admit the state of things at the moment where people cant fail to make rp's out of just slapping a summoner down and pissing about inside a keep and zerging randomly is pretty sucky.

Apart from if you put a summoner in an Alb keep where the only thing you might get thats gonna pull guards is a cave fairy thats wandered too close :p

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