Some questions from a new player


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 21, 2004
Tears said:
That shows a steady decline of players on classic since it was released, it does not show a drop in players since 1.82 went live as was hinted earlier.

Tears 2 Gamah 0 !!


Part of the furniture
Jan 30, 2004
if your coming from a game like WoW, roll a ToA server. Why ?

its important to understand 90% of mmorpgs out there are pve-centric.

the kids want their toys, and lots of em ! ( me included)

ps. all the peeps here advocating glasto all have multiple L50 chars brimming with equipment from the Trials of Atlantis english cluster :m00:


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 11, 2004
Pirkel said:
Basicly by advising people to go Glastonbury you're advising them to miss out on a very large and important expansion that adds lots off interesting end game. For people who played TOA since the beginning and who "have been there done that" Glastonbury might be a nice change of scenery... but again ... for new players it's just a server that is lacking a couple of very interesting and attractive zones.

I am actually one of the people that liked the ToA expansion. It offered alot of high level PvE stuff that previously wasn't present in the game.
It doesn't change the fact that the people play DAoC these days is because the RvR side of the game is superior to all other games out there currently.

Glastonbury gives you the option to get leveled and enjoy what DAoC does better than any other game faster and in a more fun environment (one where everyone isn't already RR6+ with a buffbot). The ToA server has more PvE options sure, but there's games that do PvE much better than DAoC, so if your a fan of PvE you'd probably be better picking one of them.
I'd advise players to roll a character on the cluster to go see ToA and experience it at somepoint sure, but I wouldn't advise a new player to start there at the moment.


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 22, 2004
Go for Camlann, especially if you enjoy a daily arguement!


Glastonbury is ok, little dull though...


Fledgling Freddie
Sep 13, 2005
Golena said:
I am actually one of the people that liked the ToA expansion. It offered alot of high level PvE stuff that previously wasn't present in the game.
It doesn't change the fact that the people play DAoC these days is because the RvR side of the game is superior to all other games out there currently.

Glastonbury gives you the option to get leveled and enjoy what DAoC does better than any other game faster and in a more fun environment (one where everyone isn't already RR6+ with a buffbot). The ToA server has more PvE options sure, but there's games that do PvE much better than DAoC, so if your a fan of PvE you'd probably be better picking one of them.
I'd advise players to roll a character on the cluster to go see ToA and experience it at somepoint sure, but I wouldn't advise a new player to start there at the moment.

Good post... however you might want to be carefull with stating what "the people" play this game for unless I missed the memo where you became "the peoples" spokesperson ;)

No offense I just think that "the people" have been and still are enjoying TOA a lot more then a small, and loud, crowd have been advocating.

I hate to compare the US to us (no pun intended) but look at their Classic servers... if they are any kind of indication rolling there isn't a good idea for anyone but a 100% RvR player.


One of Freddy's beloved
Dec 22, 2003
vampiir on Excalibur.
dont need a buffbot(second accout with a class that enhances ppl and heals)
excalibur have access to Toa (loads of cool abilitys and items)
vamps absolutly rock solo in pve(killing npc monsters) and are good in rvr-pvp(killing real ppl but in the game ofc).

glas server will be dead and buried within a year.
excal will live forver (well not quite but long.)


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 24, 2003
roll both since your interested in mid and hib. i'd suggest glastonbury for your first experience as the lowbie zones on excal/pryd are a wasteland. theres still ppl to grp with on glasto and u can be 50 and rvr(pvp) ready faster and easier there.

later on when u know wether u like the game (or are addicted ;) ) roll excal/pryd to sample Trials of Atlantis flavoured daoc...


Part of the furniture
Dec 24, 2003
Tears said:
And how long to level the artifact ? :)

I was doing 1 level on Malice Axe per 30 mins on my RANGER which is an absolute joke to PVE with.

To compare: On my Valewalker I did a level on Spear of Kings every 20 mins. 2 hours to get all of your artifacts levelled isnt too much work.

In a Fins-group it goes about in 1,5-2 hours to level all arti's to 10. I imagine a Moderna/AC-group does it in about the same.

I would strongly advice to actually do pick a TOA-server (eg. Excal/Pryd-cluster). Pick a class who can reliably solo, both in PvE as in RvR. Vampiir (Hibernia), Heretic (Albion), Friar (Albion) are all solid choices. Midgard is abit more tricky, not a real 'solo class' in that realm who can do it as good/fast as in Albion/Hibernia, but if you choose to pick Midgard a Darkness Spiritmaster seems quite oki.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 25, 2003
I would advice you to pick a Thane or Bonedancer if u choose Midgard, both are strong in PVE, even at low levels so you won't have a very hard time because your equipment isn't perfect.
Thane is a hybrid between nuking and fighting - theyr sweet and a lot fall for them right away when they see the lightning they throw. Also used a lot in high end pve against the big bosses. Valkyrie uses the same princip as the thane but is a little weaker if you ask me, but try it out and find the one you think is cool :) My first character at release was a thane(lvl6), then a runemaster(lvl 11), spiritmaster(lvl 7) and finally the Beserker who i took to 50 :D

The bonedancer is a caster who uses he's pets to do a great deal of fighting for him, or he can choose to fight and just let the pets help him (depending on spec). Quite powerfull against yellow mobs and lower and after level 18 he have a hard time dieing against mobs to he's level. Kills a little slower than the Thane but nothing bad.


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 3, 2004
come midgaard, roll a shaman...

Sure they solo quite bad, but you wont ever have to ... everyone want a shammy :cheers:

but the good thing about shammies, noone really expect anything from you.
And what they DO expect is very easy to overcome.
Its a good way to learn classes, the difference on buffs and no buffs, and its always useful should you (like many others) decide to get a 2nd account.


Loyal Freddie
Jan 22, 2005
my advice

Go Glastonbury , Easier server for a newcomer. to much info to absorb imo in TOA for a newbie.

Hibernia ,, Vampiir (good at solo vs monsters and Other Players.)

Albion ,, Friar (as above)

Midgard ,, Thane or Spirit Master (sm u can let pet kill monsters for you)


Fuck the Tories!
FH Subscriber
Dec 27, 2003
there is no reason to play on the classic server these days, toa is so easy (some even think to easy) all you need to do is attend the raids, which are usually quite fun, meet lots of new people, have a laugh. far better than farming darkspire (high end pve dungeon) 100 times (1 hour each time) artifact rushes happen, they take a few hours and you get credit for all you need.

as for classes, for a beginner i would suggest;
Vamp, enchanter or animist
Heretic, sorc or cabby


Dec 22, 2003
Tears said:
That shows a steady decline of players on classic since it was released, it does not show a drop in players since 1.82 went live as was hinted earlier.

Nowhere did I mention 1.82 or even hint that I was talking about 1.82. I said classic is losing its player base to cluster again. So in TearsWorld© does the word "again" have a time frame?


Part of the furniture
Dec 27, 2003
Personly i just dont want to have to pay for a BB to solo.


Fledgling Freddie
Aug 3, 2004
IMO DR braught to the game what ToA should have.

If completing master levels 1 through 10 gave my character a 100pt heal, a short burst of +10% resists, a melee style for a caster then that would have been cool but it didnt. Some of the abilaties are way overpowered and necessary for a cluster RvR group

ToA was fun the first time, but having to repeat all those extra ML's, scrolls, artifacts, leveling artifacts, MLXP for *every* character became a pain. So lets be serious and see whats needed for each character before standing a chance in RvR

with glast :-

Level a character from 1 to 50
Arange a DS weekly farm
Get your champion weapon
Kill the Co5

and on cluster :-

Level a character from 20 to 50
Farm some scrolls
Arange a group to help do artifact encounters
Level artifacts
Do your master levels 1-10
(Get your champ weapon)
(Kill the Co5)

So on glast you can have a RvR ready toon within a week of hitting 50, on cluster thats more like 3 or 4 weeks (assuming there are people around to do the ML's)


Dec 22, 2003
Tears said:
So on glast you can have a RvR ready toon within a week of hitting 50, on cluster thats more like 3 or 4 weeks (assuming there are people around to do the ML's)

Someone hasn't played 1.82?

Could toa a class easy in a week now too, and FYI not all classes need to be ML10 to "compete" casters need like ml4 :|


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 7, 2004
Tears said:
Arange a DS weekly farm

So on glast you can have a RvR ready toon within a week of hitting 50, )

so your gonna get ALL your ds items for your template within a week?

i got som, gov,scalars,wh an darkness stone on my scout in less then 24 hours after the new patch .


Part of the furniture
Dec 27, 2003
Eeben said:
so your gonna get ALL your ds items for your template within a week?

i got som, gov,scalars,wh an darkness stone on my scout in less then 24 hours after the new patch .

Ya but you gotta level em, and MLs are just massive time consuming endevors, ok they are fun but they still reqiure huge amounts of organising


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 7, 2004
Jeros said:
Ya but you gotta level em, and MLs are just massive time consuming endevors, ok they are fun but they still reqiure huge amounts of organising

takes 5 hours max to lvl them :) an if you do like me an get all your artis at lvl 47 an then lvl to 50 you can do both at once .. an you dont need ml's that bad tbh, really depens on what you play.. as a scout i only need it for zephyre wich is 15 min reuse time.. can easy live with out that for the first months..


Dec 22, 2003
Jeros said:
Ya but you gotta level em, and MLs are just massive time consuming endevors, ok they are fun but they still reqiure huge amounts of organising

Leveling takes like 2-3 hours :|, Or in classic time thats 1.5 darkspire raids.


Fledgling Freddie
Apr 4, 2004
Cylian said:
dark? you mean the bright green golf club ? :p

whatever! im colorblind!!! (not realy, but sometimes i wish i it the red or the blue wire? :eek7: )


Fledgling Freddie
Aug 3, 2004
Gamah said:
Someone hasn't played 1.82?

Could toa a class easy in a week now too, and FYI not all classes need to be ML10 to "compete" casters need like ml4 :|

Roflmao there is no way you will farm your scrolls, do your artifact encounters, level your artifacts and get your ML's within a week - not even in 1.82 unless you have a personal army of players to help you through.

and I completely disagree a caster that is ML4 is lacking brittle and ML9 pet (assuming there a sorc,cabby,sm,chanter,etc..)

Jesus - get a grip !


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 7, 2004
Tears said:
Roflmao there is no way you will farm your scrolls, do your artifact encounters, level your artifacts and get your ML's within a week - not even in 1.82 unless you have a personal army of players to help you through.

and I completely disagree a caster that is ML4 is lacking brittle and ML9 pet (assuming there a sorc,cabby,sm,chanter,etc..)

Jesus - get a grip !

but you can do all those exept mls but those can you always get with time


Fledgling Freddie
Aug 3, 2004
Eeben said:
but you can do all those exept mls but those can you always get with time

Exactly - and thats the point.


Fledgling Freddie
Aug 3, 2004
Eeben said:
But ml's is really not that needed imo :) depens on how good you are ofc ;)

and depends who your fighting - at the end of the day the grind to get a character to a level set for RvR on cluster *IS* longer than on glast, now if you like that grind then fine, if you dont - well theres a different server now.

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