Some people suck bad.....



I tried bargaining with him. But he wanted 60% markup and no budge. I even told him, I would do his tailoring/armorcrafting with no markup, as a mutual benefit, but still no budge. However, I agree with some of you that it is troublesome, yet what u must realize is this is not a real life world. The money here is useless to us irl, so please do not go on about the irl situations please. I do agree that sc is cheaper because of the choice of differnet lvl gems. I would also agree that sc would prefer a higher markup than the usual 10-30%. Maybe a 40-50% would be acceptable. But when u demand a 50-75%, than it is a bit greedy. And as I said, this is imo, because lots of scers still do it 20%, and for these people, I will give them the cost of guild price if they want any armor since I have a lgm Tailor and AC. Therefore it is balance, but some people jsut want gold it seems. Anyway, the idea about free market, and stuff is not right. Because a small community of 1-3 thousand people, came to be friends, and not to use this as a making money mechanism.


havent trawled through this thread, but i only buy from people i know.. most of the crafter types we have in guild, and its fine

only problem i have is, as a bard, i need a fletcher, and all fletchers seem to charge really, really, really crazy prices.

99% drum, 300g, +60 per remake

cost 60g to make from materials

ok, sure, thats if i wanted a set quality and allowing for retries
but whats to stop that guy making a 99% drum first go and just keep on crafting saying he hasnt got one?

yeah yeah sure, you can say all this crap about trust etc, but people looking to set prices high in the first place usually dont care for that, they want their cash, thats my thinking.


Originally posted by old.Tzeentch
..., but i only buy from people i know..

make a fellow crafter your friend and it will help loads :)

ask Niljindil :D


1. cba
2. cba

mmm Just to annoy Laryssa a bit :p

/kiss @ Laryssa :wub:


Originally posted by old.Tzeentch
yeah yeah sure, you can say all this crap about trust etc, but people looking to set prices high in the first place usually dont care for that, they want their cash, thats my thinking.



Originally posted by Etherion
Whats up with the greed of people these days? I feel sorry for the crafters that spend hours and hours and days and weeks trying to get mps and then, we only charge cost price, and 20% markup, and maybe even less if we feel guilty for giving them a big retry item. However, the people who do sc and alc, I wonder why u started them? I asked a lgm scer how much would his markup be, and his answer was 50-75% markup. WTF!!!! Poor guild crafters craft for hardly any markup, and yet these people charge 50%-75%? you don't even need mp gems, only 99% gems at max. What can they be thinking about? And if the item goes boom, it;s not their fault, its not them running to df and farm gold again. Why, oh why are these people so greedy???

OKi I cba to read this whole thread, only the few posts.....and afaik ur a tailor.....dude have u ever tried SC? It's kinda not at all like tailoring, WC or AC. It's ALOT of work and take much consentration and time. When making MPs we just have to push the same freakin button many times heh :p

Beleave me those who bother to do SC jobs deservs this big markup, cause gems themselves don't cost shit so they wouln't earn anything on taking SC orders if they don't charge that much, when you think about how much time and consentration they put into it.

Just my thoughts about it. :D


Afauk, you know nothing. I have tailor 1156, and armor 1147. When I make scale, I have to do it on 2 comps, controlling both runnign to each other, etc. After patch, I made someones scale Hauberk af102. It took something like 35 tries for a 99% and still there wasn't any. Do u want to calculate that m8? Time, gold etc.... You want to know what i did? it took 4.5 p for that hauberk alone. and he still needed leggings and cap. WHat I did was sell him that hauberk, a scale cap, and a MP scale leggings for 7p. And it took me 11 trys for the cap. Just the cap and hauberk,runs up to around 6p. And this took me lots of time, and lots of stress. Tell me now that scers deserve 70%markup. So, before saying afaik, make sure what u know please.


lol, want me to be impressed now? don't think I know how AC and tailoring are? I got 1100+ AC myself, and I've been selling alot of scale and doing a tailor on another account. So don't tell me how AC just sat the fact that you know alot about tailoring and AC but still don't know jack shit about SC's 2 diff worlds, k :m00:


wonder why it's still lots of AC, WC and tailors around crafting and taking orders but close to ZERO SCers cause they CBA to do it cause of so much work for little effort cause gems don't cost much. And a small % markup on that you would earn just as much as rerolling a lvl 1 magician and hunt feccans in ardee :p


Originally posted by Etherion
Tell me now that scers deserve 70%markup. So, before saying afaik, make sure what u know please.

Why all the whine ?

Find a cheaper one of skill up SC yourself (since u already used to crafting it should be no problem).

:eek: :sleeping:


Originally posted by old.Laryssa
Why all the whine ?

Find a cheaper one of skill up SC yourself (since u already used to crafting it should be no problem).

:eek: :sleeping:

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