Some people just do not deserve to live..


I am a FH squatter
Jul 24, 2004
Yet many people in this thread have, in the past, made jokes about the death of Jade Goody/Bin Laden/Princess Diana etc.

they weren't tortured and burried alive, also jokes aren't actual opinions, they're jokes

saying who cares basicly means you don't think it's an issue, that you think that's somthing that's ok to do

no ones saying any of us should take an active interest in it but saying it doesn't matter it just a dog is condoning it as acceptable behavior

and if you think thats acceptable behavior you fail as a human


FH is my second home
Dec 22, 2003
It´s not quite the same though. Making jokes about something doesn´t mean you don´t care. In fact, it can be an indicator that you DO care. Remember the memorial speech for Graham Chapman by John Cleese? Just an example, there might be more suitable ones, but you get my point.

And the key difference between this case and Jade Goody/Michael Jackson/Princess Diana etc is, that these people just died in a more or less "normal" way. If one of them would have been tortured to death, I doubt that these jokes would have been posted.


Trem's hunky sex love muffin
Dec 20, 2003
personally, I do not approve of torturing an animal. recently iirc here in the NL some retards set a horse on fire. I have no qualms at all about having scum like that erased from the gene pool.

on the other hand, there are good odds that I would happily eat a well grilled dog, or kill one for consumption if I was hungry. I'd do that to most animals.


I am a FH squatter
Jul 24, 2004
personally, I do not approve of torturing an animal. recently iirc here in the NL some retards set a horse on fire. I have no qualms at all about having scum like that erased from the gene pool.

on the other hand, there are good odds that I would happily eat a well grilled dog, or kill one for consumption if I was hungry. I'd do that to most animals.

ye but their is a massive difference between killing and animal, and torturing one

if this was a story of dog shot once through brain then eaten for dinner i don't think it would be as much of an issue (ofc some people wouldn't liek the thought still as family pets ect) as morally there's nothign wrong with that, it's nature

same as if this thread was about a dog that just died or was hit by a car or whatever it wouldn't be newsworthy

but it's the fact that they've tortured a dog shooting it a ridiculas amount of times then burying it while it's still alive, FOR FUN!!!!!

and if that doesn't make you think these people are sick and the worlds better of without them maybe you need to look at yourself and think are you one of them? (not you teedles as i'm quoting you but just genrally anyone reading this)


Part of the furniture
Jul 14, 2007
What people dont realise is that Animals Cannot say or choose for whats going to happen... people can... I just find this sick... I just dont understand peoples mentality towards animals as they see it to be 'fun'.


Trem's hunky sex love muffin
Dec 20, 2003
ye but their is a massive difference between killing and animal, and torturing one

I know this. I can read so I know what those people did. Like I said, I don't approve, and fwiw I hope the fuckers get their comeuppance, but call me jaded all you like: other than a vague feeling of sadness for the state of the human race I'm not losing a minute's sleep over this.


I am a FH squatter
Jul 24, 2004
I know this. I can read so I know what those people did. Like I said, I don't approve, and fwiw I hope the fuckers get their comeuppance, but call me jaded all you like: other than a vague feeling of sadness for the state of the human race I'm not losing a minute's sleep over this.

no neither am i, nor i think is anyone else here.

but u know it's sick and wrong, you're not saying it doesnt matter who gives a fuck it's only a dog ect ect


Trem's hunky sex love muffin
Dec 20, 2003
err yeah, that's right. I would probably not say that. different strokes for different folks.


Resident Freddy
Dec 22, 2003
Ever killed a spider?
By accident yes, tortured it, no. I´ve killed a deer i saw on the side of the freeway was hit by a car, could back of its body twister almost 180 degrees it was still braying and moving around, so took out my knife, walked up behind it slowly, put coat over head and slit its throat, thought it was the human thing to do, istead of letting it suffer.


Part of the furniture
Jul 26, 2007
Be honest, did this upset you more than the woman in Tenerife that had her head chopped off in a supermarket?

It amazes me that without fail, people on forums start posting about revenge, torturing the fuckers back etc. when there is an animal involved. As someone else said, when a woman has her head chopped off jokes start flying round.

People will enjoy movies like Saw, Hostel etc. and then get majorly wound up by things like this.


FH is my second home
Nov 7, 2004
Be honest, did this upset you more than the woman in Tenerife that had her head chopped off in a supermarket?

It amazes me that without fail, people on forums start posting about revenge, torturing the fuckers back etc. when there is an animal involved. As someone else said, when a woman has her head chopped off jokes start flying round.

People will enjoy movies like Saw, Hostel etc. and then get majorly wound up by things like this.

Humans on a bandwagon shocker?


Balls of steel
Dec 22, 2003
if this was a story of dog shot once through brain then eaten for dinner i don't think it would be as much of an issue (ofc some people wouldn't liek the thought still as family pets ect) as morally there's nothign wrong with that, it's nature

Right, so if it's natural it's ok?

Ever seen a lion rip the throat out of a antelope (or whatever)? Ever seen wild dogs attack and kill a cow over the course of hours (effectively torture)?

Nature, at it's very heart, is pure violence and survival. There are no morals except what we make up. In this case, torturing a dog (that was probably a stray and pissing off the people who killed it) to death is against said morals.

But really, REALLY, deep down - who cares? It's one mote of pain and anguish in a cacophony. It's one dog (in the newspaper) vs the 500 dogs killed violently that day that were not reported (or cared about).

Shall we light a candle for every violently killed creature? Shall we parade around in our expensive, fossil fuelled cars and clothes (oil based fabrics) and pretend we give a shit about anyone or anything but ourselves? How many poor baby dolphins have we each killed by proxy due to buying oil or petrol? How many tiny flies have we murdered by subtly changing the climate and turning whole ecosystems upside down?

Grow up and accept the extreme hypocracy of what is being said. I feel for the dog, but I honestly don't give a fuck.


FH is my second home
Jan 23, 2004
Be honest, did this upset you more than the woman in Tenerife that had her head chopped off in a supermarket?

Yeap, to any degree. But i've not hidden the fact that i'd rather shoot a baby then a puppy.

Chilly; nothing about growing up, some just give a f*ck and do about the thousands and thousands of other animals as well. You don't, fine.

There's no torture in nature, there's a point to it all, this is pointless.


Trem's hunky sex love muffin
Dec 20, 2003
Chilly; nothing about growing up, some just give a f*ck and do about the thousands and thousands of other animals as well. You don't, fine.

imo this has more to do with seeing things in perspective than about growing up. iirc the human mind is actually incapable of registering emotion on a scale needed to contain all the nasty in the world. that's why people can get all worked up about the plight of few, whereas say a million dogs dying in a fire is a tragedy that nobody ends up caring about (unless their own pet happened to be one of those involved).


I am a FH squatter
Jul 24, 2004
the key difference is all those things you listed are about survival, nature, killing to eat ect ect ect

this was pointless cruelty so some sad **** could feel more powerful than the dog they toture for FUN if u think the world is a better palce with people like that in it and it's justified and acceptable then you're a twisted little prick and the world would probly also be better without you

anything that is a means to an end can usually be justified but when the "end" is i just felt like it cos it was fun then how is that ok?


Resident Freddy
Dec 22, 2003
Ever seen a lion rip the throat out of a antelope (or whatever)? Ever seen wild dogs attack and kill a cow over the course of hours (effectively torture)?

But really, REALLY, deep down - who cares? It's one mote of pain and anguish in a cacophony. It's one dog (in the newspaper) vs the 500 dogs killed violently that day that were not reported (or cared about).
Wild dogs as in wild dogs, or dogs gone feral? Feral dogs are our own fault, they should be taken care of, in one way or another, some can be rehabilitated, some are to far gone, wild dogs do what they can to survive, this has nothing to do with man trying to survive, just pure malice. And that is what we humans are so good at, torturing other beings, animal and human alike. I can only care about what i know. If i dont know something has happened, how can its hard to care about it.


FH is my second home
Dec 23, 2003
Be honest, did this upset you more than the woman in Tenerife that had her head chopped off in a supermarket?

Actually it did, and for 2 reasons.

She was beheaded so she died reasonably fast, although she was terrified just before because the guy had been harassing her.

Secondly they had no pictures of her dead body, just a wall of text and a picture of her living and smiling. And the guy actually wanted to kill her, not torture her first.

This dog on the other hand has both pictures and a video, it's also blatantly clear that the people that did this were primarily after to torture the dog rather then to kill it. Yes they probably wanted it to die at some point, but that weren't what they were after when they started to shoot it in the head with a BB gun and breaking it's legs....

Yes its sad that the woman died but i just can not emotionally attach myself to it for above reasons.

On the other hand, if they wouldn't have shown pictures and/or videos on the dog buried and just wrote a few sentences about it i probably wouldn't have cared much about that either.

Call me weird or heartless, but reading about horrible stuff and see no evidence about it hardly does nothing for me emotionally. At best i can muster a "aww that's sad" and then go read a comic...

It's just the way i am.


Aug 24, 2008
Right, so if it's natural it's ok?

Ever seen a lion rip the throat out of a antelope (or whatever)? Ever seen wild dogs attack and kill a cow over the course of hours (effectively torture)?

Nature, at it's very heart, is pure violence and survival. There are no morals except what we make up. In this case, torturing a dog (that was probably a stray and pissing off the people who killed it) to death is against said morals.

But really, REALLY, deep down - who cares? It's one mote of pain and anguish in a cacophony. It's one dog (in the newspaper) vs the 500 dogs killed violently that day that were not reported (or cared about).

Shall we light a candle for every violently killed creature? Shall we parade around in our expensive, fossil fuelled cars and clothes (oil based fabrics) and pretend we give a shit about anyone or anything but ourselves? How many poor baby dolphins have we each killed by proxy due to buying oil or petrol? How many tiny flies have we murdered by subtly changing the climate and turning whole ecosystems upside down?

Grow up and accept the extreme hypocracy of what is being said. I feel for the dog, but I honestly don't give a fuck.
It's ok, you don't care about people torturing animals.

Don't come and complain on fh when someone breaks your nose in a pub because you spilled a drink by accident. It happens everyday and no one gives a fuck .... if only the world had this attitude, it would be a fucking mess, I suppose you disagree with RSPCA also?


Resident Freddy
Jan 19, 2004
what if the dog raped his daughter? would it then be acceptable?

and if it in turns was a human who raped somebody daughter, shooting him in the head and burrying him would be a preferable choice of punishment it seems?


I am a FH squatter
Jul 24, 2004
what if the dog raped his daughter? would it then be acceptable?

and if it in turns was a human who raped somebody daughter, shooting him in the head and burrying him would be a preferable choice of punishment it seems?

i'm sorry what?

if someone captured and tortured someone else who had raped thier daughter it would be understandable, wrong probly, but understandable

but wtf has that got to do with anything?

animal cruelty for self enjoyment is ok cos they probly had it coming?



Aug 24, 2008
i'm sorry what?

if someone captured and tortured someone else who had raped thier daughter it would be understandable, wrong probly, but understandable

but wtf has that got to do with anything?

animal cruelty for self enjoyment is ok cos they probly had it coming?

The guys that don't have a problem with it, are the kinda people that would do that type of thing. You've seen them, the quiet bullyed ones in school, 10 years later, their the craigslist serial killer. Torturing animals in their spare time and watching beheaded and snuff videos online.


Giant Thundercunt
FH Subscriber
Dec 22, 2003
Well there is a big difference between a tasteless joke and doin something to physicaly hurt another living being.

And there's a big difference about doing something physically to hurt another living being and having a huge over the top emotional reaction to yet another animal cruelty story.

saying it doesn't matter it just a dog is condoning it as acceptable behavior

Even when he condemned the behaviour?

Some people have got their pious heads way to far up their own arses.

Oh, and I was glad to see Jade Goody go. :)


I am a FH squatter
Jul 24, 2004
And there's a big difference about doing something physically to hurt another living being and not a shit and having a huge over the top emotional reaction to yet another animal cruelty story.

Even when he condemned the behaviour?

Some people have got their pious heads way to far up their own arses.

Oh, and I was glad to see Jade Goody go. :)

you must have a pretty pathetic life if Jade Goody dying actually brought you joy.....

i didn't give a shit one way of the other about her, shame for the kids ect but i lsot no sleep, wouldn't ever say i was glad some one like that died, not as if she was evil


Giant Thundercunt
FH Subscriber
Dec 22, 2003
You know nothing of my life gohan. To be fair, it looks like you know nothing much at all...

Aaaanyway - I was pleased that I wouldn't have to walk past news stands and have her ugly mug make a little bit of sick come involuntarily into my throat any more.

That, and she both represented and stimulated an awful lot that is shit and wrong about humans. Her not being in the world for chavs to obsess over any more probably made the world a better place.

Felt more for the dog than I did for her - and I haven't even read this particular tale of woe.

Still. I never wished death on her...

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